De obras de Swedenborg


True Christianity #1

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1. True Christianity

Containing a Comprehensive Theology of the New Heaven and the New Church

The Faith of the New Heaven and the New Church

THE faith of the new heaven and the new church is stated here in both universal and specific forms to serve as the face of the work that follows, the doorway that allows entry into the temple, and the summary that in one way or another contains all the details to follow. I say "the faith of the new heaven and the new church" because heaven, where there are angels, and the church, in which there are people, act together like the inner and the outer levels in a human being. People in the church who love what is good because they believe what is true and who believe what is true because they love what is good are angels of heaven with regard to the inner levels of their minds. After death they come into heaven, and enjoy happiness there according to the relationship between their love and their faith. It is important to know that the new heaven that the Lord is establishing today has this faith as its face, doorway, and summary.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

De obras de Swedenborg


True Christianity #244

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244. The church depends on its understanding of the Word because it depends on true perceptions related to faith and good actions related to goodwill. These true perceptions and good actions are universal characteristics that not only spread out across the entire literal meaning of the Word but also lie hidden within it like valuables in a safe.

The features of the Word's literal meaning are apparent to all of us because they meet our eyes directly. The features that lie hidden in the spiritual meaning, however, are not apparent to any except those who love truths because they are true and who do good things because they are good things to do. The treasures that the literal meaning covers and guards are revealed to these people. These treasures are the things that essentially constitute the church.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

De obras de Swedenborg


True Christianity #357

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357. (b) We are able to acquire goodwill for ourselves. The situation here is the same as the situation with faith. What else does the Word teach except faith and goodwill? These two are essential for salvation. We read,

You are to love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul, and your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39)

And Jesus said, "I give you a command to love each other. You will be recognized as disciples of mine by the fact that you love each other. " (John 13:34-35; ; )

There are also teachings to the effect that we need to bear fruit the way a good tree does and that those who do good things will be rewarded in the resurrection, not to mention many other teachings. What would be the point of these teachings if we were unable to practice goodwill on our own or to acquire it for ourselves in any way? We are able to make charitable donations, to help the needy, to do good things in our home and in our work. We are able to live by the Ten Commandments. We have a soul that enables us to do these things, and a rational mind we can use to make ourselves move toward this or that goal. We are able to plan to put these actions into effect because they have been commanded in the Word, and therefore by God. No human being lacks this power. We all have it because God gives it to us all, and gives it as our own possession. As we practice acts of goodwill, surely we all feel that we are doing so on our own.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.