La Biblia


Ezekiel 28



1 και-C γιγνομαι-VBI-AMI3S λογος-N2--NSM κυριος-N2--GSM προς-P εγω- P--AS λεγω-V1--PAPNSM

2 και-C συ- P--NS υιος-N2--VSM ανθρωπος-N2--GSM ειπον-VB--AAD2S ο- A--DSM αρχων-N3--DSM *τυρος-N2--GSF οδε- D--APN λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM αντι-P ος- --GPM υψοω-VCI-API3S συ- P--GS ο- A--NSF καρδια-N1A-NSF και-C ειπον-VAI-AAI2S θεος-N2--NSM ειμι-V9--PAI1S εγω- P--NS κατοικια-N1A-ASF θεος-N2--GSM καταοικεω-VX--XAI1S εν-P καρδια-N1A-DSF θαλασσα-N1S-GSF συ- P--NS δε-X ειμι-V9--PAI2S ανθρωπος-N2--NSM και-C ου-D θεος-N2--NSM και-C διδωμι-VAI-AAI2S ο- A--ASF καρδια-N1A-ASF συ- P--GS ως-C καρδια-N1A-ASF θεος-N2--GSM

3 μη-D σοφος-A1--NSMC ειμι-V9--PAI2S συ- P--NS ο- A--GSM *δανιηλ-N---GSM σοφος-A1--NPM ου-D παιδευω-VAI-AAI3P συ- P--AS ο- A--DSF επιστημη-N1--DSF αυτος- D--GPM

4 μη-D εν-P ο- A--DSF επιστημη-N1--DSF συ- P--GS η-C εν-P ο- A--DSF φρονησις-N3I-DSF συ- P--GS ποιεω-VAI-AAI2S σεαυτου- D--DSM δυναμις-N3I-ASF και-C χρυσιον-N2N-ASN και-C αργυριον-N2N-ASN εν-P ο- A--DPM θησαυρος-N2--DPM συ- P--GS

5 εν-P ο- A--DSF πολυς-A1--DSF επιστημη-N1--DSF συ- P--GS και-C εμπορια-N1A-DSF συ- P--GS πληθυνω-VAI-AAI2S δυναμις-N3I-ASF συ- P--GS υψοω-VCI-API3S ο- A--NSF καρδια-N1A-NSF συ- P--GS εν-P ο- A--DSF δυναμις-N3I-DSF συ- P--GS

6 δια-P ουτος- D--ASN οδε- D--APN λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM επειδη-C διδωμι-VX--XAI2S ο- A--ASF καρδια-N1A-ASF συ- P--GS ως-C καρδια-N1A-ASF θεος-N2--GSM

7 αντι-P ουτος- D--GSM ιδου-I εγω- P--NS επιαγω-V1--PAI1S επι-P συ- P--AS αλλοτριος-A1A-APM λοιμος-N2--APM απο-P εθνος-N3E-GPN και-C εκκενοω-VF--FAI3P ο- A--APF μαχαιρα-N1--APF αυτος- D--GPM επι-P συ- P--AS και-C επι-P ο- A--ASN καλλος-N3E-ASN ο- A--GSF επιστημη-N1--GSF συ- P--GS και-C υποστρωννυω-VF--FAI3P ο- A--ASN καλλος-N3E-ASN συ- P--GS εις-P απωλεια-N1A-ASF

8 και-C καταβιβαζω-VF--FAI3P συ- P--AS και-C αποθνησκω-VF2-FMI2S θανατος-N2--DSM τραυματιας-N1T-GPM εν-P καρδια-N1A-DSF θαλασσα-N1S-GSF

9 μη-D λεγω-V1--PAPNSM ειπον-VF2-FAI2S θεος-N2--NSM ειμι-V9--PAI1S εγω- P--NS ενωπιον-P ο- A--GPM ανααιρεω-V2--PAPGPM συ- P--AS συ- P--NS δε-X ειμι-V9--PAI2S ανθρωπος-N2--NSM και-C ου-D θεος-N2--NSM εν-P πληθος-N3E-DSN

10 απεριτμητος-A1B-GPM αποολλυω-VF2-FMI2S εν-P χειρ-N3--DPF αλλοτριος-A1A-GPM οτι-C εγω- P--NS λαλεω-VAI-AAI1S λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM

11 και-C γιγνομαι-VBI-AMI3S λογος-N2--NSM κυριος-N2--GSM προς-P εγω- P--AS λεγω-V1--PAPNSM

12 υιος-N2--VSM ανθρωπος-N2--GSM λαμβανω-VB--AAD2S θρηνος-N2--ASM επι-P ο- A--ASM αρχων-N3--ASM *τυρος-N2--GSF και-C ειπον-VB--AAD2S αυτος- D--DSM οδε- D--APN λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM κυριος-N2--NSM συ- P--NS αποσφραγισμα-N3M-NSN ομοιωσις-N3I-GSF και-C στεφανος-N2--NSM καλλος-N3E-GSN

13 εν-P ο- A--DSF τρυφη-N1--DSF ο- A--GSM παραδεισος-N2--GSM ο- A--GSM θεος-N2--GSM γιγνομαι-VCI-API2S πας-A3--NSN λιθος-N2--ASM χρηστος-A1--ASM ενδεω-VM--XMI2S σαρδιον-N2N-ASN και-C τοπαζιον-N2N-ASN και-C σμαραγδος-N2--ASM και-C ανθραξ-N3K-ASM και-C σαπφειρος-N2--ASF και-C ιασπις-N3D-ASF και-C αργυριον-N2N-ASN και-C χρυσιον-N2N-ASN και-C λιγυριον-N2N-ASN και-C αχατης-N1M-ASM και-C αμεθυστος-N2--ASN και-C χρυσολιθος-N2--ASF και-C βηρυλλιον-N2N-ASN και-C ονυχιον-N2N-ASN και-C χρυσιον-N2N-GSN ενπιμπλημι-VAI-AAI2S ο- A--APM θησαυρος-N2--APM συ- P--GS και-C ο- A--APF αποθηκη-N1--APF συ- P--GS εν-P συ- P--DS απο-P ος- --GSF ημερα-N1A-GSF κτιζω-VSI-API2S συ- P--NS

14 μετα-P ο- A--GSN χερουβ-N---GSN τιθημι-VAI-AAI1S συ- P--AS εν-P ορος-N3E-DSN αγιος-A1A-DSN θεος-N2--GSM γιγνομαι-VCI-API2S εν-P μεσος-A1--DSM λιθος-N2--GPM πυρινος-A1--GPM

15 γιγνομαι-VCI-API2S αμωμος-A1B-NSM συ- P--NS εν-P ο- A--DPF ημερα-N1A-DPF συ- P--GS απο-P ος- --GSF ημερα-N1A-GSF συ- P--NS κτιζω-VSI-API2S εως-D ευρισκω-VC--API3S ο- A--NPN αδικημα-N3M-NPN εν-P συ- P--DS

16 απο-P πληθος-N3E-GSN ο- A--GSF εμπορια-N1A-GSF συ- P--GS πιμπλημι-VAI-AAI2S ο- A--APN ταμιειον-N2N-APN συ- P--GS ανομια-N1A-GSF και-C αμαρτανω-VBI-AAI2S και-C τραυματιζω-VSI-API2S απο-P ορος-N3E-GSN ο- A--GSM θεος-N2--GSM και-C αγω-VBI-AAI3S συ- P--AS ο- A--NSN χερουβ-N---NSN εκ-P μεσος-A1--GSM λιθος-N2--GPM πυρινος-A1--GPM

17 υψοω-VCI-API3S ο- A--NSF καρδια-N1A-NSF συ- P--GS επι-P ο- A--DSN καλλος-N3E-DSN συ- P--GS διαφθειρω-VDI-API3S ο- A--NSF επιστημη-N1--NSF συ- P--GS μετα-P ο- A--GSN καλλος-N3E-GSN συ- P--GS δια-P πληθος-N3E-ASN αμαρτια-N1A-GPF συ- P--GS επι-P ο- A--ASF γη-N1--ASF ριπτω-VAI-AAI1S συ- P--AS εναντιον-P βασιλευς-N3V-GPM διδωμι-VAI-AAI1S συ- P--AS παραδειγματιζω-VS--APN

18 δια-P ο- A--ASN πληθος-N3E-ASN ο- A--GPF αμαρτια-N1A-GPF συ- P--GS και-C ο- A--GPF αδικια-N1A-GPF ο- A--GSF εμπορια-N1A-GSF συ- P--GS βεβηλοω-VAI-AAI2S ο- A--APN ιερον-N2N-APN συ- P--GS και-C εκαγω-VF--FAI1S πυρ-N3--ASN εκ-P μεσος-A1--GSM συ- P--GS ουτος- D--ASN καταεσθιω-VF--FMI3S συ- P--AS και-C διδωμι-VF--FAI1S συ- P--AS εις-P σποδος-N2--ASF επι-P ο- A--GSF γη-N1--GSF συ- P--GS εναντιον-P πας-A3--GPM ο- A--GPM οραω-V3--PAPGPM συ- P--AS

19 και-C πας-A3--NPM ο- A--NPM επιιστημι-V6--PMPNPM συ- P--AS εν-P ο- A--DPN εθνος-N3E-DPN στυγναζω-VF--FAI3P επι-P συ- P--AS απωλεια-N1A-NSF γιγνομαι-VBI-AMI2S και-C ου-D υποαρχω-VF--FAI2S ετι-D εις-P ο- A--ASM αιων-N3W-ASM

20 και-C γιγνομαι-VBI-AMI3S λογος-N2--NSM κυριος-N2--GSM προς-P εγω- P--AS λεγω-V1--PAPNSM

21 υιος-N2--VSM ανθρωπος-N2--GSM στηριζω-VA--AAD2S ο- A--ASN προσωπον-N2N-ASN συ- P--GS επι-P *σιδων-N---ASF και-C προφητευω-VA--AAD2S επι-P αυτος- D--ASF

22 και-C ειπον-VB--AAD2S οδε- D--APN λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM ιδου-I εγω- P--NS επι-P συ- P--AS *σιδων-N---VSF και-C ενδοξαζομαι-VS--FPI1S εν-P συ- P--DS και-C γιγνωσκω-VF--FMI2S οτι-C εγω- P--NS ειμι-V9--PAI1S κυριος-N2--NSM εν-P ο- A--DSN ποιεω-VA--AAN εγω- P--AS εν-P συ- P--DS κριμα-N3M-APN και-C αγιαζω-VS--FPI1S εν-P συ- P--DS

23 αιμα-N3M-ASN και-C θανατος-N2--NSM εν-P ο- A--DPF πλατυς-A3U-DPF συ- P--GS και-C πιπτω-VF2-FMI3P τραυματιζω-VT--XPPNPM εν-P μαχαιρα-N1--DPF εν-P συ- P--DS περικυκλω-D συ- P--GS και-C γιγνωσκω-VF--FMI3P διοτι-C εγω- P--NS ειμι-V9--PAI1S κυριος-N2--NSM

24 και-C ου-D ειμι-VF--FMI3P ουκετι-D ο- A--DSM οικος-N2--DSM ο- A--GSM *ισραηλ-N---GSM σκολοψ-N3P-NSM πικρια-N1A-GSF και-C ακανθα-N1A-NSF οδυνη-N1--GSF απο-P πας-A3--GPM ο- A--GPM περικυκλω-D αυτος- D--GPM ο- A--GPM ατιμαζω-VA--AAPGPM αυτος- D--APM και-C γιγνωσκω-VF--FMI3P οτι-C εγω- P--NS ειμι-V9--PAI1S κυριος-N2--NSM

25 οδε- D--APN λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM κυριος-N2--NSM και-C συναγω-VF--FAI1S ο- A--ASM *ισραηλ-N---ASM εκ-P ο- A--GPN εθνος-N3E-GPN ος- --GSM διασκορπιζω-VCI-API3P εκει-D και-C αγιαζω-VS--FPI1S εν-P αυτος- D--DPM ενωπιον-P ο- A--GPM λαος-N2--GPM και-C ο- A--GPN εθνος-N3E-GPN και-C καταοικεω-VF--FAI3P επι-P ο- A--GSF γη-N1--GSF αυτος- D--GPM ος- --ASF διδωμι-VX--XAI1S ο- A--DSM δουλος-N2--DSM εγω- P--GS *ιακωβ-N---DSM

26 και-C καταοικεω-VF--FAI3P επι-P αυτος- D--GSF εν-P ελπις-N3D-DSF και-C οικοδομεω-VF--FAI3P οικια-N1A-APF και-C φυτευω-VF--FAI3P αμπελων-N3W-APM και-C καταοικεω-VF--FAI3P εν-P ελπις-N3D-DSF οταν-D ποιεω-VF--FAI1S κριμα-N3M-ASN εν-P πας-A3--DPM ο- A--DPM ατιμαζω-VA--AAPDPM αυτος- D--APM εν-P ο- A--DPM κυκλος-N2--DSM αυτος- D--GPM και-C γιγνωσκω-VF--FMI3P οτι-C εγω- P--NS ειμι-V9--PAI1S κυριος-N2--NSM ο- A--NSM θεος-N2--NSM αυτος- D--GPM και-C ο- A--NSM θεος-N2--NSM ο- A--GPM πατηρ-N3--GPM αυτος- D--GPM


De obras de Swedenborg


Apocalypse Explained #432

Estudiar este pasaje

/ 1232  

432. Verse 5. Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand sealed.

5. "Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed," signifies love to the Lord, and that all who are in that love are in heaven, and come into heaven n. 433; "of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand sealed," signifies the light of truth from that good, and that all who are in that light are in heaven and come into heaven n. 434; "of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand sealed," signifies the consequent good of life (n. 435, 436).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

De obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #2724

Estudiar este pasaje

/ 10837  

2724. 'And there he called on the name of [Jehovah,] the God of Eternity' means worship from it. This is clear from the meaning of 'calling on the name of God' as worship, dealt with in 440. Those who belonged to the Ancient Church did not understand merely name by the word 'name' but the entire nature, see 144, 145, 340, 768, 1754, 1896, 2009. Thus by 'the name of God' they understood everything in one embrace by which God was worshipped, consequently everything of love and faith. But once the internal aspect of worship perished and only the external was left people began to understand nothing else by 'the name of God' than the name. Indeed they went so far as to worship the name itself, being quite indifferent to what the love and the faith were in which their worship was grounded. As a result of this nations began to identify themselves by the names of their gods, the Jews and Israelites setting themselves above the rest because they worshipped Jehovah. They made the utterance and the calling upon the name itself the essential feature of worship; but in fact worship of the name alone is not worship at all, for that practice may exist even among the worst of people who in worshipping the name alone become greater profaners.

[2] Now because 'the name of God' means the entirety of worship, that is, the love and faith in their entirety from which He is worshipped, it is therefore clear what is meant by hallowed be Your name - in the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9, and what by the following words spoken by the Lord,

You will be hated by everyone for My name's sake. Matthew 10:22.

If two of you agree in My name on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:19-20.

He who leaves houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields, for My name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will be allotted the inheritance of eternal life. Matthew 19:29.

Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Matthew 21:9.

Jesus said, You will not see Me from now on until you say, Blessed is the one coming in the name of the Lord. Matthew 23:39.

You will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. Then many will stumble and betray one another, and hate one another, and all for My name's sake. 1 Matthew 24:9-10.

As many as received Him, to them He gave power to be sons of God, to those believing in His name, John 1:12.

He who does not believe is judged already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:17-18.

Jesus said, Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it. John 14:14-15; 15:16; 16:23-24, 26-27.

Jesus said, I have manifested Your name to men. John 17:6.

Holy Father, keep them in Your name whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are one. John 17:11-12.

I made known to them Your name, and I will make known that the love with which You have loved Me may be in them, and I in them. John 17:26.

That you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31.

There are in addition very many places in the Old Testament in which the name of Jehovah and of God is not used to mean the name but love and faith in their entirety in which worship is grounded.

[3] But those who worship the name alone, without love and faith, are spoken of in Matthew as follows,

Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy through Your name, and cast out demons through Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name? But I will confess to them, I do not know you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. Matthew 7:22-23.

As has been stated, once the member of the Church from being internal became external, and began to make worship consist in a name alone, people no longer acknowledged one God but many. For it was a custom among the ancients to add something after the name of Jehovah and by doing that to call to mind some benefit or attribute of His, as in the present verse, 'He called on the name of [Jehovah,] the God of Eternity'. Another example occurs in the next chapter,

Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh (that is, Jehovah will see). Genesis 22:14.

And the following, among others, are further examples,

Moses built an altar and called the name of it Jehovah Nissi (that is, Jehovah is my banner). Exodus 17:15.

Gideon built an altar to Jehovah and called it [the altar] of Jehovah Shalom (that is, of peace). Judges 6:24.

It was from this custom that those who made worship consist in a name alone came to acknowledge so many gods, and also that among the gentiles, especially those in Greece and Rome, so many gods came to be acknowledged and worshipped, whereas the Ancient Church from which those attributive names derived always worshipped but one God who was revered under so many names, for the reason that by 'name' they understood the essential nature.

Notas a pie de página:

1. These six words which Swedenborg apparently copied from the Schmidius Latin version do not occur in the original Greek.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.