स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Arcana Coelestia #9342

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

/ 10837  

9342. 'For I will give the inhabitants of the land into your hand' means dominion over evils. This is clear from the meaning of 'giving into the hand' as overcoming and having dominion over; and from the meaning of 'the inhabitants of the land' as the Church's evils. Forms of good are meant by 'inhabitants', 2268, 2451, 2712, 3613, and therefore evils in the contrary sense; for the nations of the land of Canaan meant evils and falsities molesting and destroying the Church's forms of good and its truths, 9327.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Isaiah 37:15

पढाई करना


15 Hezekiah prayed to Yahweh, saying,

स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Arcana Coelestia #3613

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

/ 10837  

3613. 'And stay with him for a few days' means in that which was subsequent. This is clear from the meaning of 'staying' as being similar to dwelling, and so as living, dealt with in 1293, 2268, 2451, 2712, 3384 - though 'staying' has reference to the life of truth when accompanied by good, and 'dwelling' to the life of good when accompanied by truth; and from the meaning of 'days' as periods of time and states, dealt with in 23, 487, 488, 493, 2788, 3462. So it is the life belonging to periods of time and states that follow, to what is subsequent therefore, that is meant here by staying with him for a few days. This subsequent stage, or Jacob's staying with Laban, is dealt with in the chapters that follow.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.