La Biblia


何西阿书 14



1 以色列啊,你要归向耶和华─你的;你是因自己的罪孽跌倒了。

2 当归向耶和华,用言语祷告他:求你除净罪孽,悦纳善行;这样,我们就把嘴唇的祭代替犊献上。

3 我们不向亚述求,不埃及的,也不再对我们所造的:你是我们。因为孤儿在你─耶和华那里得蒙怜悯。

4 我必医治他们背道的病,甘心他们;因为我的怒气向他们消。

5 我必向以色列如甘;他必如百合花开放,如利巴嫩的树木扎

6 他的枝条必延长;他的荣华如橄榄树;他的香气如利巴嫩的柏树。

7 在他荫下的必归回,发旺如五谷,开花如葡萄树。他的香气如利巴嫩的酒。

8 以法莲:我与偶像还有甚麽关涉呢?我─耶和华回答他,也必顾念他。我如青翠的松树;你的果子从我而得。

9 谁是智慧人,可以明白这些事;谁是通达人,可以知道这一切。因为,耶和华的道是正直的;人必在其中行走,罪人却在其上跌倒。


De obras de Swedenborg


属天的奥秘 #5354

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5354. “他给老二起名叫以法莲” 表属世层里面的一个新理解力及其本质. 这从 “名” 和 “起名” 的含义, 以及 “以法莲” 的代表清楚可知: “名” 和 “起名” 是指性质 (参看144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3006, 3421节); “以法莲” 是指属世层里面的理解力, 如下文所述. 不过, 首先必须说一说何谓 “以法莲和玛拿西” 所表示的新理解力和新意愿. 在教会, 虽然众所周知, 人必须再次出生, 也就是必须重生才能进神的国; 因为主在约翰福音 (3:3, 5) 非常明确地声明了这一点. 然而, 只有少数人知道重生意味着什么. 原因在于, 很少有人知道何为良善与邪恶. 人们之所以不知道何为良善与邪恶, 是因为他们不知道何为对邻之仁. 他们若知道何为对邻之仁, 也会知道何为良善, 并通过良善知道何为邪恶; 因为凡出自真正的对邻之仁的, 皆为良善.

但对每个人来说, 这良善都无法来源于他自己, 或说没有人能从自己处于这良善, 因为它完全是从主所流入的某种天上的事物. 这天上的良善不断流入, 而邪恶与虚假却阻碍它被接受. 因此, 为叫它能被接受, 人有必要除去邪恶, 并尽可能地除去, 虚假也要除去, 由此将自己带入接受所流入的这良善的状态. 当邪恶被除去后, 此人便接受良善的流注, 同时获得一个新意愿和一个新的理解力. 这新意愿使他能在出于无私的目的向邻舍行善的过程中感受到快乐, 而新的理解力使他能以为了良善与真理, 以及生活的缘故而学习良善与真理为快乐. 由于这新的理解力和新的意愿通过来自主的流注产生, 所以重生之人承认并相信, 感动他的良善与真理并非源于他自己, 而是源于主, 以及凡源于他自己, 或属于他自己的东西, 无非是邪恶.

由此可见何谓重生, 何谓新的意愿和新的理解力. 但带来新意愿和新理解力的重生并非瞬间完成, 而是从幼年一直持续到生命终结, 此后在来世直到永远; 这一切通过无数难以描述的神性手段实现. 因为人本身无非是邪恶, 这邪恶不断从他, 如同从一个火炉冒出, 不断试图灭绝新生的良善. 移除这种邪恶, 牢固植入良善以取代之, 只能通过人的整个一生, 通过无数难以描述的神性手段实现. 如今人们对这些手段几乎一无所知, 因为人们不让自己重生. 他们以为重生什么都不是, 因为他们不相信死后有生命. 重生的过程涉及无法描述的事物, 构成天使智慧的主要部分, 并且具有这样的性质: 任何天使都永远无法穷尽它. 正因如此, 该过程是圣言的内义论述的主要问题.

“以法莲” 表示属世层里面的新理解力, 这一点从圣言中的许多经文, 尤其大量论述 “以法莲” 的先知书何西阿书明显看出来, 其中有如下经文:

我认识以法莲, 以色列也瞒不住我; . 以法莲哪, 现在你竟然行淫, 以色列被玷污了. 以色列和以法莲必因自己的罪孽灭亡; 犹大也必与他们一同灭亡. 在责罚的日子, 以法莲必变为荒场. 我对以法莲竟如飞蛾, 向犹大家竟如蛀虫. 以法莲见自己有病, 犹大见自己有伤, 以法莲往亚述去, 打发人去见耶雷布王; 这一个却不能医治你们. (何西阿书 5:3, 5, 9, 12-13)


我医治以色列的时候, 以法莲的罪孽和撒马利亚的罪恶就显露出来. 他们行事虚谎, 内有贼人入侵, 外有群盗劫掠. 以法莲好像一只愚蠢无心的鸽子; 他们求告埃及, 投奔亚述. 他们去的时候, 我必将我的网撒在他们身上. (何西阿书 7:1, 11-12)


以色列被吞吃, 现今在列族中, 好像没有愿望的器皿; 他们上去投奔亚述, 如同独行的野驴. 以法莲用妓女的淫资贿买爱情. (何西阿书 8:8-9)

以色列必不得住耶和华的地; 以法莲却要归回埃及, 他们必在亚述吃不洁净之物. (何西阿书 9:3)

以法莲用谎话, 以色列家用诡计围绕我; 犹大却靠神掌权, 向圣者有忠心; 以法莲吃风, 且追赶东风, 他终日增添虚谎和强暴, 与亚述立约, 把油送到埃及. (何西阿书 11:12; 12:1)

在此先知书中还有许多其它经文论及以法莲 (如何西阿书 4:17-19; 5:3, 5, 9, 11-14; 7:8, 9; 9:8, 11, 13, 16; 10:6, 11; 11:3, 8, 9; 12:8, 14; 13:1, 12; 14:8).

在所有这些经文中, “以法莲” 皆表示教会的理解力部分, “以色列” 表示它的属灵部分, “犹大” 表示它的属天部分. 正因 “以法莲” 表示教会的理解力部分, 所以经上如此频繁地论及他说, 以法莲往埃及或亚述去. 这是因为 “埃及” 表示记忆知识, “亚述” 表示基于这些的推理; 记忆知识和推理都是与理解力有关的事物. “埃及” 表示记忆知识 (参看1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 2588, 3325, 4749, 4964, 4966节); “亚述” 表示理由和推理 (119, 1186节).

在以下经文中, “以法连” 同样表示教会的理解力:

锡安的女子哪, 应当大大喜乐! 耶路撒冷的女子哪, 应当欢呼! 看哪, 你的王来到你这里! 我必除灭以法莲的战车和耶路撒冷的战马, 争战的弓也必除灭. 祂必向列族讲和平, 祂的权柄必从这海管到那海, 从大河管到地极. 我为自己把犹大弯紧, 我使以法莲满了弓. 锡安哪, 我要激发你的众子, 攻击雅完的众子. (撒迦利亚书 9:9-10, 13)

这论及主的到来和外邦人当中的教会. “除灭以法莲的战车和耶路撒冷的战马” 表示除灭教会的一切理解力; “使以法莲满了弓” 表示赐予一个新的理解力. “车” 表示教义 (参看 (5321节), “马” 表示理解力 (2760-2762, 3217, 5321节); “弓” 也表示教义 (2685, 2686, 2709节); 教义依靠理解力, 因为人对它理解到何等程度, 他就信它到何等程度; 他对教义的理解决定了信仰的品质.

因此, 以法莲的子孙被称为 “弓箭手弓箭手”, 诗篇:

以法莲的子孙带着兵器, 拿着弓 (他们是), 临阵之日, 转身退后. (诗篇 78:9)


人子啊, 你要取一根木棍, 在其上写为犹大和他的同伴以色列人; 又取一根木棍, 在其上写为约瑟, 就是为以法莲, 又为他的同伴以色列全家的. 然后把它们彼此相接, 连为一根木棍, 使这两根在你手中成为一根. 看哪! 我要取以法莲手中约瑟的棍, 和他同伴以色列支派的棍, 将在它上面的加到犹大的棍上, 使它们成为一根棍, 在我手中合而为一. (以西结书 37:16-17, 19)

此处 “犹大” 也表示教会的属天部分, “以色列” 表示教会的属灵部分, “以法莲” 表示教会的理解力部分. 两根变为一根棍表示这些通过仁之良善合而为一. “木棍” 表示系仁之良善的良善, 因而是指行为的良善 (参看1110, 2784, 2812, 3720, 4943节).


必有一天, 守望的人从以法莲山呼叫说, 起来吧! 我们可以上锡安, 到耶和华我们的神那里去. 我是以色列的父, 以法莲是我的长子. (耶利米书 31:6, 9)


我清楚听见以法莲为自己哀叹, 说, 你责罚我, 我便受责罚, 像不惯负轭的牛犊一样. 求你使我回转, 我便回转. 以法莲是我的宝贝儿子么? 是可喜悦的孩子吗? 因为我每逢说了话遣责他, 仍深顾念他. (耶利米书 31:18, 20)

我必再领以色列回他的故土, 他必在迦密和巴珊吃草, 他的灵魂又在以法莲山上和基列境内得以饱足. (耶利米书 50:19)


祸哉! 高傲的冠冕, 以法莲酒徒, 凋残之花, 装饰的荣耀, 它们在肥美谷山顶上, 被酒困扰. (以赛亚书 28:1)

在这些经文中, “以法莲” 也表示教会的理解力部分. 教会的理解力部分就是教会成员对于真理与良善, 也就是信与仁的教义事物所拥有的理解. 因此, 这理解就是他们对于这些问题所持的观点, 概念或想法. 真理本身是教会的属灵部分, 良善是教会的属天部分; 但不同的人对真理与良善的理解是不同的; 因此, 人对真理的理解如何, 他所知道的真理就如何, 或也可说, 人对真理的理解决定了他所知道的真理的种类. 每个人对良善的理解也一样.

至于何为 “玛拿西” 所表示的教会意愿部分, 这可从教会的理解力部分, 也就是 “以法莲” 得知. 教会意愿的性质与其理解力的性质相似, 即它是因人而异的. 在以赛亚书, “玛拿西” 就表示这意愿部分:

因万军之耶和华的烈怒, 地都变暗, 百姓成了烧火的燃料, 无人怜惜弟兄. 各人吃自己膀臂上的肉. 玛拿西吞吃以法莲; 以法莲吞吃玛拿西, 他们一同攻击犹大. (以赛亚书 9:19-21)

“各人吃自己膀臂上的肉. 玛拿西吞吃以法莲; 以法莲吞吃玛拿西” 表教会成员的意愿将攻击他的理解力, 他的理解力则攻击他的意愿.


神已经指着他的圣洁说, 我要欢乐, 我要分开示剑, 丈量疏割谷. 基列是我的, 玛拿西也是我的, 以法莲是护卫我头的力量. (诗篇 60:6-7)


领约瑟如领羊群之以色列的牧者啊, 侧耳听哦! 坐在二基路伯上的啊, 求你发出光来! 在以法莲, 便雅悯, 玛拿西前面, 施展你的大能. (诗篇 80:1-2)

此处 “以法莲” 也表示教会的理解力部分, “玛拿西” 表示它的意愿部分. 这层含义也可从雅各临死前对以法莲和玛拿西的祝福 (创世记 48:13-20), 雅各接受以法莲以取代流便, 接受玛拿西以取代西缅 (创世记 48:3, 5) 明显看出来; 因为流便代表教会的理解力部分, 也就是理解力或教义上的信仰 (参看3861, 3866节); 西缅代表行为上的信仰, 或顺从和实践真理的意愿, 仁爱就源于真理并通过真理来表达自己, 因而代表行为上的真理, 也就是新意愿的良善 (3869-3872节).

那时叫以色列的雅各更多地祝福以法莲, 而不是玛拿西, 将右手放在前者身上, 左手放在后者身上 (创世记 48:13-20), 其原因和雅各为自己获得以扫的长子名分的原因是一样的, 也与犹大从他玛所生的儿子法勒斯和谢拉的情况是一样的, 当时谢拉虽为长子, 仍在法勒斯之后出来 (创世记 38:28-30). 这个原因就是, 在人重生期间, 属于理解力的信之真理看似占据第一位, 而属于意愿的仁之良善则看似占据第二位; 而事实上, 良善占据第一位, 一旦此人重生, 这一点是显而易见的 (关于这个主题, 可参看3324, 3539, 3548, 3556, 3563, 3570, 3576, 3603, 3701, 4243, 4244, 4247, 4337, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 4977节).

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De obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #9942

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9942. 'And you shall weave the tunic in checker work of fine linen' means the inmost things of the spiritual kingdom, emanating from the truths of celestial love. This is clear from the meaning of Aaron's garments in general as the spiritual kingdom lying adjacent to the celestial kingdom, dealt with in 9814, and since the tunic was the inmost of those garments the inmost things of that kingdom are meant by it (for the meaning of 'Aaron's tunic' as Divine Truth in the spiritual kingdom, emanating directly from the Divine Celestial, see 9826); and from the meaning of 'fine linen' as truth from a celestial origin, dealt with in 9469. In the words stating that the tunic should be woven in checker work something produced by a weaver should be understood by 'checker work'; and by 'the work of a weaver' is meant that which is from the celestial, 9915. The same word is used in the original language to express the idea of producing checker work as is used to mean weaving.

[2] The fact that this tunic was woven, or was made from the work of a weaver, is clear from the following words in the Book of Exodus,

They made the tunics of fine linen, the work of a weaver, for Aaron and his sons. Exodus 39:27.

The reason why the tunic consisted of checker work or was woven from fine linen was in order that it might represent that which emanates directly from the celestial; in comparison it resembles a continuation from it. For what emanates from the celestial is akin to what does so from the will part of a person's mind, in that everything which belongs to a person's understanding emanates from that will part. What emanates from the will part and exists more internally is so to speak continuous from it, in contrast to what does so but exists more externally. Therefore that more internal emanation from the will has primarily the affection for truth within it; for all affection belonging to love that is present in the understanding flows in from its will part. A similar situation exists in the heavens, where the celestial kingdom corresponds to the will part of a person's mind, and the spiritual kingdom to the understanding part, see 9835. And since Aaron's garments represented the Lord's spiritual kingdom lying adjacent to His celestial kingdom, 9814, the tunic represented that which is inmost there, namely that which emanates from and exists closest to the celestial kingdom; for the tunic was the inmost garment. From this it is evident why it was woven or made of checker work, and why it was made from fine linen. For 'woven' means that which originates in the will part or the celestial, 9915, and 'fine linen' means truth that springs from celestial love, 9469.

[3] What is spiritual emanating from what is celestial is also meant in other places in the Word by tunics, for example by the tunics of skin which Jehovah God is said to have made for the man and his wife after they ate from the tree of knowledge, Genesis 3:20-21. No one can know that truth from a celestial origin is meant by those 'tunics' unless the inner meaning of the details of that story is unfolded; therefore it must be explained. 'The man and his wife' there is used to mean the celestial Church, 'the man' as the husband to mean that Church in respect of good, and 'his wife' that Church in respect of truth; this truth and that good were the celestial Church's truth and good. But then came the fall of that Church, which was brought about by reasonings, based on factual knowledge, about God's truths, meant in the internal sense by 'the serpent' who persuaded them. The first state after the fall of that Church is what is described here, its truth by 'the tunics of skin'.

[4] It should be remembered that the creation of heaven and earth in the first chapter of Genesis means and describes in the internal sense the new creation or regeneration of the member of the Church then, thus the establishment of the celestial Church; that paradise means and describes the wisdom and intelligence of that Church, and eating from the tree of knowledge its fall, brought about by their reasoning, based on factual knowledge, about Divine matters. For more which demonstrates that all this is so, see what has been shown regarding these matters in the explanations to those chapters. For all the narratives contained in the early chapters of Genesis are made-up history, in the internal sense of which there are Divine matters regarding the new creation or the regeneration of the member of the celestial Church, as has been stated. This was the customary way of writing in most ancient times, not only among those who belonged to the Church but also among those outside the Church, for example among the Arabians, Syrians, and Greeks, as is evident from the books of those times, both sacred and secular.

[5] It was in imitation of those books, since he derived it from them, that Solomon composed the Song of Songs, a book that is not a sacred one because it does not inwardly contain heavenly and Divine matters forming a continuous train of thought, such as sacred books contain. The Book of Job too is a book of the Ancient Church. Mention is also made in Moses of sacred books of the Ancient Church which have now been lost, in Numbers 21:14-15, 27ff, the historical sections of which were called The Wars of Jehovah and the prophetical parts The Utterances, see 2686, 2897. The fact that such was the style in the historical narratives of the sections called The Wars of Jehovah is evident from the parts of them which were extracted and quoted by Moses. Their historical narratives were therefore such as came near to a kind of prophetic style, the kind that would allow young children and also simple people to retain things in their memory. The fact that the books referred to in Numbers 21 were sacred is evident from the parts of them extant in verses 28-30 of that chapter, when compared with Jeremiah 48:45-46, where similar words occur. This kind of style was the most common, virtually the one and only style adopted among those who were outside the Church, as is plain from the myths and legends of those writers who were outside the Church which held within them notions of right and wrong or such as have to do with what people feel and how they conduct their life.

[6] In the narratives consisting not of made-up but of genuine history - which are those that appear in the Books of Moses after the chapters of made-up history, and also those in the Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings - spiritual truth and good of truth emanating from celestial truth and good are again meant by 'tunics'. (It should be remembered that spiritual truth and good is the kind of truth and good that spiritual angels in the middle or second heaven enjoy, but that celestial truth and good is the truth and good such as angels in the third and inmost heaven enjoy, see the places referred to in 9277.) The Books of Moses mention that Israel the father of Joseph gave his son a tunic of various colours, and that because of that tunic his brothers were annoyed; and that subsequently they stripped him of it, dipped it in blood, and sent it in that condition to their father, Genesis 37:3, 23, 31-33. All this was part of genuine history; and since it in like manner contained inwardly or in its internal sense the holy things of heaven and the Church, thus those that were Divine, that tunic of various colours served to mean the state of the good and truth which Joseph was to represent, namely the state of spiritual truth and good emanating from the celestial, see 3971, 4286, 4592, 4963, 5249, 5307, 5584, 5869, 5877, 6417, 6526, 9671. For all the sons of Jacob represented things such as belong to heaven and the Church in their proper order, 3858, 3926, 4060, 4603 and subsequent paragraphs, 6335, 6337, 6397, 6640, 7836, 7891, 7996. But in the chapter referred to above they represented the opposite.

[7] Since all things that are in the books of the Word are representative of and serve to mean Divine celestial and spiritual realities, both those things in the historical books and those in the prophetical books, the affection for spiritual truth is described in David by 'the king's daughter' and the actual truth by her garments,

Daughters of kings are among your precious ones; at your right hand stands the queen in the finest gold of Ophir. The daughter of Tyre will bring an offering, the rich of the people will entreat your face. All glorious is the king's daughter within, from woven threads (or checker work) of gold will her vesture (her tunic) be; in an embroidered [robe] she will be led to the king. Psalms 45:9ff.

'Daughter' in general means the affection for spiritual truth and good, and so means the Church as well, see 2362, 3024, 3963, 9055 (end); and 'king', when this refers to the Lord, means Divine Truth, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4581, 4966, 5068, 6148. From this it is evident that everything mentioned in that Psalm regarding 'the king's daughter' means such things as belong to the affection for truth and good received from the Lord in the Church. When it says that 'the daughter of Tyre will bring an offering' cognitions or knowledge of good and truth are meant, 'Tyre' meaning these, see 1201. The like is meant by 'the rich of the people', for nothing other than cognitions of good and truth is meant in the spiritual sense by 'riches', 1694, 4508. From this it is evident what the meaning is of the declaration that the king's daughter is 'all glorious within', and that her vesture was made 'from woven threads of gold'. By 'her vesture' a tunic should be understood, as is evident from the meaning that word has in the original language; for the word in that language means a garment worn next to the body. The fact that a tunic is meant is clear in John 19:24, where reference is made to the Lord's tunic, which David in Psalms 22:18 calls by the same word 'vesture'. It is also clear in 2 Samuel 13:18, where it says that the king's daughters were clothed with tunics of various colours; this matter is dealt with just below. By 'woven threads of gold' in David something similar is meant to what is meant by the checker work of Aaron's tunic, the same term being used in the original language. As regards what 'an embroidered [robe]' is in which she will be led to the king, see 9688.

[8] Since the king's daughter and her vesture or tunic served to represent such things, a king's daughters at that time wore that kind of clothing, as is clear in the second Book of Samuel,

On Tamar there was a tunic of various colours, for daughters of the king wore such clothes. 2 Samuel 13:18.

[9] Since, then, spiritual forms of good and truths were represented by tunics it may be seen what it is that Aaron's 'tunic' means, and also what is meant by his sons' tunics, mentioned in the next verse of this chapter, which says that for Aaron's sons they were to make tunics, belts, and headdresses, for glorious adornment. And since their tunics served to represent those holy forms of good and truths, it was declared that Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu, who were devoured by fire from heaven because they were offering incense on foreign 1 fire, should be taken outside the camp in their tunics, Leviticus 10:1-5. For 'foreign fire' means love from a source other than what is heavenly, since 'sacred fire' in the Word denotes love that is heavenly or Divine, 6832, 6834, 6849, 7324, 9434. Because of what his sons had done spiritual forms of good and truths, meant by their 'tunics', had been defiled, and this was why they were taken outside the camp in their tunics.

[10] 'Tunic' is used with a similar meaning in Micah,

My people have taken a stand as an enemy on account of the garment; you strip the tunic from those confidently passing through. Micah 2:8.

Here a different word is used in the original language for 'tunic'; even so spiritual truth and good is meant. 'Stripping the tunic from those passing through in confidence' means depriving of their spiritual truths those who lead a life of simple goodness. 'Having [them] as enemy on account of the garment' means doing ill to them on account of the truth they think, when in fact no one ought to suffer harm on account of whatever he believes to be true, provided that he is governed by good, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844.

[11] From all this it may now be seen what 'tunic' means in Matthew,

Jesus said, You shall not swear at all, neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by Jerusalem, nor by [your] head. Let your words be, Yes, yes; No, no; anything beyond this is from evil. 2 If anyone wishes to drag you to court and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. Matthew 5:34-37, 40.

Anyone unacquainted with what the angelic state is like in the Lord's celestial kingdom cannot have any idea at all of what these the Lord's words imply. For they refer to the state of goodness and truth with those who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom, with whom all truth resides within, imprinted on their hearts. For the good of love to the Lord leads them to know all truth, so completely that they never engage in any reasoning about it, as those in the spiritual kingdom do. Therefore whenever truths are referred to they say simply, Yes, yes; or, No, no. Nor indeed in that kingdom do they even make mention of faith. Regarding the state of these angels, see the places referred to in 9277. From this it is now evident what the meaning is of the command that they must not swear at all; for 'swearing' means confirming truths, 3375, 9166, which is done in the spiritual kingdom by the use of reason and factual knowledge drawn from the Word. 'Dragging to court and wishing to take away the tunic' means arguing about truths and wishing to convince others that something is not true, 'tunic' meaning truth from a celestial origin; for [those who are celestial] leave every one with the truth he has and do not go on to reason with him.

[12] 'Tunic' again means truth from a celestial origin elsewhere in Matthew,

Jesus sent the twelve to preach the kingdom of heaven, saying, that they should not possess gold, or silver, or bronze in their belts, nor a bag for the road, nor two tunics, or [pairs of] shoes, or rods. Matthew 10:9-10.

All this served to represent that those with forms of good and truths received from the Lord possess no good or truth at all that originates in themselves, but that every truth and form of good they have comes from the Lord. The twelve disciples represented all whose forms of good and truths come from the Lord, and in the abstract sense represented all forms of the good of love and all truths of faith derived from the Lord, 3488, 3858 (end), 6397. Forms of good and truths that originate in the self and not in the Lord are meant by 'possessing gold, silver, and bronze in their belts' and by 'a bag'. But truths and forms of good coming from the Lord are meant by 'tunic, shoe, and rod', inner truth or truth from a celestial origin by 'tunic', outer truth or truth in the natural by 'shoe', 1748, 6844, and the power of truth by 'rod', 4876, 4936, 6947, 7011, 7026. By 'two tunics' however, 'two [pairs of] shoes, and two rods' are meant truths and their powers that originate both in the Lord and in the self. The fact that they were allowed to have one tunic, one pair of shoes, and one rod is clear in Mark 6:8-9, and Luke 9:2-3.

[13] Once it is known from all this what 'a tunic' means it is evident what 'the Lord's tunic' referred to in John means,

They took the garments and made four parts, a part for each soldier, and the tunic. And the tunic was without seam, woven from the top throughout. They said, Do not let us divide it, but let us cast lots for it, whose it may be - so that the Scripture might be fulfilled, saying, They divided My garments for themselves, and for My tunic they cast lots. The soldiers did these things. John 19:23-24; Psalms 22:18.

Is there anyone, thinking with reason that is to some extent enlightened, who cannot see that in all this Divine things were meant, and that if this had not been so none of it would have been prophesied in David? Yet no one can know what is meant without the internal sense, thus without knowledge gained from that sense no one can know what is meant by 'the garments', 'casting lots for' or 'dividing them', 'the tunic' and its being 'without seam' or 'woven from the top throughout', and 'the soldiers'. From the internal sense it is evident that truths are meant by 'garments', and Divine Truths by 'the Lord's garments'; 'casting lots for' and 'dividing them' pulling apart and dispersing them, 9093; and 'the tunic' Divine Truth on the spiritual level, emanating from the Divine Celestial, the same as is meant by 'Aaron's tunic' since Aaron represented the Lord, for which reason also its being 'without seam' or 'woven from the top throughout' has the same meaning as 'checkered' or 'woven', which describes Aaron's tunic. The tunic's not being divided was a sign that Divine Truth on the spiritual level, emanating directly from Divine Truth on the celestial level, could not be dispersed, because this truth is the inner truth of the Word, such as exists with angels in heaven.

[14] When it says that 'the soldiers did it' the meaning is that it was done by those who ought to have been fighting for truths, that is, the Jews themselves with whom the Word existed, but whose characters were nevertheless such that they would disperse it. For they had the Word, yet nevertheless did not wish to know from it that the Lord was the Messiah and Son of God who was to come. Nor did they wish to know anything of the inner meaning of the Word, only the outward, which they also drafted to serve their own loves, which were self-love and love of the world, and so to support their desires gushing out of those loves. These things are meant by dividing up the Lord's garments; for whatever they did to the Lord represented the state of Divine Truth and Good among them then, thus the way they treated God's truths was similar to that in which they were treating Him; for while in the world the Lord was Divine Truth itself, see the places referred to in 9199 (end), 9315 (end).

Notas a pie de página:

1. i.e. unauthorized or profane fire

2. or from the evil one

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.