Arcana Coelestia #2849

За Емануель Сведенборг

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2849. 'Like the stars of the heavens' means a whole multitude of cognitions of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the stars' as cognitions of good and truth, dealt with in 1808, 2495. Those who are spiritual are compared in various places in the Word to 'the stars', this comparison being made for the reason that they possess cognitions of good and truth, whereas those who are celestial are not so compared because they do not possess cognitions but perceptions. And a further reason for the comparison is that the stars illuminate the night, and those who are spiritual have a night-time light - like that shed by the moon and stars - in comparison with the day-time light in which those dwell who are celestial. For more regarding the truth that those who are spiritual, compared with those who are celestial, dwell in obscurity, see 1043, 2708, 2715.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.