

Êxodo 10:6



6 e encherão as tuas casas, as casas de todos os teus servos e as casas de todos os egípcios, como nunca viram teus pais nem os pais de teus pais, desde o dia em que apareceram na terra até o dia de hoje. E virou-se, e saiu da presença de Faraó.




Morning Sunshine, by Károly Ferenczy

Like other descriptions of time in the Word, "a day" or a number of "days" describe a spiritual state rather than our natural concept of time. A spiritual "day" describes a state of mind or a state in our relationship with the Lord rather than a 12-hour or 24-hour span of natural time. "Day" describes a state in which we are turned toward the Lord, and are receiving light (which is truth) and heat (which is a desire for good) from the Lord.