

創世記 13



1 亞伯蘭帶著他的妻子與羅得,並一切所有的,都從埃及地去。

2 亞伯蘭的、牲畜極多。

3 他從地漸漸往伯特利去,到了伯特利和艾的中間,就是從前支搭帳棚的地方

4 也是他起先築地方;他又在那裡求告耶和華的名。

5 亞伯蘭同行的羅得也有牛群羊群、帳棚。

6 容不下他們;因為他們的財物甚多,使他們不能同居。

7 當時,迦南人與比利洗人在那居住亞伯蘭的牧人和羅得的牧人相爭。

8 亞伯蘭就對羅得:你我不可相爭,你的牧人和我的牧人也不可相爭,因為我們是骨肉(原文作弟兄)。

9 不都在你眼前麼?請你離開我:你向左,我就向右;你向右,我就向左。

10 羅得舉目見約但河的全平原,直到瑣珥,都是滋潤的,那耶和華未滅所多瑪、蛾摩拉以先如同耶和華的園子,也像埃及

11 於是羅得選擇約但河的全平原,往東遷移;他們就彼此分離了。

12 亞伯蘭迦南,羅得在平原的城邑,漸漸挪移帳棚,直到所多瑪

13 所多瑪人在耶和華面前罪大惡極。

14 羅得離別亞伯蘭耶和華亞伯蘭:從你所在的地方,你舉目向東西

15 凡你所見的一切,我都要賜你和你的後裔,直到永遠

16 我也要使你的後裔如同上的塵沙那樣多,若能數算上的塵沙才能數算你的後裔。

17 起來,縱橫走遍這,因為我必把這你。

18 亞伯蘭就搬了帳棚,到希伯崙幔利的橡樹那裡居住,在那裡為耶和華築了一座




Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 13

By New Christian Bible Study Staff

Here are some excerpts from Swedenborg's "Arcana Coelestia" that help explain the inner meaning of this chapter:

AC 1535. This chapter treats of the external man in the Lord which was to be conjoined with His internal man. The external man is the Human Essence, the internal is the Divine essence. The former is here represented by Lot, but the latter by Abram.

AC 1536. There is here described the state of the external man such as it was in childhood, when first imbued with knowledges (scientifica et cognitiones)--that it thence advanced more and more to conjunction with the internal man (verses 1 to 4).

AC 1537. But that there were still many things in His external man that impeded the conjunction (verses 5 to 7); from which, however, He desired to be separated (verses 8, 9).

AC 1538. That the external man appeared to the Lord such as it is in its beauty when conjoined with the internal; and also such as it is when not conjoined (verses 10 to 13).)

AC 1539. A promise that when the external man was conjoined with the internal, that is, when the Lord‘s Human Essence "as conjoined with His Divine Essence, all power and authority (potestas) should be given to Him (verses 14 to 17). Concerning the Lord’s interior perception (verse 18).



Genesis 13:11



11 So Lot chose the Plain of the Jordan for himself. Lot traveled east, and they separated themselves the one from the other.