La Biblia


ヨシュア記 7



1 しかし、イスラエルの人々は奉納物について罪を犯した。すなわちユダ部族のうちの、ゼラザブデのであるカルミのアカンが奉納物を取ったのである。それでイスラエルの人々にむかって怒りを発せられた。

2 ヨシュアはエリコから人々をつかわし、ベテルの東、ベテアベンの近くにあるアイに行かせようとして、その人々に言った、「上って行って、かの地を探ってきなさい」。人々は上って行って、アイを探ったが、

3 ヨシュアのもとに帰ってきて言った、「民をことごとく行かせるには及びません。ただ二、人を上らせて、アイを撃たせなさい。彼らは少ないのですから、民をことごとくあそこへやってほねおりをさせるには及びません」。

4 そこで民のうち、おおよそ人がそこに上ったが、ついにアイの人々のから逃げ出した。

5 アイの人々は彼らのうち、おおよそ三十六人を殺し、更に彼らをからシバリムまで追って、下り坂で彼らを殺したので、民の心は消えてのようになった。

6 そのためヨシュアは衣服を裂き、イスラエルの長老たちと共に、主の箱ので、夕方まで地にひれ伏し、ちりをかぶった。

7 ヨシュアは言った、「ああ、なる神よ、あなたはなにゆえ、この民にヨルダンを渡らせ、われわれをアモリびとのに渡して滅ぼさせられるのですか。われわれはヨルダンの向こうに、安んじてとどまればよかったのです。

8 ああ、主よ。イスラエルがすでにに背をむけた今となって、わたしはまた何を言い得ましょう。

9 カナンびと、およびこの地に住むすべてのものは、これを聞いて、われわれを攻めかこみ、われわれの名を地から断ち去ってしまうでしょう。それであなたは、あなたの大いなる名のために、何をしようとされるのですか」。

10 はヨシュアに言われた、「立ちなさい。あなたはどうして、そのようにひれ伏しているのか。

11 イスラエルは罪を犯し、わたしが彼らに命じておいた契約を破った。彼らは奉納物を取り、盗み、かつ偽って、それを自分の所有物のうちに入れた。

12 それでイスラエルの人々はに当ることができず、に背をむけた。彼らも滅ぼされるべきものとなったからである。あなたがたが、その滅ぼされるべきものを、あなたがたのうちから滅ぼし去るのでなければ、わたしはもはやあなたがたとは共にいないであろう。

13 立って、民を清めて言いなさい、『あなたがたは身を清めて、あすのために備えなさい。イスラエルのはこう仰せられる、「イスラエルよ、あなたがたのうちに、滅ぼされるべきものがある。その滅ぼされるべきものを、あなたがたのうちから除き去るまでは、に当ることはできないであろう」。

14 それゆえ、あすの、あなたがたは部族ごとに進み出なければならない。そしてがくじを当てられる部族は、氏族ごとに進みいで、がくじを当てられる氏族は、家族ごとに進みいで、がくじを当てられる家族は、男ひとりびとり進み出なければならない。

15 そしてその滅ぼされるべきものを持っていて、くじを当てられた者は、その持ち物全部と共に、で焼かれなければならない。主の契約を破りイスラエルのうちに愚かなことを行ったからである』」。

16 こうしてヨシュアは早く起き、イスラエルを部族ごとに進み出させたところ、ユダの部族がくじに当り、

17 ユダのもろもろの氏族を進み出させたところ、ゼラびとの氏族が、くじに当った。ゼラびとの氏族を家族ごとに進み出させたところ、ザブデの家族が、くじに当った。

18 ザブデの族を男ひとりびとり進み出させたところ、アカンがくじに当った。アカンはユダ部族のうちの、ゼラ、ザブデのなるカルミのである。

19 その時ヨシュアはアカンに言った、「わがよ、イスラエルのに栄光を帰し、またをさんびし、あなたのしたことを今わたしに告げなさい。わたしに隠してはならない」。

20 アカンはヨシュアに答えた、「ほんとうにわたしはイスラエルのに対して罪を犯しました。わたしがしたのはこうです。

21 わたしはぶんどり物のうちに、シナルの美しい外套一枚とシケルと、目方五十シケルの金の延べ棒一本のあるのを見て、ほしくなり、それを取りました。わたしの天幕の中に、地に隠してあります。はその下にあります」。

22 そこでヨシュアは使者たちをつかわした。使者たちが天幕に走っていって見ると、それは彼の天幕に隠してあって、もその下にあった。

23 彼らはそれを天幕の中から取り出して、ヨシュアとイスラエルのすべての人々の所に携えてきたので、それを主のに置いた。

24 ヨシュアはすべてのイスラエルびとと共に、ゼラアカンを捕え、かのと外套と金の延べ棒、および彼のむすこ、、牛、ろば、、天幕など、彼の持ち物をことごとく取って、アコルのへ引いていった。

25 そしてヨシュアは言った、「なぜあなたはわれわれを悩ましたのか。は、きょう、あなたを悩まされるであろう」。やがてすべてのイスラエルびとはで彼を撃ち殺し、また彼の家族をもで撃ち殺し、をもって焼いた。

26 そしてアカンの上に塚を大きく積み上げたが、それは今日まで残っている。そしては激しい怒りをやめられたが、このことによって、その所の名は今日までアコルのと呼ばれている。




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 7

Por New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 7: The defeat at Ai, and the sin of Achan.

This chapter opens with the statement that Israel had sinned at Jericho, because an Israelite named Achan had kept something for himself, against the Lord's commandment. (But Joshua doesn't know this yet.)

The great victory at Jericho was quickly followed by an embarrassing defeat at Ai. The Israelites hadn't expected much difficulty in taking Ai, and sent just a few thousand men to attack it. They were routed.

Spiritually, we might say that pride goes before a fall, but more specifically, in the work of our regeneration we are never to rest on our laurels, but to always stay alert to each situation and how we are internally handling it. (Apocalypse Revealed 158)

Understandably, Joshua pours out his heart to the Lord, wondering why they have even crossed over the Jordan to simply be destroyed. The Lord tells him that their defeat at Ai was because Israel sinned by taking some of the forbidden things of Jericho. The Lord explains how to put this right, by identifying the wrongdoer and destroying him and his family.

Note the weakness of Joshua (as earlier also with Moses at times) when things go wrong and he feels confused, full of doubt, hurt and afraid. When things go well, we go well; when things go badly, we tend to go to pieces. And we ask, “Why? Why this, why me, why now?”

The Lord’s answer is a command, “Get up! Why are you lying on your face?” This is a pretty plain meaning: The Lord wants us to use such setbacks to be able to go forward, seeing the problem as a challenge and an opportunity and learning point.

Joshua is told to find the source of the wrong and the defeat. From all the tribes, one tribe will be selected by the Lord. From all its families, one family will be chosen. From all its households, one household will be chosen, and from that household, one man will be chosen. And Achan was the man and he is brought out. (Arcana Caelestia 5135)

This drawing-by-lot is a remarkable picture of our spiritual self-examination. We’re told that to make our general confession of ‘having done what we should not have done’ is almost worthless because we are likely to just carry on the same afterwards. (Arcana Caelestia 8390) Our personal inventory must be specific. What kind of thoughts have I been allowing myself recently? What did that make me feel in my heart? Did I welcome it or want nothing to do with it? It’s a kind of pinpointing, and it leads us to Achan, whose name in Hebrew means ‘trouble’ and ‘troubler’. (The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 164)

Achan, discovered, doesn't hide or deny his wrongdoing but openly admits that he has sinned against the Lord. He'd seen a beautiful garment, much silver, and a chunk of gold, and took them, and hid them in the earth in the middle of his tent. He confesses and indeed, his confession is transparent. So must our confession be when we see things in ourselves that go against the Lord’s truths and ways. They bring forth his stolen goods from his tent.

Then, in a comprehensive way, Joshua took everything Achan owned in its entirety, including the stolen goods, to the Valley of Achor (a name again meaning ‘trouble’) and stoned him and all his family and burned them with fire and raised a heap of stones over it all. This, to us, might well sound like a brutal and an unwarranted punishment.

Spiritually, the Lord does not punish us, ever. Rather, he commands that we turn from our evils, and suffer the consequences if we don't. The Lord does this to help and encourage us to stop following our own way and to commit ourselves to following and living His way. We can only conquer Canaan, representing heaven, when we do this. (Arcana Caelestia 8622)

De obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #468

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It is clear from what was stated and shown in the previous chapter that names meant heresies and systems of doctrine. From that it becomes clear that the names in this chapter do not mean specific individuals but other things that existed. Here they mean systems of doctrine or Churches which, though they underwent certain changes, were preserved from the time of the Most Ancient Church down to that of Noah. Now it so happens that every Church in the course of time gets smaller until at length it remains among only a few people. The few with whom it remained at the time of the Flood were called Noah.

[2] The fact that the true Church gets smaller and remains among the few becomes clear from other Churches which have in a similar manner got smaller. In the Word those who remain are called 'the Remnant' and 'that which is left', and indeed people 'in the midst (or the middle) of the land'. What applies in general applies in particular also; that is, what is true of the Church is equally true of individuals. If the Lord did not preserve remnants with each individual he would inevitably perish in eternal death, for those remnants contain spiritual and celestial life. The same applies to what is general or universal; were there not always some people among whom the Church, or true faith, existed, the human race would perish. For as is well known, a city, even a whole kingdom, is preserved for the sake of a few. These factors are akin to the heart in man: as long as the heart is sound the surrounding organs can go on living. But when it is weak, deterioration sets into them all and the person dies. Final remnants are meant by Noah, for with the exception of these, as is clear from verse 12 of the next chapter, 'the whole earth was corrupt'.

[3] The remnants residing with the individual or within the Church are frequently the subject in the Prophets, as in Isaiah,

He who remains in Zion, and he who is left in Jerusalem will be called holy to Him, everyone who has been written for life 1 in Jerusalem, when the Lord will have washed the filth of the daughters of Zion and washed away the blood 2 of Jerusalem from its midst. Isaiah 4:3-4.

Here holiness is attributed to the remnants, which mean remnants of the Church, and also of the member of the Church, for those left in Zion and in Jerusalem could not be holy people merely because they had been left there.

Similarly in the same prophet,

On that day, the remnant of Israel and those of the house of Jacob that escaped will no more lean on him that smote them; but they will lean upon Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the God of power. (Isaiah 10:20)

In Jeremiah,

In those days and in that time the iniquity of Israel will be sought, but there will be none, and the sins of Judah, but they will not be found; for I will pardon him whom I shall make one that is left. Jeremiah 50:10.

In Micah,

The remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples, like dew from Jehovah, like showers on the grass. Micah 5:7.

[4] That which is left, or the remnant, whether of the individual or of the Church, was also represented by tenths, which were holy. And any number involving ten was consequently holy too. Ten therefore has reference to things that are left over, as in Isaiah,

Jehovah will remove man far away, and there will be many forsaken places in the midst of the land; yet there will be a tenth part in it, and this will return; it will be a wiping out like an oak or a terebinth when the stump is cast away from them. The holy seed is its stump. Isaiah 6:12-13.

Here that which is left is called 'the holy stump'. In Amos,

Thus said the Lord Jehovah, The city that goes forth a thousand will have a hundred that are left, and that which goes forth a hundred will have ten that are left to the house of Israel. Amos 9:3.

In these and many other places the internal sense means remnants, also the subject here. The fact that a city is preserved for the sake of the remnant of the Church is clear from what Abraham was told concerning Sodom, Abraham said, Perhaps ten may be found there; and He said, I will not destroy it for the sake of ten. Genesis 18:32.

Notas a pie de página:

1. literally, lives

2. literally, bloods

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.