

约书亚记 21



1 那时,利未人的众族长来到祭司以利亚撒和嫩的儿子约书亚,并以色列各支派的族长面前,

2 迦南的示罗对他们:从前耶和华藉着摩西吩咐我们城邑居住,并城邑的郊野可以牧养我们牲畜

3 於是以色列人耶和华所吩咐的,从自己的地业中,将以下所记的城邑和城邑的郊野了利未人。

4 为哥辖族拈阄:利未人的祭司、亚伦的子孙,从犹大支派、西缅支派、便雅悯支派的地业中,按阄得了十三座城。

5 哥辖其馀的子孙,从以法莲支派、但支派、玛拿西半支派的地业中,按阄得了座城。

6 革顺的子孙,从以萨迦支派、亚设支派、拿弗他利支派、住巴珊的玛拿西半支派的地业中,按阄得了十三座城。

7 米拉利的子孙,按着宗族,从流便支派、迦得支派、西布伦支派的地业中,按阄得了十二座城。

8 以色列人照着耶和华摩西所吩咐的,将这些城邑和城邑的郊野,按阄分利未人。

9 犹大支派、西缅支派的地业中,将以下所记的城了利未支派哥辖宗族亚伦的子孙;因为他们拈出头一阄,

10 a

11 犹大地的基列亚巴和四围的郊野了他们。亚巴是亚衲族的始祖。(基列亚巴就是希伯仑)。

12 惟将属城的田地和村庄了耶孚尼的儿子迦勒为业。

13 以色列人将希伯仑,就是误杀人的逃城和属城的郊野,了祭司亚伦的子孙;又他们立拿和属城的郊野,

14 雅提珥和属城的郊野,以实提莫和属城的郊野,

15 何仑和属城的郊野,底璧和属城的郊野,

16 亚因和属城的郊野,淤他和属城的郊野,伯示麦和属城的郊野,共座城,是从这支派中分出来的。

17 又从便雅悯支派的地业中给了他们基遍和属城的郊野,迦巴和属城的郊野,

18 亚拿突和属城的郊野,亚勒们和属城的郊野,共座城。

19 亚伦子孙作祭司的共有十三座城,还有属城的郊野。

20 利未支派中哥辖的宗族,就是哥辖其馀的子孙,拈阄所得的城有从以法莲支派中分出来的。

21 以色列人将以法莲地的示剑,就是误杀人的逃城和属城的郊野,了他们;又他们基色和属城的郊野,

22 基伯先和属城的郊野,伯和仑和属城的郊野,共座城;

23 又从但支派的地业中给了他们伊利提基和属城的郊野,基比顿和属城的郊野,

24 亚雅仑和属城的郊野,迦特临门和属城的郊野,共座城;

25 又从玛拿西半支派的地业中给了他们他纳和属城的郊野,迦特临门和属城的郊野,共两座城。

26 哥辖其馀的子孙共有座城,还有属城的郊野。

27 以色列人又从玛拿西半支派的地业中将巴珊的哥兰,就是误杀人的逃城和属城的郊野,给了利未支派革顺的子孙;又给他们比施提拉和属城的郊野,共两座城;

28 又从以萨迦支派的地业中给了他们基善和属城的郊野,大比拉和属城的郊野,

29 耶末和属城的郊野,隐干宁和属城的郊野,共座城;

30 又从亚设支派的地业中给了他们米沙勒和属城的郊野,押顿和属城的郊野,

31 黑甲和属城的郊野,利合和属城的郊野,共座城;

32 又从拿弗他利支派的地业中将加利利的基低斯,就是误杀人的逃城和属城的郊野,给了他们;又给他们哈末多珥和属城的郊野,加珥坦和属城的郊野,共座城。

33 革顺人按着宗族所得的城,共十三座,还有属城的郊野。

34 其馀利未支派米拉利子孙,从西布伦支派的地业中所得的,就是约念和属城的郊野,加珥他和属城的郊野,

35 丁拿和属城的郊野,拿哈拉和属城的郊野,共座城;

36 又从流便支派的地业中给了他们比悉和属城的郊野,雅杂和属城的郊野,

37 基底莫和属城的郊野,米法押和属城的郊野,共座城;

38 又从迦得支派的地业中,将基列的拉末,就是误杀人的逃城和属城的郊野,给了他们;又给他们玛哈念和属城的郊野,

39 希实本和属城的郊野,雅谢和属城的郊野,共座城。

40 其馀利未支派的人,就是米拉利的子孙,按着宗族拈阄所得的,共十二座城。

41 利未人在以色列人的地业中所得的城,共四十座,并有属城的郊野。

42 这些城四围都有属城的郊野,城城都是如此。

43 这样,耶和华将从前向他们列祖起誓所应许的全以色列人,他们就得了为业,在其中。

44 耶和华照着向他们列祖起誓所应许的一切话,使他们四境平安;他们一切仇敌中,没有一在他们面前站立得住。耶和华把一切仇敌都交在他们中。

45 耶和华应许赐福给以色列家的一句也没有落空,都应验了。






'Shechem,' as in Genesis 37:12, signifies earliest basics of the doctrine concerning faith. The earliest basics are also the common, or general, principles of doctrinal things. These common, or general, principles are what are received first. Special, or particular, principles follow afterwards.

In Genesis 12:6, 'Abram's passing through the land unto the place Shechem' signifies a new state of the Lord when the celestial aspects of love first appeared to Him which is what Shechem signifies. This is the first stop in the land of Canaan, when coming from Syria, or Haran.

'Shechem' the son of Hamor in Genesis 34:2 signifies the truth of the church from ancient times.

In Genesis 33:17-20, Psalms 60:6-8 and 108:7-9, Shechem signifies the first dawn of light.

(Reference: Arcana Coelestia 1441, Genesis 6; Joshua 1, 7, 20, 20:7, 21, 21:21, 24:1, 24, 24:25)



Genesis 6



1 It happened, when men began to multiply on the surface of the ground, and daughters were born to them,

2 that God's sons saw that men's daughters were beautiful, and they took for themselves wives of all that they chose.

3 Yahweh said, "My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; yet will his days be one hundred twenty years."

4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when God's sons came in to men's daughters. They bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

5 Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 Yahweh was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart.

7 Yahweh said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the surface of the ground; man, along with animals, creeping things, and birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."

8 But Noah found favor in Yahweh's eyes.

9 This is the history of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time. Noah walked with God.

10 Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

11 The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

12 God saw the earth, and saw that it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.

13 God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

14 Make a ship of gopher wood. You shall make rooms in the ship, and shall seal it inside and outside with pitch.

15 This is how you shall make it. The length of the ship will be three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.

16 You shall make a roof in the ship, and you shall finish it to a cubit upward. You shall set the door of the ship in its side. You shall make it with lower, second, and third levels.

17 I, even I, do bring the flood of waters on this earth, to destroy all flesh having the breath of life from under the sky. Everything that is in the earth will die.

18 But I will establish my covenant with you. You shall come into the ship, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you.

19 Of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ship, to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.

20 Of the birds after their kind, of the livestock after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every sort shall come to you, to keep them alive.

21 Take with you of all food that is eaten, and gather it to yourself; and it will be for food for you, and for them."

22 Thus Noah did. According to all that God commanded him, so he did.