

ルカによる福音書 7:50



50 しかし、イエスは女にむかって言われた、「あなたの信仰があなたを救ったのです。安心して行きなさい」。



Grateful to God

By Todd Beiswenger

Ut pergas pasco dum audis, audi in fenestra nova.

Are we as grateful to God as we should be? As we look at this week's story we read of a woman who was so aware of her sins that she was all the more grateful to God because she realized how much was forgiven. Are we similarly honest enough with ourselves to see all the things God has forgiven us?

(Notae: Arcana Coelestia 1999, 8873; Luke 7:36-50)





Cities of the mountain and cities of the plain (Jeremiah 33:13) signify doctrines of charity and faith.

(Notae: Arcana Coelestia 2418)