

Ezequiel 1:1



1 Y FUÉ que á los treinta años, en el mes cuarto, á cinco del mes, estando yo en medio de los trasportados junto al río de Chebar, los cielos se abrieron, y vi visiones de Dios.



Ezekiel 1 - Instilling Confidence

Po Todd Beiswenger

Za nastavak pregledavanja dok slušate, pustite zvuk u novom prozoru.

God called Ezekiel and he saw an incredible vision of cherubim, and wheels covered with eyes... what does it mean?! One of the things we can take from it for sure is that this vision was given to Ezekiel to give him the confidence in the Lord to do as he was told. Can we have the confidence even if we haven't seen?

(Reference: Ezekiel 1:4-28)