

От Марка 12:30



30 и возлюби Господа Бога твоего всем сердцем твоим, и всею душею твоею, и всем разумением твоим, и всею крепостию твоею, - вот первая заповедь!



The First Commandment

Av Junchol Lee

Lyssna på ljudet i ett nytt fönster

In Mark 12, Jesus teaches us 'what the first commandment is.' This is the first commandment, not as in the order of coming in numbers, but as in the priority. And, this is not an advice or recommendation, but a commandment. Following an advice or recommendation can be optional, but following a commandment is not. What Jesus commands us to do as the first priority of our lives on earth is "to love the Lord God, the Creator." Yet, Jesus leaves it up to us to figure our hows and whats on living this life of loving the Creator. So, do you know your hows and whats?

(Referenser: 2 Peter 1:16)