

如申命记 11:9



9 並使你們的日子在耶和華向你們列祖起誓、應許他們和他們後裔的上得以長久;那是流奶與蜜之



Explanation of Deuteronomy 11

By Alexander Payne

Verses 1-9. A greater obligation is imposed upon those regenerating than upon others to obey the Divine commands; because they have been able more clearly to perceive the operations of Providence.

Verses 10-12. The difference between a persuasive and a rational faith.

Verses 13-17. The rational understanding given to those who carry out the Divine will.

Verses 18-21. The Divine will must therefore be stamped upon the whole life.

Verses 22-25. The regenerate will then be endowed with all things.

Verses 26-32. A blessing and a curse thus set before the soul according as the Divine commands are obeyed or rejected.