

Richter 9:18



18 und ihr lehnt euch auf heute wider meines Vaters Haus und erwürgt seine Kinder, siebzig Mann, auf einem Stein und macht euch Abimelech, seiner Magd Sohn, zum König über die Männer zu Sichem, weil er euer Bruder ist);





The nature of the soul is a deep and complicated topic, but it can be summarized as our spiritual life — that is, who we are in terms of our thoughts and affections. And that, generally, is the internal sense when the Bible talks of a soul. You could be missing limbs, disfigured in the body due to illness or accident, paralyzed, but you would still be a complete human being. That's because the soul is the real you, and the soul has to do with internal things, not the state of your body.