La Biblia


如申命记 25



1 人若有爭訟,來聽審判,審判官就要定人有理,定惡人有罪。

2 惡人若該受責打,審判官就要叫他當面伏在地上,按著他的罪照數責打。

3 只可打他四十下,不可過數;若過數,便是輕賤你的弟兄了。

4 牛在場上踹穀的時候,不可籠住他的嘴。

5 弟兄同居,若死了個,沒有兒子的妻不可出嫁外,他丈夫兄弟當盡弟兄的本分,娶他為妻,與他同房。

6 婦人生的長子必歸兄的名下,免得他的名在以色列中塗抹了。

7 若不願意娶他哥哥的妻,他哥哥的妻就要到城長老那裡,:我丈夫兄弟不肯在以色列中興起他哥哥名字,不給我盡弟兄的本分。

8 本城的長老就要召那人來問他,他若執意:我不願意娶他,

9 哥哥的妻就要當著長老到那的跟前,脫了他的鞋,吐唾沫在他臉上,:凡不為哥哥建立家室的都要這樣待他。

10 以色列中,他的名必稱為脫鞋之家。

11 若有二爭鬥,這的妻近前來,要救他丈夫脫離那打他丈夫,抓住那的下體,

12 就要砍斷婦人的手,眼不可顧惜他。

13 你囊中不可有一一小兩樣的法碼。

14 你家裡不可有一一小兩樣的升斗。

15 當用準公平的法碼,公平的升斗。這樣,在耶和華─你所賜你的地上,你的日子就可以長久。

16 因為行非義之事的人都是耶和華─你所憎惡的。

17 你要記念你們出埃及的時候,亞瑪力人在上怎樣待你。

18 他們在上遇見你,趁你疲乏困倦擊殺你儘邊軟弱的人,並不敬畏

19 所以耶和華─你使你不被四圍一切的仇敵擾亂,在耶和華─你賜你為業的上得享平安。那時,你要將亞瑪力的名號從塗抹了,不可忘記




Man (male)

by Claude Lefebvre

The relationship between men and women is deep and nuanced, and one entire book of the Writings -- Conjugial Love -- is devoted to the subject. So we can hardly offer a full explanation here. In a very general sense, though, the Writings say that men are creatures of intellect, driven by the love of growing wise; women, meanwhile are creations of affection, driven by the love of wisdom and the good that wisdom can do. They are formed this way to reflect the Lord's Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, and so that they can form marriages that reflect the unity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. Marking differences between men and women can be a touchy thing, but realistically it's easy to see that men tend to love acquiring knowledge whether it has any practical application or not. Many of them can spout out sports statistics or hold court on the workings of the internal combustion engine, even though it is knowledge they are not likely to ever use. They find such knowledge interesting for its own sake. It follows, then, that when the Bible speaks of men, the men represent facts, ideas, knowledge, truth, intellect and wisdom -- or in the negative sense falsity, twisted logic, and reasoning that is devoid of concern for others.