

예레미야서 29:28



28 대저 그가 바벨론에 있는 우리에게 편지하기를 때가 오래리니 너희는 집을 짓고 거기 거하며 전원을 만들고 그 열매를 먹으라 하였다 하였느니라



Jeremiah Pt 2 – Conversations With God

By Todd Beiswenger

Ut pergas pasco dum audis, audi in fenestra nova.

After God calls Jeremiah, God lays out His case against the Children of Israel. Jeremiah replys to God saying, "Yes, what you say is true, but everybody else is just as bad as we are." God says, that's exactly the point. You were supposed to be special, My chosen people, not just like everybody else. It's a great conversation with God, one we should pay attention to.

(Notae: Jeremiah 12:1, 12:5, 24:1-10, 29:4-14)