

但以理书 1


1 犹大约雅敬在位第年,巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒耶路撒冷,将城围困。

2 主将犹大约雅敬,并殿中器皿的几分交付他。他就把这器皿到示拿,收入他的庙里,放在他中。

3 王吩咐太监长亚施毗拿,从以色列人的宗室和贵胄中进几个人来,

4 就是年少没有残疾、相貌俊美、通达各样学问、知识聪明俱备、足能侍立在王宫里的,要教他们迦勒底的文字言语。

5 王派定将自己所用的膳和所饮的酒,每日赐他们一分,养他们年。满了年,好叫他们在王面前侍立。

6 他们中间有犹大族的人:但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亚撒利雅。

7 太监长给他们起名:称但以理为伯提沙撒,称哈拿尼雅为沙得拉,称米沙利为米煞,称亚撒利雅为亚伯尼歌。

8 但以理却立志不以王的膳和王所饮的酒玷污自己,所以求太监长容他不玷污自己。

9 使但以理在太监长眼前蒙恩惠,受怜悯

10 太监长对但以理:我惧怕我我王,他已经派定你们的饮食;倘若他见你们的面貌比你们同岁的少年人肌瘦,怎麽好呢?这样,你们就使我的在王那里难保。

11 但以理对太监长所派管理但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亚撒利雅的委办

12 求你试试仆人我们素菜,白

13 然後我们的面貌和用王膳那少年人的面貌,就照你所的待仆人罢!

14 委办便允准他们这件事,试看他们

15 过了,见他们的面貌比用王膳的一切少年人更加俊美肥胖。

16 於是委办撤去派他们用的膳,饮的酒,他们素菜吃。

17 个少年人,在各样文字学问(学问:原文是智慧)上赐他们聪明知识;但以理又明白各样的异象和梦兆。

18 尼布甲尼撒王预定进少年人来的日期满了,太监长就把他们到王面前。

19 王与他们谈论,见少年人中无一人能比但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亚撒利雅,所以他们在王面前侍立。

20 王考问他们一切事,就见他们的智慧聪明比通国的术士和用法术的胜过倍。

21 到古列王元年,但以理还在。



列王記下 24:16



16 又将一切勇士人和木匠、铁匠一人,都是能上阵的勇士,全掳到巴比伦去了。





Vision is the innermost revelation, which is of perception. Visions are according to the state of humankind. The visions of people whose interiors are closed, are totally different from what is shown to people whose interiors are open. For example, when the Lord appeared to the whole congregation on Mount Sinai, His appearance was a vision varying according to the states of the witnesses, appearing differently to the people than for Aaron, and differently from Aaron as to Moses. So also, the vision was totally different as exhibited to Moses and to the prophets. There are several kinds of visions, and they are more perfect, in proportion to how interior a person is. For the Lord it was the most perfect, because He had a perception of everything in the world of spirits, and in the heavens, and had immediate communication with Jehovah. This communication is described in the internal sense by 'the vision' in which Jehovah appeared to Abram in Genesis 15:1.

'Vision' in Zechariah 13:4 signifies falsities.

(Notae: Arcana Coelestia 1786)