La Biblia


Jeremijas 49



1 Viešpats sako amonitams: “Argi Izraelis neturi paveldėtojų? Kodėl Milkomas paveldėjo Gadą ir jo žmonės apsigyveno miestuose?

2 Ateis diena, kai Aš leisiu amonitų abai patirti karą. Ji pavirs griuvėsiais, o aplinkiniai miestai bus sudeginti; Izraelis atgaus savo nuosavybę.

3 Vaitok, Hešbone, nes Ajas sunaikintas. Šaukite, abos dukterys, apsivilkite ašutinėmis, raudokite, bėgiodamos patvoriais, nes Milkomas ir jo kunigai bei kunigaikščiai eis į nelaisvę.

4 Ko tu giries savo slėniais, nuklydusioji dukra? Pasitiki savo turtais, sakydama: ‘Kas drįs eiti prieš mane?’

5 Aš atvesiu prieš tave siaubą,­ sako Viešpats, kareivijų Dievas.­ Apsupę priešai taip jus išsklaidys, kad visi išbėgios ir niekas jų nebesurinks.

6 Bet po to Aš išlaisvinsiu amonitus,­sako kareivijų Viešpats”.

7 Kareivijų Viešpats sako Edomui: “Ar nebėra išminties Temane? Ar išminčiai nebeduoda patarimų, ar jų išmintis išseko?

8 Bėkite ir pasislėpkite slėptuvėse, Dedano gyventojai! Aš sunaikinsiu Ezavą, aplankydamas jį.

9 Ar vynuogių skynėjai nepaliktų kiek vynuogių? Jei vagys įsilaužtų nakčia, ar jie nepavogtų tik tiek, kiek jiems reikia?

10 Bet Aš apnuoginau Ezavą, Aš atidengiau jo paslaptis, ir jis nebeturės, kur pasislėpti. Jo vaikai, broliai ir kaimynai bus sunaikinti.

11 Palik savo našlaičius, Aš išsaugosiu juos, tavo našlės tepasitiki manimi.

12 Jei nekaltieji turės gerti taurę, tai ar tu liksi nebaustas? Tu neišvengsi bausmės!

13 prisiekiau pats savimi, kad Bocra taps siaubu, virs dykuma bei keiksmažodžiu; visi jos miestai bus amžini griuvėsiai,­sako Viešpats”.

14 Aš sužinojau iš Viešpaties, kad pasiuntinys yra pasiųstas tautoms. Jis kviečia visus į kovą prieš jį.

15 “Tu būsi mažas tarp tautų ir paniekintas žmonėse.

16 Tavo smarkumas ir širdies išdidumas apgavo tave. Tu gyveni uolų plyšiuose, laikaisi kalvų viršūnėse. Jei tu susikrautum savo lizdą taip aukštai kaip erelis, Aš nustumčiau tave žemynsako Viešpats.­

17 Edomas taps pasibaisėjimu; kiekvienas praeivis švilps ir baisėsis jo likimu.

18 Kaip sunaikinta Sodoma ir Gomora bei jų apylinkės, taip ir čia nepasiliks ir negyvens joks žmogus.

19 Kaip liūtas iš Jordano tankynės jis pakyla ir ateina prieš stipriųjų buveines, bet Aš jį nuvysiu ir paskirsiu tą, kurį išsirinksiu. Kas yra man lygus ir kas gali man pasipriešinti?

20 Štai Viešpaties nutarimas Edomui ir sprendimas Temano gyventojams. Iš tiesų net menkiausi iš bandos juos ištrems ir jų buveinės liks apleistos.

21 Nuo jų griuvimo trenksmo sudrebės žemė, ir jų šauksmo balsas bus girdimas prie audonosios jūros.

22 Jis pakils kaip erelis, atskris ir išskės sparnus virš Bocros. Tą dieną Edomo kariai bus nuliūdę ir išsigandę kaip moterys”.

23 Apie Damaską: “Sąmyšis Hamate ir Arpade, nes bloga žinia pasiekė juos. Jie išsigandę nerimauja kaip neramios jūros bangos.

24 Damaskas nusiminęs bėga baimės apimtas; baimė ir skausmai užgriuvo jį kaip gimdyvę.

25 Garsusis miestas ištuštėjo, mano džiaugsmo miestas.

26 Jo jaunuoliai ir kariai žus gatvėse tą dienąsako kareivijų Viešpats,­

27 Aš įžiebsiu ugnį Damasko sienose, ji praris Ben Hadado rūmus”.

28 Apie Kedarą ir Hacoro karalystes, kurias nugalėjo Nebukadnecaras, Babilono karalius, Viešpats sako: “Pasiruoškite ir žygiuokite prieš Kedarą, apiplėškite rytų tautas.

29 Jie paims jų palapines ir bandas, apdangalus, indus ir kupranugarius. Ir jiems šauks: ‘Siaubas iš visų pusių!’

30 Skubiai bėkite ir pasislėpkite, Hacoro gyventojai. Nebukadnecaras, Babilono karalius, tarėsi prieš jus ir nusprendė dėl jūsų.

31 Pakilk prieš šitą turtingą, ramiai gyvenančią tautą,­sako Viešpats.­Jie neturi nei vartų, nei užkaiščių, gyvena atsiskyrę.

32 kupranugariai ir didžiulės bandos taps grobiu. Aš išsklaidysiu į visas šalis vyrus, kurie kerpasi plaukus, ir bausiu juos iš visų pusių,­sako Viešpats,­

33 Hacore gyvens šakalai, jis liks amžina dykuma. Jame negyvens joks žmogus”.

34 Viešpats kalbėjo pranašui Jeremijui apie Elamą, pradedant karaliauti Zedekijui, Judo karaliui:

35 “Aš sulaužysiu Elamo lanką, jo didžiausią stiprybę.

36 Aš pasiųsiu ant Elamo keturis vėjus iš keturių pasaulio šalių ir juos išsklaidysiu į visus pasaulio kraštus taip, kad nebus tautos, kurioje Elamo išsklaidytųjų nebūtų.

37 Aš sukelsiu Elame baimę priešų, kurie siekia jo gyvybės, ir atvesiu prieš juos nelaimę, savo rūstybę, siųsiu paskui juos kardą ir sunaikinsiu juos.

38 Aš pastatysiu Elame savo sostą ir pašalinsiu jų karalius bei kunigaikščius.

39 Bet paskutinėmis dienomis Aš išvaduosiu Elamą,­sako Viešpats”.


De obras de Swedenborg


True Christianity #159

Estudiar este pasaje

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159. To these points I will add the following memorable occurrences.

The first memorable occurrence. Once when I was spending some time with angels in heaven, in the distance below I saw a huge cloud of smoke with flames shooting out of it periodically. I said to the angels who were talking with me at that moment, "Although few up here know it, the origin of the smoke that one sees in hell is the hellish spirits' use of reasoning to support things that aren't true; and the origin of the fire seen in hell is their blowing up at others who speak against them.

"It is equally unknown in this spiritual world as it is in the world where I am physically alive that flame is nothing but smoke that is on fire," I added. "I have often observed this myself. I have watched the plumes of smoke rising from the logs in the fireplace. When I set fire to them with a match, I have seen that the plumes of smoke become flames. The flames have the same shape as the plumes of smoke had. The individual particles of smoke become little sparks that burn together. (The same thing happens when you set fire to gunpowder.) The situation is similar in the case of the smoke that we are seeing down below us now. It consists of a great number of things that aren't true. The flame shooting out of it is the intense passion the hellish spirits have to defend the things that aren't true. "

[2] The angels said to me, "Let's pray to the Lord to be allowed to go down and get near them in order to learn what their false beliefs are that are smoking and burning like that. "

It was granted. A column of light appeared around us that went all the way down to that place.

Once down there, we saw four sets of spirits in ranks. They were adamantly defending the idea that one must turn to God the Father and worship him, because he cannot be seen; one must not turn to his Son born in the world and worship him, because he is human and can be seen.

When I looked to the sides, to the left I saw learned clergy, and behind them regular clergy. To the right I saw educated laity, and behind them, uneducated laity. Between us, though, there was a gaping void that could not be crossed.

[3] We turned our eyes and ears to the left where the learned clergy were, with the regular clergy behind them. We heard them reasoning about God in the following way: "On the basis of the doctrine of our church - the single view of God shared by the entire European world - we know that we have to turn to God the Father, because he cannot be seen. By so doing we also turn to God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who likewise cannot be seen because they are coeternal with the Father. Because God the Father is the Creator of the universe and is therefore in the universe, wherever we turn our eyes he is present. When we pray to him he graciously hears us. After accepting the Son's mediation, the Father sends the Holy Spirit, who carries the glory of the Son's justice into our hearts and blesses us.

"Created as we were to be teachers of the church, when preaching we have felt in our chests the holy effect of that sending and we have inhaled a devoutness from its presence in our minds. We have been affected in this way because we have directed all our senses to a God who cannot be seen, who works not in a particular way in the sight of our intellect but in a universal way throughout the whole system of our mind and body through his emissary Spirit. Worshiping a God who can be seen, a God whom our minds can picture as a human being, would not yield such good results. "

[4] The regular clergy who were behind them applauded these points and added, "Where does holiness come from if not from a Divinity who is beyond our ability to picture or perceive? On first hearing even a mention of such a Divinity, our faces light up and broaden into a smile. Like the caress of some sweet-smelling breeze, the thought exhilarates us and we thump our chests with vigor. To the mention of a Divinity who is within our ability to picture and perceive, we react completely differently. When this comes within earshot it translates into something merely earthly and not divine.

"For the same reason the Roman Catholics conduct their mass in the Latin idiom; from the sanctuary of the altar they take the host, about which they utter divine and mystical things, and display it, and the people fall to their knees, as before the greatest of mysteries, and breathe in the holiness. "

[5] After that we turned to the right where the educated laity were, and behind them the uneducated laity. We heard the following statements coming from the educated laity.

"We know that the wisest people among the ancients worshiped a God who was beyond their power to picture, whom they called Jehovah. Later on in the age that followed, however, people deified their deceased rulers, among whom were Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Apollo, and Minerva, Diana, Venus, and Themis. People built temples for them and worshiped them as divinities. As the times worsened, that worship led to idolatry and eventually made the whole world insane. With unanimous consent, therefore, we agree with our priests and elders that there are three divine persons from eternity, each of whom was and is God. We are satisfied that these three are beyond our power to picture. "

The uneducated laity behind them added, "We agree. God is one thing and a human being is another. We are aware, though, that if someone proposes the existence of a human God, the common people with their sensory concept of God are going to welcome the idea. "

[6] Then the spirits' eyes were opened and they saw us nearby. Annoyed that we had heard them, they immediately stopped talking. The angels, with a power that had been given them, closed the outer or lower levels of the spirits' thought, which were the source of the statements they had just made. The angels opened instead the inner or higher levels of the spirits' thought and compelled them to speak about God from those levels.

The spirits then spoke and said, "What is God? We haven't seen the way he looks or heard his voice. What then is God except nature with all its levels? Nature we have seen, because it shines in our eyes. Nature we have heard, because it sounds in our ears. "

On hearing that, we asked them, "Have you ever seen Socinus, who acknowledged only God the Father, or Arius, who denied the divinity of the Lord the Savior, or any of their followers?"

"No, we haven't seen them," they answered.

"They are deep beneath you," we said.

Soon we summoned some of the spirits from down there and asked them about God. They said the same type of things as these spirits had been saying. The spirits from below also said, "What is God? We can make as many gods as we want. "

[7] We said, "It is pointless to talk to you about the Son of God born into the world, but we are going to do it nonetheless.

"Faith is like a bubble in the air. It was beautifully colored in the first and second ages, but was in danger of bursting in the third and following ages because no one saw God. Therefore to preserve our faith about him, faith in him, and faith from him, it pleased Jehovah God to come down and take on a human manifestation. He did this to bring himself into view and to convince us that God is not a figment of our imagination; he is the absolute being who was and is and will be from eternity to eternity. God is not a three-letter word; he is everything real from alpha to omega. Therefore he is the life and salvation of all who believe in him as a God who can be seen, although he is not the life and salvation of those who say they believe in a God who cannot be seen, because believing, seeing, and recognizing are one. This is why the Lord said to Philip, 'Those who see and recognize me, see and recognize the Father. ' This is also why the Lord says elsewhere, 'The Father's will is for them to believe in the Son. Those who believe in the Son have eternal life. Those who do not believe in the Son will not see life; in fact, God's anger remains upon them. '" (These words occur in John 3:15-16, 36; )

On hearing this, many in the four sets of spirits became so enraged that smoke and flame came out of their nostrils; so we went away. After the angels accompanied me to my home, they went back up to their heaven.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

La Biblia


Jeremiah 42:18-19



18 For thus says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel: As my anger and my wrath has been poured forth on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so shall my wrath be poured forth on you, when you shall enter into Egypt; and you shall be an object of horror, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and you shall see this place no more.

19 Yahweh has spoken concerning you, remnant of Judah, Don't you go into Egypt: know certainly that I have testified to you this day.