

Левит 23

पढाई करना


1 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

2 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: вотъ праздники Господни, въ которые должно созывать священныя собранія; вотъ праздники Мои.

3 Шесть дней можно дјлать дјла, а въ седьмой день суббота покоя; священное собраиіе; никакого дјла не дјлайте: это суббота Господня во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

4 Вотъ праздники Госіюдни, сващенныя собранія, которыя вы должны созывать въ свое время:

5 въ первый мјсяцъ, въ четырнадцатый день мјсяца вечеромъ Пасха Господня.

6 И въ пятнадцатый день мјсяца сего Господень праздникъ опрјсноковъ, Семь дней јшьте опрјсноки.

7 Въ первый день да будетъ у васъ священное собраніе, никакой работы не работайте.

8 Въ теченіе семи дней приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; въ седьмой день также сващенное собраніе: никакой работы не работайте.

9 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

10 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: когда придете въ землю, которую Я даю вамъ, и будете жать на ней жатву: то принесите первый снопъ жатвы вашей къ священнику;

11 онъ принесетъ сей снопъ, потрясая предъ Господомъ, чтобы вамъ пріобрјсти благоволеніе, наутріе субботы принесетъ его священникъ, потрясая.

12 Въ день потрясанія снопа принесите во всессожженіе Господу агнца однолјтняго безъ порока,

13 и съ нимъ хлјбнаго приношенія двј десятыхъ части ефы пшеничной муки, облитой елеемь, въ огнепалимую жертву Господу, въ благоуханіе успокоенія, - и возліянія Ему четверть гина вина.

14 Никакого хлјба, ни сушеныхъ зеренъ, ни крупъ не јшьте до сего дня, пока не принесете приношенія Богу вашему: это вјчное постановленіе въ роды ваши во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

15 Отсчитайте себј отъ наутрія субботы, отъ того дня, въ который приносите хлјбъ потрясанія, семь полныхъ субботъ.

16 До наутрія ссдьмой субботы отсчитайте пятьдесятъ дней, и тогда принесите новое хлјбное приношеніе Господу.

17 Отъ жилищъ вашихъ приносите два хлјба потрясанія, которые должны состоять изъ двухъ десятыхъ частей ефы пшеничной муки, должны быть спечены кислые, какъ первый плодъ Господу.

18 Сверхъ хлјбовъ приносите семь агнцевъ безъ порока, однолјтнихъ, и изъ крупнаго скота одного тельца и двухъ овновъ; да будетъ это во всесожженіе Господу; а хлјбное приношеніе и возліяніе, принадлежащее къ нимъ, въ огнепалимую жертву, въ благоуханіе успокоенія Господу.

19 Принесите также изъ стада козъ одного козла въ жертву за грјхъ, и двухъ однолјтнихъ агнцевъ въ жертву благодарственную.

20 Священникъ долженъ принести сіе, потрясая предъ Господомъ, вмјстј съ потрясаемыми хлјбами перваго плода и съ двумя агнцами: это будетъ святынею Господнею для священника.

21 И созывайте народъ въ сей день, священное собраніе да будеть у васъ, никакой работы не работайте: это постановленіе вјчное во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ въ роды ваши.

22 Когда будете жать жатву на землј вашей, не дожинай угла въ полј твоемъ, когда жнешь, и оставшагося отъ жатвы твоей не подбирай; бјдному и пришельцу оставь сіе. Я Господъ, Богъ вашъ.

23 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

24 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: въ седьмой мјсяцъ, въ первый день мјсяца, да будетъ у васъ покой, праздникъ трубнаго звука, священное собраніе.

25 Никакой работы не работайте, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу.

26 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

27 также въ десятый день седьмаго мјсяца сего, въ день очищенія, да будетъ у васъ священное собраніе; смиряйте души ваши, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу.

28 Никакого дјла не дјлайте въ день сей; ибо это день очищенія, дабы очистить васъ предъ лицемъ Господа, Бога вашего.

29 А всякая душа, которая не смиритъ себя въ сей день, истребится изъ народа своего.

30 И если какая душа будетъ дјлать какое-нибудь дјло въ день сей, Я истреблю ту душу изъ народа ея.

31 Никакого дјла не дјлайте; это постановленіе вјчное въ роды ваши, во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

32 Это для васъ суббота покоя, смиряйте души ваши съ вечера девятаго дня мјсяца; отъ вечера до вечера празднуйте субботу вашу.

33 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

34 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: съ пятнадцатаго дня, седьмаго мјсяца сего, Господень праздникъ кущъ, продолжающійся семь дней.

35 Въ первый день священное собраніе, никакой работы не работайте.

36 Въ теченіи семи дней приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; въ осьмой день священное собраніе да будетъ у васъ, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; это день торжества, никакой работы не работайте.

37 Вотъ праздники Господни, въ которые должно созывать священныя собранія, чтобъ приносить Господу огнепалимую жертву, всесожженіе и хлјбное приношеніе, закалаемыя жертвы, и возліянія, каждое въ свой денъ,

38 кромј субботъ Господнихъ. и кромј даровъ вашихъ, и кромј всјхъ објтовъ вашихъ, и кромј всего приносимаго по усердію вашему, что вы даете Господу.

39 Особенно въ пятнадцатый день седьмаго мјсяца, когда собираете произведенія земли, празднуйте праздникъ Господень семь дней: въ первый день покой и въ осьмой день покой:

40 въ первый день возьмите себј вјтви красивыхъ деревъ, вјтви пальмовыя и вјтви деревъ широколиственныхъ и вербъ рјчныхъ, и веселитесь предъ Господомъ, Богомъ ваиимъ, семь дней.

41 Празднуйте сей праздникъ Господень семь дней въ году: это постановленіе вјчное въ роды ваши. Въ седьмой мјсяцъ празднуйте его.

42 Въ кущахъ живите семь дней; всякий природный житель земли Израилевой долженъ жить въ кущахъ,

43 чтобъ знали будущіе роды ваши, что въ кущахъ велјлъ Я жить сынамъ Израилевымъ, когда вывелъ ихъ изъ земла Египетской. Я Господь, Богъ вашъ.

44 И сказалъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ о праздникахъ Господнихъ,


स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Apocalypse Revealed #348

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

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348. And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand. (7:4) This symbolizes all people who acknowledge the Lord as God of heaven and earth and are governed by truths of doctrine springing from the goodness of love, received from Him through the Word.

These are symbolized by the number 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel because the twelve tribes of Israel symbolize a church that consists of people who possess goodness and truth from the Lord and acknowledge Him as God of heaven and earth. The number 144,000 means all such. For that number has the same symbolism as the number twelve, since it is the product of twelve times twelve, which is then multiplied by 1000; and any number multiplied by itself and then by 10, 100, or 1000, has the same symbolism as the original number. Thus the number 144,000 has the same symbolism as 144, and this the same symbolism as twelve, as 144 is the product of twelve times twelve. Similarly, the product of the 12,000 sealed from each tribe times twelve is 144,000.

The number twelve means, symbolically, all, and is predicated of truths springing from goodness, because twelve is the product of three times four, and the number three symbolizes everything connected with truth, and the number four, everything connected with good. Thus the number twelve here symbolizes everything connected with truth that springs from the goodness of love.

[2] Numbers all symbolize additional properties of things that determine their quality or quantity, and this can be clearly seen from numbers in the book of Revelation, which in many places would not have any meaning unless they were symbolic.

From the foregoing it can now be seen that the 144,000 sealed, and the 12,000 from each tribe, mean not that these many were sealed or chosen from the tribes of Israel, but that all those were who are governed by truths of doctrine springing from the goodness of love received from the Lord.

This is the general symbolism of the twelve tribes of Israel, and also of the Lord's twelve apostles, but each tribe and each apostle individually symbolizes some truth springing from good. What each tribe symbolizes here, however, we will say in the following considerations.

Since the twelve tribes symbolize all doctrinal truths springing from the goodness of love received from the Lord, therefore they also symbolize all constituents of the church. Consequently the church was represented by the twelve tribes of Israel, and likewise by the twelve apostles.

[3] Because the number twelve is predicated of the church's truths and goods, therefore the New Jerusalem, meaning the Lord's New Church, is described in its individual parts by the number twelve. So for instance, the city had a length and breadth of 12,000 stadia. 1 Its wall was 144 cubits 2 (144 being twelve times twelve). It had twelve gates, and the gates consisted of twelve pearls. Over the gates were twelve angels, and on the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. It had twelve foundations, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. These consisted also of twelve precious stones. Moreover, the city had in it the tree of life which bore twelve fruits, in correlation with the twelve months. All of this may be seen in Revelation, chapters 21, 22.

Out of the kind of people described here the Lord formed a new heaven and is in the process of forming a new church. For they are the same people mentioned in chapter fourteen and thereafter, where we read about them the following:

Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand... And they sang... a new song before the throne...; and no one could learn the song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth. ...they are virgins..., (and) follow the Lamb wherever He goes. (Revelation 14:1, 3-4)

[4] Since the twelve tribes symbolize the Lord's church in respect to all its truths and goods, therefore the number twelve became an ecclesiastical number, and one customary in its sanctities. So for example, on the breastpiece of judgment, containing the Urim and Thummim, there were twelve precious stones (Exodus 28:21). Twelve cakes of showbread were placed on the table in the Tabernacle (Leviticus 24:5-6). Moses built an altar at the foot of Mournt Sinai and set up twelve pillars. (Exodus 24bb4) Twelve men were sent to explore the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:23). Twelve men carried twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan (Joshua 4:1-9, 20). At the dedication of the altar, twelve leaders brought twelve silver plates, twelve silver bowls, twelve gold censers, twelve young bulls, twelve rams, twelve lambs, and twelve goats (Numbers 7:84, 87). Elijah took twelve stones and built an altar (1 Kings 18:31, 32). Elijah found Elisha when Elisha was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was the twelfth, and Elijah then threw his mantle over him (1 Kings 19:19). Solomon placed under the bronze sea twelve oxen (1 Kings 7:25, 44). He made a throne, and standing on its steps twelve lions (1 Kings 10:19, 20). On the head of the woman clothed with the sun was a crown of twelve stars (Revelation 12:1).

It can now be seen from this that 144,000 sealed, 12,000 from each tribe, means not this number of Jews and Israelites, but all who, as part of the new Christian heaven and of the New Church, will be governed by truths of doctrine springing from the goodness of love, received from the Lord through the Word.


1. Plural of stadium, an ancient Greek measure of distance equal to about 607 feet or 185 meters.

2. An ancient unit of linear measure based on the length of a man's forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, equivalent to approximately 18 inches or 46 centimeters.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.



Joshua 4:20

पढाई करना


20 Joshua set up those twelve stones, which they took out of the Jordan, in Gilgal.