La Biblia


出埃及記 8



1 耶和華吩咐摩西:你進去見法老,對他耶和華這樣:容我的百姓去,好事奉我。

2 你若不肯容他們去,我必使青蛙蹧蹋你的四境。

3 河裡要滋生青蛙;這青蛙要上進你的宮殿和你的臥房,上你的榻,進你臣僕的房屋,上你百姓的身上,進你的爐灶和你的摶麵盆,

4 又要上你和你百姓並你眾臣僕的身上。

5 耶和華曉諭摩西:你對亞倫:把你的杖伸在江、、池以上,使青蛙埃及上來。

6 亞倫便伸杖在埃及的諸水以上,青蛙就上來,遮滿了埃及

7 行法術的也用他們的邪術照樣而行,叫青蛙上了埃及

8 法老召了摩西亞倫來,:請你們求耶和華使這青蛙離開我和我的民,我就容百姓去祭祀耶和華

9 摩西法老:任憑你罷,我要何時為你和你的臣僕並你的百姓祈求,除滅青蛙離開你和你的宮殿只留在河裡呢?

10 :明天。摩西:可以照你的罷,好叫你知道沒有像耶和華─我們的。

11 青蛙要離開你和你的宮殿,並你的臣僕與你的百姓,只留在河裡。

12 於是摩西亞倫離開法老出去。摩西為擾害法老的青蛙呼求耶和華

13 耶和華就照摩西的行。凡在房裡、院中、田間的青蛙死了

14 眾人把青蛙聚攏成堆,遍就都腥

15 法老見災禍鬆緩,就硬著,不肯他們,正如耶和華的。

16 耶和華吩咐摩西:你對亞倫伸出你的杖擊打上的塵土,使塵土在埃及變作虱子(或譯:虼蚤;下同)。

17 他們就這樣行。亞倫伸杖擊打上的塵土,就在人身上和牲畜身上有了虱子;埃及的塵土都變成虱子了。

18 行法術的也用邪術要生出虱子來,卻是不能。於是在人身上和牲畜身上都有了虱子。

19 行法術的就對法老:這是的手段。法老裡剛硬,不肯摩西、亞倫,正如耶和華的。

20 耶和華摩西:你清起來法老來到邊,你站在他面前,對他耶和華這樣:容我的百姓去,好事奉我。

21 你若不容我的百姓去,我要叫成群的蒼蠅到你和你臣僕並你百姓的身上,進你的房屋,並且埃及人房屋和他們所住的地都要滿了成群的蒼蠅

22 當那日,我必分別我百姓所住的歌珊,使那裡沒有成群的蒼蠅,好叫你知道我是下的耶和華

23 我要將我的百姓和你的百姓分別出來。明天必有這神蹟。

24 耶和華就這樣行。蒼蠅成了大群,進入法老的宮殿,和他臣僕的房屋埃及就因這成群的蒼蠅敗壞了。

25 法老召了摩西亞倫來,:你們去,在這祭祀你們的罷!

26 摩西:這樣行本不相宜,因為我們要把埃及人所厭惡的祭祀耶和華我們;若把埃及人所厭惡的在他們眼前獻為祭,他們豈不拿石頭打死我們麼?

27 我們要往曠野去,走的路程,照著耶和華我們所要吩咐我們的祭祀他。

28 法老:我容你們去,在曠野祭祀耶和華─你們的;只是不要走得很遠。求你們為我祈禱。

29 摩西:我要出去求耶和華,使成群的蒼蠅明天離開法老法老的臣僕並法老的百姓;法老卻不可再行詭詐,不容百姓去祭祀耶和華

30 於是摩西離開法老去求耶和華

31 耶和華就照摩西的行,叫成群的蒼蠅離開法老和他的臣僕並他的百姓,個也沒有留下。

32 這一次法老又硬著,不容百姓去。






Stones in the Bible in general represent truths, or things we know concerning the Lord and what He wants from us and for us in life. This is why the people of Israel built altars of stone, and is also why stoning was a principal form of capital punishment (using truth to destroy falsity, or in the negative sense using falsity to destroy truth). It is also why precious stones are described in such detail on Aaron's breastplate and ephod, and also in the New Jerusalem in Revelation; precious stones represent true ideas directly from the Lord with the various colors showing various forms of love. Stones are not alone in representing truth, of course -- it sometimes seems that almost everything in the Bible represents either true ideas or desires for good. But that makes sense, since our thoughts and our desires together are everything we are in life, and the interplay between them is what life is all about. The many ways they are represented in the Bible reflect the incredible variety in our feelings and thoughts, though we can only distantly understand how those representations work. In the case of stones, in their weight, strength and permanence they tend to represent true ideas that come from a desire for good, the understanding we can have if we are truly good and loving -- and in the highest sense the exalted ideas that come from the Lord's love. Those ideas are ones that are not easily moved or changed, and make wonderful foundations for the things we want to build in our spiritual lives.