

出埃及记 29:20



20 你要宰这,取点血抹在亚伦的右耳垂上和他儿子的右耳垂上,又抹在他们右的大拇指上和右的大拇指上;并要把血洒在的四围。

from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #9931

Studere hoc loco

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9931. 'And engrave on it, [like] the engraving of a signet' means what is everlasting and has been imprinted on their hearts in accord with a heavenly sphere. This is clear from the meaning of 'engraving' as imprinting on the memory, 9841, 9842, thus also on the heart (for what is imprinted on the interior memory, or on one's life, is said to have been imprinted on the heart), and since this remains forever, what exists everlastingly is also meant; and from the meaning of 'the engraving of a signet' as a heavenly sphere, dealt with in 9846. The expression 'what has been imprinted on their hearts in accord with a heavenly sphere' is used because things which have been imprinted on the memory - in particular on the interior memory, which is 'the book of life', 2474 - have been imprinted in accord with a heavenly sphere. For a person governed by the good of love resulting from the truths of faith resembles heaven, indeed he is heaven in the smallest form it takes, see the places referred to above in 9279, 9632. This being so, the heavenly pattern resides in him; for all the communities in heaven have been arranged according to the heavenly pattern, because all affections for good and consequently thoughts of truth flow in accordance with that pattern, 9877. All factual knowledge too is arranged into the heavenly pattern when a person is governed by heavenly love, love being that which so arranges it, see 6690.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #4524

Studere hoc loco

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4524. Now because every single thing that exists in the world and in the natural system comes into being, and is constantly coming into being - that is, is kept in being - from something prior to itself, it follows that it comes into being and is kept in being from a world above the natural system, which is called the spiritual world. And because there must be a continuous connection with that spiritual world in order that every single thing may be kept in being, or constantly come into being, it follows that the purer or more interior things present within the natural order, and consequently within the human being, spring from that world, and that purer or more interior things are forms such as are able to receive influx. But because there can be only one source of life, as in the natural system there is only one source of light and warmth, it is clear that every trace of life originates in the Lord, who is the Primary Source of life. This being so, every single thing which exists in the spiritual world corresponds to Him, and so therefore does every single thing within man, for man is a tiny spiritual world in miniature form. Consequently the spiritual man is also an image of the Lord.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.