

1 Samuel 6



1 Efter at HE EN Ark havde været i Filisternes Land syv Måneder,

2 lod Filisterne Præsterne og Sandsigerne kalde og sagde: "Hvad skal vi gøre med HE ENs Ark? Lad os få at vide, hvorledes vi skal bære os ad, når vi sender den hen, hvor den har hjemme!"

3 De svarede: "Når I sender Israels Guds Ark tilbage, må I ikke sende den bort uden Gave; men I skal give den en Sonegave med tilbage; så bliver I raske og skal få at vide, hvorfor hans Hånd ikke vil vige fra eder!"

4 De spurgte da: "Hvilken Sonegave skal vi give den med tilbage?" Og de sagde: "Fem Guldbylder og fem Guldmus svarende til Tallet på Filisterfyrsterne; thi det er en og samme Plage, der har ramt eder og eders Fyrster;

5 I skal eftergøre eders Bylder og Musene, som hærger eders Land, og således give Israels Gud Æren; måske vil han da tage sin Hånd bort fra eder, eders Gud og eders Land.

6 Hvorfor vil I forhærde eders Hjerte, som Ægypterne og Farao forhærdede deres Hjerte? Da han viste dem sin Magt, måtte de da ikke lade dem rejse, så de kunde drage af Sted?

7 Tag derfor og lav en ny Vogn og tag to diegivende Køer, som ikke har båret Åg, spænd Køerne for Vognen og tag Kalvene fra dem og driv dem hjem;

8 tag så HE ENs Ark og sæt den på Vognen, læg de Guldting, I giver den med i Sonegave, i et Skrin ved Siden af og send den så af Sted.

9 Læg siden Mærke til, om den tager Vejen hjem ad Bet-Sjemesj til, thi så er det ham, som har voldt os denne store Ulykke; i modsat Fald ved vi, at det ikke var hans Hånd, som ramte os, men at det var en Hændelse!"

10 Mændene gjorde da således; de tog to diegivende Køer og spændte dem for Vognen, men Kalvene lukkede de inde i Stalden.

11 Derpå satte de HE ENs Ark på Vognen tillige med Skrinet med Guldmusene og Bylderne.

12 Men Køerne gik den slagne Vej ad Bet-Sjemesj til; under ustandselig Brølen fulgte de stadig den samme Vej uden at bøje af til højre eller venstre, og Filisterfyrsterne fulgte med dem til Bet-Sjemesj's Landemærke.

13 Da Bet-Sjemesjiterne, der var ved at høste Hvede i Dalen, så op og fik ØjeArken, løb de den glade i Møde;

14 og da Vognen var kommet til Bet-Sjemesjiten Jehosjuas Mark, standsede den. Der lå en stor Sten; de huggede da Træet af Vognen i Stykker og ofrede Køerne som Brændoffer til HE EN.

15 Og Leviterne løftede HE ENs Ark ned tillige med Skrinet med Guldtingene, der stod ved Siden af, og satte den på den store Sten, og Mændene i Bet-Sjemesj bragte den Dag Brændofre og ofrede Slagtofre til HE EN.

16 Da de fem Filisterfyrster havde set det, vendte de ufortøvet tilbage til Ekron.

17 Dette er de Guldbylder, Filisterne lod følge med i Sonegave til HE EN: For Asdod een, for Gaza een, for Askalon een, for Gat een og for Ekron een.

18 Guldmusene svarede til Tallet på alle Filisterbyerne, der tilhørte de fem Fyrster, både de befæstede Byer og Landsbyerne. Vidne derom er den Dag i Dag den store Sten på Bet-Sjemesjifen Jehosjuas Mark, hvorpå de satte HE ENs Ark.

19 Men Jekonjas Efterkommere havde ikke taget Del i Bet-Sjemesjiternes Glæde over at se HE ENs Ark; derfor ihjelslog han halvfjerdsindstyve Mænd iblandt dem. Da sørgede Folket, fordi HE EN havde slået så mange af dem ihjel;

20 og Bet-Sjemesjiterne sagde:"Hvem kan bestå for HE ENs, denne hellige Guds, Åsyn? Og hvor vil han drage hen fra os?"

21 Og de sendte Bud til Indbyggerne i Kirjat-Jearim og lod sige: "Filisterne har sendt HE ENs Ark tilbage. Kom herned og hent den op til eder!"


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Exploring the Meaning of 1 Samuel 6

By Garry Walsh

The Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant but now they were desperate to get rid of it. The statue of their god, Dagon, had fallen and broken, and they had suffered plagues. Seven months after they had taken the Ark, they asked the priests and diviners of the Philistines what to do. The priests and diviners said they should return the Ark, as well as a “trespass offering,” to the Lord “Jehovah” in Israel’s territory. The trespass offering was to be five gold tumors, and five gold mice, to represent the two plagues that had struck the five cities of the Philistines.

So, the Philistines built a special cart to carry the Ark and the trespass offering, and two young milk cows pulled it. The cows were set free to find their own route, and they headed straight for Israelite territory.

In Divine Providence 326[11-13], we get an explanation of the meaning of the symbols in this. The hemorrhoids that plagued the Philistines in 1 Samuel 5 represent earthly loves separated from spiritual ones. The golden hemorrhoids of the trespass offering represent earthly loves that have been purified, and made good.

The mice represent distortions of the truth which destroy the church. The golden mice represent the repair of this destruction by good loves and actions.

The cart that carried the ark and the trespass offerings symbolizes a new teaching, and the cows that pulled it symbolize “good earthly feelings.”

The cows lowed as they drew the cart away from the Philistines back to Israel. This represents how difficult it is to turn away from our obsessions with evil, and turn towards good.

The end of the chapter tells that the Israelite people in the border town of Beth Shemesh saw the cart coming, and rejoiced. They used a large stone as an altar, split up the wood of the cart and offered the two cows as a sacrifice. The golden objects were then distributed through the land.

These symbols reveal something about our relationship with God, and the importance of uniting faith and charity, good and truth, within ourselves. The Philistines represent a spiritual state with faith that is separate from charity. This chapter tells us that in order to reunite our faith with charity we must turn our loves of evil into the desire to do good with our knowledge.

But the people of Beth Shemesh, who received the Ark of the Covenant, made a fatal mistake: some of them looked into the Ark. As a consequence, 50,070 of their people died. So they sent a message to the people of Kirjath Jearim, asking them to come down and take the Ark from them.

The primary message here is the power of the Lord’s Ten Commandments. In the book "True Christian Religion", we are taught that there was tremendous holiness and power in the law written on the stone tablets, because it was a “summary of the whole of religion.” (See True Christian Religion 285, 286.) The two engraved tablets represent the link between us and God. One of them contains a synopsis of all things related to God, and the other, a synopsis of all things related to us.

If we ever disobey the commandments or treat them as less than holy, harm will surely come. Therefore, we must work with the Lord in order to learn to love His commandments. This needs to go together with an active and sincere effort to obey them to the best of our frail and limited human ability.

from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


True Christian Religion #159

Studere hoc loco

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159. At this point I shall describe some more experiences, of which this is the first.

Once when I was in company with angels in heaven, I saw far below a huge cloud of smoke with fire bursting out of it from time to time. I remarked to the angels who were talking with me, that few people here know that the sight of smoke in the hells arises from arguments in favour of falsities, and that fire is an outburst of anger against those who contradict them. I added that this is as little known in that world, as it is in the world where I live in the body, that flame is nothing but ignited smoke. I have often observed this, when, seeing smoke rising from wood on a hearth on earth, I have applied a lighted taper to it and seen the smoke turn into flame; and the flames copied the shape of the smoke, for each particle of smoke becomes a spark, and they join to make a blaze, just as also happens with gunpowder. 'It is the same with the smoke we can see down here below. It is composed of so many falsities, and the fire bursting out as flames is the outburst of zeal in their favour.'

[2] Then the angels said to me: 'Let us beg the Lord to allow us to go down and come near, so as to find out what falsities they have that produce so much smoke and fire.'

Permission was granted, and at once a beam of light surrounded us and brought us down without a break to that place. There we saw four groups of spirits who were arguing vigorously that God the Father, because He is invisible, should be approached and worshipped, and not His Son who was born in this world, because He was a man and visible. On looking to either side I saw on the left the learned clergy, and behind them the unlearned clergy; and on the right the educated laymen, and behind them the uneducated. But between us and them yawned an unbridgeable gap.

[3] We turned our eyes and ears towards the left, where the clergy were with the learned ones in front and the unlearned behind, and heard them arguing about God in these terms. 'We know from the teaching of our church, which on the subject of God is one and the same throughout Europe, that one should approach God the Father, being invisible, and at the same time God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who are also invisible, being co-eternal with the Father. Since God the Father is the creator of the universe, and consequently in the universe, He is present wherever we turn our gaze. When we pray to Him, He is graciously pleased to accept our prayers, and when the Son has mediated for us, He sends the Holy Spirit to put in our hearts the glory of His Son's righteousness and to make us blessed. We, who have been made doctors of the church, felt, when we preached, the holy working of the Spirit's mission in our breasts, and we breathed the devotion aroused by His presence in our minds. We feel these emotions because we direct all our senses towards the invisible God who works not in a single way on the sight of our understanding, but universally throughout our mental and bodily systems by means of His emissary, the Spirit. Such effects could not be produced by the worship of a visible God, or one apprehensible mentally as a man.'

[4] This speech was greeted with applause from the unlearned clergy, who stood behind them. 'What is the source,' they added, 'of holiness, if it is not from an invisible and imperceptible Divine? As soon as this idea crosses the threshold of our hearing, our faces break into smiles and we are cheered as by the soothing breath of an incense-laden breeze, and we also beat our breasts. It is quite different if we think of a visible and perceptible Divine; if this idea penetrates our ears, it is reduced to something purely natural and no longer Divine. It is for a similar reason that the Roman Catholics conduct their masses in the Latin language, and take the Host, the alleged subject of Divine mysteries, from repositories on the altar and display it. At this moment the people fall on their knees as if before the profoundest mystery and reverently hold their breath.'

[5] After this we turned to the right, where the educated, and behind them the uneducated, laymen stood. I heard the educated speak as follows: 'We know that the wisest of the ancients worshipped an invisible God whom they called Jehovah, but in the period which followed this they made themselves gods out of dead rulers, including Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Apollo as well as Minerva, Diana, Venus, and Themis, building temples to them and giving them Divine worship. This worship in the course of time led to idolatry, a madness which finally pervaded the whole world. We are therefore unanimous in assenting to the opinion of our priests and elders, that there were and are three Divine Persons from eternity, each of whom is God. It is enough for us that they are invisible.'

The uneducated behind them added: 'We agree. Surely God is God and man is man? But we know that if anyone proposed God-man, the common people, whose idea of God is only derived from the senses, will accept it.'

[6] At the end of this speech their eyes were opened and they saw us standing near them. Then they became angry that we had heard them and refused to say another word. But the angels used the power they had been given to shut off the exterior or lower levels of their thought, and open the interior or higher levels; so they compelled them to speak about God in this state. Then they said: 'What is God? We have not seen His appearance, nor have we heard His voice. God then must be merely nature in its first and last manifestations. Nature we have seen, because it is clear before our eyes, and nature we have heard, for its sounds are ever in our ears.'

On hearing this we said to them: 'Have you ever seen Socinus, who would acknowledge only God the Father? Or Arius, who denied the divinity of our Lord and Saviour? Or any of their followers?' 'No,' they replied. 'They are,' we said, 'in the depths below you.' Then some people were sent for from that place and questioned about God. They spoke in much the same way as the others had done, adding: 'What is God? We can make as many gods as we wish.'

[7] 'It is useless,' we said then, 'to talk to you about the Son of God born in the world, but this at least we shall say. To prevent faith about God, in Him and from Him, from becoming, merely because no one has seen Him, like a water-bubble floating in the air, full of beautiful colours in the first and second moments of its existence, but in the third and thereafter collapsing into nothing, it has pleased Jehovah God to come down and take upon Himself human form, thus putting Himself on view, and proving that God is no entity conceived by the faculty of reason, but That which was, is and shall be, from eternity to eternity. God is no three-letter 1 word, but the whole of reality from alpha to omega. Consequently He is life and salvation to all who believe in Him as a visible God, not to those who say that they believe in an invisible God. For believing, seeing and recognising make up a single act, which is why the Lord said to Philip:

He who sees and knows me sees and knows the Father.

and elsewhere that it is the Father's will that they should believe in the Son, and he who believes in the Son has everlasting life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God will rest upon him. (Both this and the previous passage are in John 3:15-16, 36; 14:6-15.)' On hearing this many of the four groups became so furious that smoke and fire came out of their nostrils. So we went away, and after escorting me home the angels went up to their own heaven.


1. This is a puzzling expression, since God in Latin is Deus; but as the conversation took place in the spiritual world, it may refer to a word in the spiritual language.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.