

Sofonías 1


1 Palabra del SEÑOR que fue a Sofonías hijo de Cusi, hijo de Gedalías, hijo de Amarías, hijo de Ezequías, en días de Josías hijo de Amón, rey de Judá.

2 Destruiré del todo todas las cosas de sobre la faz de la tierra, dice el SEÑOR.

3 Destruiré los hombres y las bestias; destruiré las aves del cielo, y los peces del mar, y los impíos tropezarán; y talaré a los hombres de sobre la faz de la tierra, dice el SEÑOR.

4 Y extenderé mi mano sobre Judá, y sobre todos los moradores de Jerusalén, y talaré de este lugar el remanente de Baal, y el nombre de sus religiosos con sus sacerdotes;

5 y a los que se inclinan sobre los terrados al ejército del cielo; y a los que se inclinan jurando por el SEÑOR y jurando por su rey;

6 y a los que se tornan atrás de en pos del SEÑOR; y a los que no buscaron al SEÑOR, ni preguntaron por él.

7 Calla delante de la presencia del Señor DIOS, porque el día del Señor está cercano; porque el SEÑOR ha aparejado sacrificio, prevenido a sus convidados.

8 Y será que en el día del sacrificio del SEÑOR, haré visitación sobre los príncipes, y sobre los hijos del rey, y sobre todos los que visten vestido extraño.

9 Y en aquel día haré visitación sobre todos los que saltan la puerta, los que llenan de robo y de engaño las casas de sus señores.

10 Y habrá en aquel día, dice el SEÑOR, voz de clamor desde la puerta del pescado, y aullido desde la escuela, y gran quebrantamiento desde los collados.

11 Aullad, moradores de Mactes, porque todo el pueblo mercader es destruido; talados son todos los que os traían dinero.

12 Y será en aquel tiempo, que yo escudriñaré a Jerusalén con candiles, y haré visitación sobre los hombres que están sentados sobre sus heces, los cuales dicen en su corazón: El SEÑOR ni hará bien ni mal.

13 Será por tanto, saqueada su hacienda, y sus casas asoladas; y edificarán casas, mas no las habitarán; y plantarán viñas, mas no beberán el vino de ellas.

14 Cercano está el día grande del SEÑOR, cercano y muy presuroso; voz amarga del día del SEÑOR; gritará allí el valiente.

15 Día de ira aquel Día, Día de angustia y de aprieto, Día de alboroto y de asolamiento, Día de tiniebla y de oscuridad, Día de nublado y de entenebrecimiento,

16 Día de trompeta y de algazara, sobre las ciudades fuertes, y sobre las torres altas.

17 Y atribularé a los hombres, y andarán como ciegos, porque pecaron contra el SEÑOR; y la sangre de ellos será derramada como polvo, y su carne como estiércol.

18 Ni su plata ni su oro los podrá librar en el día de la ira del SEÑOR; porque toda la tierra será consumida con el fuego de su celo; porque ciertamente consumación apresurada hará con todos los moradores de la tierra.



Exploring the Meaning of Zephaniah 1

За New Christian Bible Study Staff

Zephaniah’s prophecy is said to have taken place in the days of Josiah, the king of Judah. Josiah was a good king, walking in the all ways of the Lord, but both his sons were evil. He was the last king of Judah before Nebuchadnezzar's army conquered Jerusalem, and took many of the Jews captive to exile in Babylon for 70 years. (See the last four chapters of 2 Kings for Josiah’s story.)

The first chapter of the book of Zephaniah, in Zephaniah 1:1-3, begins with a prophecy that God will consume all things. We know that this isn't literally what was going to happen; consuming is not something that God does. Instead, it's something we do to ourselves when we depend only on our understanding of truth and ignore what is said in the Word. It means the perishing of our understanding of that truth.

The people who lived at that time were becoming totally external; there was no more affection for truths. Random thoughts about truths were gone, even the most outward truths of the stories were not considered worthy of thought, and any difficult truths were ignored. The church was becoming only a matter of rote external motions.

In Zephaniah 1:4-6, Baal, the stars and moon and sun, and Malcam, are false gods. Again it seems as though the Lord will punish Judah, but actually, by having “turned back from following the Lord,” the people of Judah has turned to false gods have no real power.

In Zephaniah 1:7-8, nevertheless the lord will have mercy on those that turn back to Him and can sit at His feast. But as in the parable of the wedding supper, (Matthew 22:11-13) only those who have the right clothing are welcome. Why this rule?

Garments mean evident truths that a person “wears”. Princes and kings mean ruling truths or falsities that a person believes and uses to guide ones actions. When these are not from the Lord’s Word they lead one astray.

In Zephaniah 1:9-11, the text refers to areas of Jerusalem, where of all places God’s Word should be revered and believed and used to gain wisdom. Yet even there, there is mourning and wailing.

Maktesh means a mortar for grinding flour, and so perhaps a neighborhood of bakers. Merchants are traders, and are used to mean those who trade news of truths that they have heard. The whole idea here is that known truths are being defiled in the very place they should be honored.

In Zephaniah 1:12, 13, the idea has come about that either there is no God or that He doesn’t care. The houses and vineyards, the truths they live with and the new truths that they can drink in are gone, there is no more truth in the church.

In Zephaniah 1:14-17, there first is a prophecy of the Lord’s coming, “The great day of the Lord is near”.

We need to realize that words in the story that regard quickness or haste mostly mean sureness and importance. God doesn’t have a calendar; all time is the present with Him.

Then comes the reaction for those who have falsified His truth and turned away from his commandments -- ignored Him. They will be judged, and they won’t be happy about it.

In Zephaniah 1:18, the “truth” they honor -- the silver -- will be seen to have no value, and the appearance of good they put on -- the gold -- to be only paint.