

Второзаконие 1:4



4 По убиении им Сигона, царя Аморрейского, который жил в Есевоне, и Ога, царя Васанского, который жил в Аштерофе в Едреи,



Explanation of Deuteronomy 1:4

By Alexander Payne

Verse 4. After that the Lord has destroyed the love of self, the chief of evils which dwell in the natural affections, as far as it opposes the commencement of the regenerate life, and the love of the world which bears rule in the unregenerate mind and has its seat in the fallacies and pleasures of the senses.



Jeremiah 23:4



4 I will set up shepherds over them, who shall feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be lacking, says Yahweh.