

Deutéronome 28

पढाई करना


1 Or il arrivera que si tu obéis exactement à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu prennes garde de faire tous ses commandements que je te prescris aujourd'hui, l'Eternel ton Dieu te rendra haut élevé par dessus toutes les nations de la terre.

2 Et toutes ces bénédictions ici viendront sur toi, et t'atteindront, quand tu obéiras à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu.

3 Tu seras béni dans la ville, tu seras aussi béni aux champs.

4 Le fruit de ton ventre sera béni, et le fruit de ta terre, et le fruit de ton bétail; les portées de tes vaches, et les brebis de ton troupeau.

5 Ta corbeille sera bénie; et ta maie aussi.

6 Tu seras béni en ton entrée, et tu seras aussi béni en ta sortie.

7 L'Eternel fera que tes ennemis qui s'élèveront contre toi, seront battus devant toi; ils sortiront contre toi par un chemin, et ils s'enfuiront devant toi par sept chemins.

8 L'Eternel commandera à la bénédiction qu'elle soit avec toi, dans tes greniers, et dans tout ce à quoi tu mettras ta main; et il te bénira au pays que L'Eternel ton Dieu te donne.

9 L'Eternel ton Dieu t'établira pour lui être un peuple saint, selon qu'il te l'a juré, quand tu garderas les commandements de L'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu marcheras dans ses voies.

10 Et tous les peuples de la terre verront que le Nom de l'Eternel est réclamé sur toi, et ils auront peur de toi.

11 Et l'Eternel ton Dieu te fera abonder en biens, [multipliant] le fruit de ton ventre, et le fruit de tes bêtes, et le fruit de ta terre, sur la terre que l'Eternel a juré à tes pères de te donner.

12 L'Eternel t'ouvrira son bon trésor, [savoir] les cieux, pour donner la pluie, telle qu'il faut à ta terre en sa saison, et pour bénir tout le travail de tes mains; et tu prêteras à beaucoup de nations, et tu n'emprunteras point.

13 L'Eternel te mettra à la tête, et non à la queue, et tu seras seulement au dessus, et non point au dessous; quand tu obéiras aux commandements de L'Eternel ton Dieu que je te prescris aujourd'hui, afin que tu prennes garde de les faire;

14 Et que tu ne te détournes ni à droite ni à gauche d'aucune des paroles que je te commande aujourd'hui, pour marcher après d'autres dieux, [et] pour les servir.

15 Mais si tu n'obéis point à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, pour prendre garde de faire tous ses commandements et ses statuts que je te prescris aujourd'hui, il arrivera que toutes ces malédictions-ci viendront sur toi, et t'atteindront.

16 Tu seras maudit dans la ville, et tu seras aussi maudit aux champs.

17 Ta corbeille sera maudite, et ta maie aussi.

18 Le fruit de ton ventre sera maudit, et le fruit de ta terre; les portées de tes vaches, et les brebis de ton troupeau.

19 Tu seras maudit en ton entrée, tu seras aussi maudit en ta sortie.

20 L'Eternel enverra sur toi la malédiction, l'effroi, et la dissipation dans tout ce à quoi tu mettras la main [et] que tu feras, jusqu'à ce que tu sois détruit, et que tu périsses [promptement], à cause de la méchanceté des actions par lesquelles tu m'auras abandonné.

21 L'Eternel fera que la mortalité s'attachera à toi, jusqu'à ce qu'il t'aura consumé de dessus la terre en laquelle tu vas pour la posséder.

22 L'Eternel te frappera de langueur, d'ardeur, de fièvre, de chaleur brûlante, d'épée, de sécheresse et de nielle, qui te poursuivront jusqu'à ce que tu périsses.

23 Et tes cieux, qui [seront] sur ta tête, seront d'airain; et la terre qui [sera] sous toi, sera de fer.

24 L'Eternel te donnera au lieu de la pluie telle qu'il faut à ta terre, une poussière menue, et une poudre [qui] descendra sur toi des cieux, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé.

25 Et l'Eternel fera que tu seras battu devant tes ennemis. Tu sortiras par un chemin contr'eux, et tu t'enfuiras devant eux par sept chemins; et tu seras vagabond par tous les Royaumes de la terre.

26 Et tes corps morts seront en viande à tous les oiseaux des cieux, et aux bêtes de la terre, et il n'y aura personne qui les effarouche.

27 L'Eternel te frappera de l'ulcère d'Egypte, d'hémorroïdes, de gale, et de grattelle, dont tu ne pourras guérir.

28 L'Eternel te frappera de frénésie, et d'aveuglement, et de stupidité.

29 Tu iras tâtonnant en plein midi, comme un aveugle tâtonne dans les ténèbres; tu n'amèneras point tes entreprises à un heureux succès, tu ne feras autre chose que souffrir des injustices et le pillage; et il n'y aura personne qui te garantisse.

30 Tu fianceras une femme, mais un autre couchera avec elle; tu bâtiras des maisons, mais tu n'y demeureras point; tu planteras des vignes, mais tu n'en cueilleras point le fruit pour toi.

31 Ton bœuf sera tué devant tes yeux, mais tu n'en mangeras point; ton âne sera ravi de devant toi, et ne te sera point rendu; tes brebis seront livrées à tes ennemis, et tu n'auras personne qui [les] en retire.

32 Tes fils et tes filles seront livrés à un autre peuple, et tes yeux le verront, et se consumeront tout le jour en [regardant] vers eux; et tu n'auras aucun pouvoir en ta main.

33 Et le peuple que tu n'auras point connu, mangera le fruit de ta terre, et tout ton travail; et tu ne feras autre chose que souffrir des injustices et des concussions tous les jours.

34 Et tu seras hors du sens à cause des choses que tu verras de tes yeux.

35 L'Eternel te frappera d'un ulcère malin sur les genoux, et sur les cuisses, dont tu ne pourras être guéri; [il t'en frappera] depuis la plante de ton pied jusqu'au sommet de ta tête.

36 L'Eternel te fera marcher, toi et ton Roi que tu auras établi sur toi, vers une nation que tu n'auras point connue, ni toi, ni tes pères, et tu serviras là d'autres dieux, le bois, et la pierre.

37 Et tu seras là un sujet d'étonnement, de railleries, et d'invectives parmi tous les peuples vers lesquels l'Eternel t'aura emmené.

38 Tu jetteras beaucoup de semence dans ton champ, et tu en recueilleras peu; car les sauterelles la consumeront.

39 Tu planteras des vignes, tu les cultiveras, mais tu n'en boiras point le vin, et tu n'[en] recueilleras rien; car les vers en mangeront le fruit.

40 Tu auras des oliviers en tous tes quartiers, mais tu ne t'oindras point d'huile; car tes oliviers perdront leur fruit.

41 Tu engendreras des fils et des filles, mais ils ne seront pas à toi, car ils iront en captivité.

42 Les hannetons gâteront tous tes arbres, et le fruit de ta terre.

43 L'étranger qui est au milieu de toi, montera au dessus de toi bien haut, et tu descendras bien bas.

44 Il te prêtera, et tu ne lui prêteras point; il sera à la tête, et tu seras à la queue.

45 Et toutes ces malédictions viendront sur toi, et te poursuivront, et t'atteindront, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé; parce que tu n'auras pas obéi à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, pour garder ses commandements et ses statuts qu'il t'a prescrits.

46 Et ces choses seront en toi et en ta postérité, pour signes et pour prodiges à jamais.

47 Et parce que tu n'auras pas servi l'Eternel ton Dieu avec joie, et de bon cœur, malgré l'abondance de toutes choses;

48 Tu serviras, dans la faim, dans la soif, dans la nudité, et dans la disette de toutes choses, ton ennemi, que l'Eternel enverra contre toi; et il mettra un joug de fer sur ton cou, jusqu'à ce qu'il t'ait exterminé.

49 L'Eternel fera lever contre toi de loin, du bout de la terre, une nation qui volera comme vole l'aigle; une nation dont tu n'entendras pas la langue.

50 Une nation impudente, qui n'aura point d'égard à la personne du vieillard, et qui n'aura point pitié de l'enfant.

51 Elle mangera le fruit de tes bêtes, et les fruits de ta terre, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé. Elle ne te laissera rien de reste, soit froment, soit vin, soit huile, ou portée de tes vaches, ou brebis de ton troupeau, jusqu'à ce qu'elle t'ait ruiné.

52 Et elle t'assiégera dans toutes tes villes, jusqu'à ce que tes murailles les plus hautes et les plus fortes, sur lesquelles tu te seras assuré en tout ton pays, tombent par terre. Elle assiégera, dis-je, toutes tes villes dans tout le pays que l'Eternel ton Dieu t'aura donné.

53 Tu mangeras le fruit de ton ventre, la chair de tes fils et de tes filles que l'Eternel ton Dieu t'aura donnés, dans le siège et dans la détresse dont ton ennemi te serrera.

54 L'homme le plus tendre et le plus délicat d'entre vous regardera d'un œil malin son frère et sa femme bien-aimée, et le reste de ses enfants qu'il aura réservés;

55 Pour ne donner à aucun d'eux de la chair de ses enfants, laquelle il mangera; parce qu'il ne lui sera rien demeuré du tout, à cause du siège et de la détresse dont ton ennemi te serrera dans toutes tes villes.

56 La femme la plus tendre et la plus délicate d'entre vous, qui n'eût point osé mettre la plante de son pied sur la terre, par délicatesse et par mollesse, regardera d'un œil malin son mari bien-aimé, son fils, et sa fille;

57 Et la taie de son petit enfant qui sortira d'entre ses pieds, et les enfants qu'elle enfantera; car elle les mangera secrètement dans la disette de toutes choses, à cause du siège et de la détresse, dont ton ennemi te serrera dans toutes les villes.

58 Si tu ne prends garde de faire toutes les paroles de cette Loi, qui sont écrites dans ce livre, en craignant le Nom glorieux et terrible de l'Eternel ton Dieu;

59 Alors l'Eternel rendra tes plaies et les plaies de ta postérité des plaies étranges, des plaies grandes et de durée, des maladies malignes et longues.

60 Et il fera retourner sur toi toutes les langueurs d'Egypte, desquelles tu as eu peur, et elles s'attacheront à toi.

61 Même l'Eternel fera venir sur toi toute [autre] maladie, et toute [autre] plaie, qui n'est point écrite au livre de cette Loi, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé.

62 Et vous resterez en petit nombre, après avoir été comme les étoiles des cieux, tant vous étiez en grand nombre; parce que tu n'auras point obéi à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu.

63 Et il arrivera que comme l'Eternel s'est réjoui sur vous, en vous faisant du bien, et en vous multipliant ; de même l'Eternel se réjouira sur vous en vous faisant périr, et en vous exterminant; et vous serez arrachés de dessus la terre dans laquelle vous allez pour la posséder.

64 Et l'Eternel te dispersera parmi tous les peuples, depuis un bout de la terre jusqu'à l'autre; et tu serviras là d'autres dieux, que ni toi ni tes pères n'avez point connus, le bois et la pierre.

65 Encore n'auras-tu aucun repos parmi ces nations-là; même la plante de ton pied n'aura aucun repos ; car l'Eternel te donnera là un cœur tremblant, et défaillance d'yeux, et détresse d'âme.

66 Et ta vie sera pendante devant toi; et tu seras dans l'effroi nuit et jour, et ne seras point assuré de ta vie.

67 Tu diras le matin : Qui me fera voir le soir? et le soir tu diras : Qui me fera voir le matin? à cause de l'effroi dont ton cœur sera effrayé, et à cause des choses que tu verras de tes yeux.

68 Et l'Eternel te fera retourner en Egypte sur des navires, pour faire le chemin duquel je t'ai dit : Il ne t'arrivera plus de le voir; et vous vous vendrez là à vos ennemis pour [être] esclaves et servantes, et il n'y aura personne qui vous achète.


स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Apocalypse Explained #696

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

/ 1232  

696. And to those that fear thy name, the small and the great.- That this signifies, and to all those, of whatever religion, who worship the Lord, is evident from the signification of fearing the name of the Lord God, as denoting to worship the Lord (of which presently); and from the signification of the small and the great, as denoting of whatever religion; for the small mean those who know little of the truths and goods of the church, and the great, those who know much, thus those who worship the Lord little and much. For so far as a man knows the truths of faith, and lives according to them, in so far does he worship the Lord, for worship is not from man, but from the truths from good that are in man, since these are from the Lord, and the Lord is in them. Those that fear Thy name, the small and the great, mean all who worship the Lord of whatever religion, because, just previously, mention is made of servants, prophets, and saints, by whom are meant all those within the church who are in truths of doctrine, and in a life according to them. Therefore by those that fear Thy name, the small and the great, are meant all those without the church who worship the Lord according to their religion; for those who worship the Lord, and live in any kind of faith and charity, according to their religion, also fear God's name. In fact, this verse treats of the Last Judgment upon all, both the evil and the good. A last judgment takes place upon all, both those within and those without the church, and then all those who, from their religion, fear God, and live in mutual love, in uprightness of heart and sincerity, are saved; for all such by all intuitive faith in God, and by a life of charity, are associated as to their souls with the angels of heaven, and are thus conjoined with the Lord and saved. For every one after death comes to his own in the spiritual world, with whom he was associated as to his spirit during his life in the natural world.

[2] The small and the great signify less or more, that is, those who worship the Lord less or more, thus those who are less or more in truths from good, because the spiritual sense of the Word has no reference to persons, having regard to nothing but the thing signified; and the expression the small and the great there does imply persons, for it means men who worship God. For this reason, instead of the small and the great, less or more are meant in the spiritual sense, thus those who worship less or more from genuine truths and goods. It is similar in respect to the servants, prophets, and saints, treated of just above, by whom, in the spiritual sense, are not meant prophets and saints, but, apart from persons, truths of doctrine and a life according to them. While these are meant, also all those who are in truths of doctrine and in a life according to them are included, for these things are in angels and men as their subjects. But in such case to think only of angels and men is natural, while to think of truths of doctrine and of life - these being the things that make angels and men - is spiritual. It is therefore evident how the spiritual sense, in which angels are, differs from the natural sense, in which men are, that is, in every particular which a man thinks, there inheres something of person, space, time, and matter, while angels think of things apart from these. For this reason, the speech of angels is incomprehensible to man, because it flows from intuition of the thing, and thus from wisdom separated from such things as are proper to the natural world, and thus respectively indeterminate in regard to such things.

[3] To fear Thy name signifies to worship the Lord, because to fear signifies to worship, and Thy name signifies the Lord; for in the preceding verse it is said, that the twenty-four elders gave thanks to the Lord God, Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, therefore to fear Thy name means to worship the Lord. In the Word, both that of the Old and that of the New Testament, the expressions the name of Jehovah, the name of the Lord, the name of God, and the name of Jesus Christ are used, and in such cases name means all those things whereby He is worshipped, thus all things of love and of faith; and, in the highest sense, the Lord Himself is meant, because where He is, there also are all things of love and faith. That such is the signification of the name of Jehovah, of the Lord God, and of Jesus Christ, may be seen above (n. 102, 135, 224), and it is also evident from these words of the Lord:

"If two of you shall agree on earth in my name, as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by my Father, who is in the heavens; for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:19, 20).

Here to agree together in the name of the Lord, and to be gathered together in His name, does not mean in the name alone, but in those things that belong to the Lord, which are truths of faith and goods of love, by means of which He is worshipped.

[4] To fear, when spoken of the Lord, signifies to worship and to reverence, because in worship, and in all things pertaining to it, there is a holy and reverential fear, which leads one to feel that He is to be honoured, and in no way to be grieved. For it is as with children towards their parents, parents towards their children, wives towards their husbands, and husbands towards their wives, similarly as with friends towards friends, in whom there is respect and a fear of giving offence; such fear and respect are in all love and in all friendship, so that love and friendship without such fear and respect are like unsalted food which is insipid. This now is the reason why to fear the Lord means to worship Him from such love.

[5] It is said that to fear Thy name signifies to worship the Lord, and yet those who fear Him mean, here, those who are without the church, to whom the Lord is unknown, because they do not possess the Word. Nevertheless all such as have, in regard to God, an idea of a Human, are accepted by the Lord, for God under the Human form is the Lord; but those, whether within or without the church, who do not think of God as a Man, on their coming into their spiritual life, which takes place after their departure out of this world, are not accepted by the Lord, because they have no determinate idea concerning God, but only an indeterminate one, which is no idea at all, or if it be it is nevertheless dissipated. This is the reason why all who come from the earths (e terris) into the spiritual world, are first explored in regard to what idea of God they have held and have brought with them. If they have no idea of Him as a Man, they are sent to places of instruction, and are taught that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and that, when they think of God, they must think of the Lord, and that otherwise there can be no conjunction with God, nor consequently any association with angels. Then all those who have lived a life of charity receive instruction, and worship the Lord; but all those who declare that they have had faith, but who have not been in the life of faith, which is charity, do not receive instruction; they are therefore separated, and sent away into places below the heavens, some into the hells, and some into that part (terra) which is called in the Word "the lower earth," where they suffer severely. Still, however, the Gentiles, to whom the laws of religion are laws of life, receive doctrine concerning the Lord more readily than Christians, and they do so especially because their only idea of God has been that of a Divine Man. We have said these things in order that it may be known why it is that to fear Thy name means to worship the Lord.

[6] In many places in the Word the expression to fear Jehovah God is used, by which worship is meant; it therefore shall be explained in a few words what worship in particular is meant by fearing God. All worship of Jehovah God must be from the good of love by means of truths. Worship from the good of love alone is not worship, neither is that worship which is from truths alone without the good of love; but both are necessary. For the essential of worship is the good of love, but good exists and is formed by means of truths, and therefore all worship must be by means of truths from good. Because this is so, therefore in many passages in the Word, where it is said "to fear Jehovah God," it is also said "to keep " and "do His words and commandments." In these places therefore to fear signifies worship by means of truths, and to keep and do signifies worship from the good of love; for doing is of the will, thus of love and of good, and fearing is of the understanding, thus of faith and of truth, for all truth which is of faith belongs properly to the understanding, and all good which is of love belongs properly to the will. From this it can be seen, that the fear of Jehovah God has reference to worship by means of truths of doctrine, which are called also truths of faith. Such worship is meant by the fear of Jehovah God, because Divine Truth causes fear, for it condemns the evil to hell; but not so Divine Good, for so far as this is received by means of truths by men and angels, it takes away condemnation. It is consequently evident that so far as man is in the good of love there is the fear of God; and that in proportion as dread and terror pass away, and become a holy fear attended with reverence, so far man is in the good of love and in truths therefrom, that is, so far as there is good in his truths. It consequently follows, that fear in worship is varied with every one, according to the state of his life, and also that the sanctity attended with reverence that is in the fear of those who are in good, is also varied according to the reception of good in the will, and according to the reception of truth in the understanding, that is, according to the reception of good in the heart and the reception of truth in the soul.

[7] But what has just been stated will be more evident from the following passages in the Word.

In Moses:

"What doth Jehovah God require of thee, but to fear Jehovah thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve Jehovah thy God from thy whole heart, and from thy whole soul" (Deuteronomy 10:12, 20).

It is here said to fear Jehovah God, to walk in His ways, to love Him, and to serve Him, and by all these expressions worship by means of truths from good is described, worship by means of truths is meant by fearing Jehovah God and serving Him, and worship from good by walking in His ways and loving Him. Therefore it is also said, from the whole heart, and from the whole soul, heart signifying the good of love and of charity which pertains to the will, and soul the truth of doctrine, and of faith which pertains to the understanding. The heart corresponds to the good of love, and in man to his will; and soul corresponds to the truth of faith, and in man to his understanding; for soul (anima) means the animation or respiration of man, which is also called his spirit. That soul in the Word signifies the life of faith, and heart the life of love, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 2930, 9050, 9281).

[8] In the same:

"Ye shall go after Jehovah your God, and shall fear him, that ye may keep his precepts, and hear his voice and serve him, and cleave to him" (Deuteronomy 13:4).

To go after Jehovah God, to keep His precepts, and to cleave to him, signify the good of life, thus the good of love, from which is worship; and to fear Jehovah God, to hear His voice, and to serve Him, signify the truths of doctrine, thus the truths of faith by means of which there is worship. Since all worship of the Lord must be by means of truths from good, and not by means of truths without good, nor by means of good without truths, therefore in every particular of the Word there is a marriage of good and truth, as in the passages already cited, and also in the following. (Concerning the marriage of good and truth in the particulars of the Word, see above n.238 at the end, 288, 660).

[9] In the same:

"Thou shalt fear Jehovah thy God, him thou shalt serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and in his name thou shalt swear" (Deuteronomy 10:20).

Here also to fear Jehovah God, and to serve Him, involve truths of worship, and to cleave to Jehovah God, and to swear in His name, involve the good of worship. For to cleave to is an expression relating to the good of love, since he who loves also cleaves to; to swear in the name of Jehovah has a similar meaning, for what is about to be done is confirmed by that means. To serve involves truths of worship, because servants, in the Word, mean those who are in truths, and this for the reason that truths serve good, as may be seen above (n. 6, 409).

[10] In the same:

"That thou mayest fear Jehovah thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments; thou shalt fear Jehovah thy God, and him shalt thou serve, and in his name shalt thou swear, ye shall not go after other gods; Jehovah hath commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear Jehovah our God" (Deuteronomy 6:2, 13, 14, 24).

Worship by means of truths from good, or by means of faith from love, is also described here. To fear Jehovah God and to serve Him, means worship, by means of truths of faith, and to keep and do his statutes and commandments, and to swear in the name of Jehovah, means worship from the good of love. For to keep and to do statutes and commandments is the good of life, which is the same as the good of love, since he who loves also lives. To swear in the name of Jehovah has a similar meaning, for to swear denotes to confirm by life. That to fear Jehovah and to serve Him, denotes worship according to truths of doctrine, has been shown above. For there are two things which constitute worship, namely, doctrine and life; doctrine without life does not constitute it, neither life without doctrine.

[11] Similarly in the following passages.

In Deuteronomy:

"Assemble the people that they may hear, and that they may learn and may fear Jehovah your God, and may observe to do all the words of the law" (Deuteronomy 31:12).

In the same:

"If thou wilt not observe to do all the commandments of this law, to fear this glorious and venerable name, Jehovah thy God" (Deuteronomy 28:58).

In the same:

The king "shall write for himself a copy of the law, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, wherein he may learn to fear Jehovah his God, to keep all the words of the law, and the statutes to do them" (Deuteronomy 17:18, 19).

In the same:

"Thou shalt keep the commandments of Jehovah thy God, to go in his ways, and to fear him" (Deuteronomy 8:6).

And in the same:

"Who will give that they may have a heart to fear me, and to keep my commandments all the days?" (5:29).

In these passages fearing Jehovah God is connected with keeping and doing the commandments of the law, also with going in his ways, because as stated, all internal spiritual worship of God, consisting in the good of life, must be performed according to truths of doctrine, since these must teach. Worship according to truths of doctrine is signified by fearing Jehovah, and worship from the good of life by keeping His commandments and going in His ways, to go in the ways of Jehovah denoting to live according to truths of doctrine; and because worship according to truths of doctrine is meant by fearing Jehovah, therefore it is said that the fear of Jehovah shall be learned from the law. But let it be observed, that the fear of Jehovah denotes internal spiritual worship, which must be in external natural worship; for internal spiritual worship consists in thinking and understanding truths, thus in thinking reverently and in a holy manner of God, which is to fear Him, while external natural worship consists in doing those truths, that is, in keeping the commandments and words of the law.

[12] In David:

"Teach me, Jehovah, thy way, teach it me in truth, unite my heart to the fear of thy name" (Psalm 86:11).

To teach the way signifies to teach the truth in agreement with which the life ought to be lived, therefore it is said, teach it in truth. That good of love must be conjoined with truths of faith is signified by, unite my heart to the fear of Thy name, the heart signifying love, and fear the holiness of faith, which must be united, that is, must be together, in worship.

[13] Again:

"Blessed is every one that feareth Jehovah, that walketh in his ways" (Psalm 128:1).

To fear Jehovah here also denotes to think of God in a reverent and holy manner, and to walk in His ways denotes to live according to Divine truths. There is worship by means of both of these; but in external worship, which consists in living according to Divine truths, there must be internal worship, which is to fear Jehovah, therefore it is said that he feareth Jehovah who walketh in His ways.


"Blessed is the man who feareth Jehovah, who delighteth greatly in His commandments" (Psalm 112:1).

The signification here is similar to that of the verse above; for to delight greatly in the commandments of Jehovah is to love them, consequently to will and to do them.

[14] In Jeremiah:

"They feared not, neither walked they in my law, nor in my statutes" (44:10).

Not to fear denotes not to think of God from the truths of the Word, thus not reverently and in a holy manner; not to walk in the law of God, nor in His statutes, denotes not to live them, commandments denoting the laws of internal worship, and statutes the laws of external worship.

[15] In Malachi:

"If I be a Father, where is my honour; if I be Lord, where is the fear of me?" (1:6).

The terms honour and fear are used, because honour is said of worship from good, and fear of worship by means of truths. (That honour is used in reference to good, may be seen above, n. 288, 345); therefore also honour is said of Father, and fear of Lord, for Jehovah is called Father from Divine Good, and Lord, in this place, from Divine Truth.

[16] In the same prophet:

"My covenant was with" Levi, "of life and of peace, which I gave him with fear; and he feared me" (2:5).

Levi here means the Lord as to the Divine Human, and the covenant of life and of peace signifies the union of His Divine with Himself (cum Ipso), and fear and fearing signify holy truth, with which there is union.

[17] In Isaiah:

"The spirit of Jehovah shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah, whence his offering of incense shall be in the fear of Jehovah" (11:2, 3).

These words are also said of the Lord, and they describe the Divine Truth, in which and from which are all wisdom and all understanding. The Divine Truth that was in the Lord, when He was in the world, and which since the glorification of His Human goes forth from Him, is meant by the spirit of Jehovah, which rested upon Him; that He has Divine Wisdom and Divine Power therefrom, is meant by the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and by the spirit of counsel and might. That thence He has omniscience and essential holiness in worship, is meant by the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah; and because fear signifies holiness of worship from Divine Truth, therefore it is said, whence His offering of incense shall be in the fear of Jehovah; for to offer incense signifies worship from the spiritual-Divine which is Divine Truth. That this is the signification of offering incense may be seen above (n. 324, 491, 492, 494, 567). It is said, the spirit of wisdom, understanding, knowledge and fear, for spirit means the proceeding Divine, the spirit of wisdom the celestial Divine, which is the proceeding Divine received by the angels of the inmost or third heaven; the spirit of understanding the spiritual Divine, which is the proceeding Divine received by the angels of the middle or second heaven; the spirit of knowledge the natural Divine, which is the proceeding Divine received by the angels of the ultimate or first heaven and the spirit of the fear of Jehovah means all the holiness of worship from these Divines.

[18] In Jeremiah:

"I will give them one heart and one way, to fear me all their days for good to them; and I will make with them the covenant of an age; and my fear will I put in their heart, that they may not depart from me" (32:39, 40).

I will give them one heart and one way to fear Me, signifies one will and one understanding to worship the Lord, the heart signifying the good of the will, way the truth of the understanding which leads, and fear the holy worship therefrom. I will make with them the covenant of an age, and My fear will I put in their heart, signifies conjunction by means of the good of love, and by means of the truth of that good in worship, covenant denoting conjunction, and fear in the heart, the holiness of worship from truth in the good of love; that they may not depart from Me, signifies for the sake of conjunction. Since conjunction with the Lord is effected by means of truths from good, and not by means of truths without good, nor by means of good without truths, therefore both are here mentioned.

[19] In David:

"O house of Aaron, trust ye in Jehovah, ye that fear Jehovah, trust in Jehovah" (Psalm 115:10, 11).

The house of Aaron signifies all those who are in the good of love, and those that fear Jehovah signify all those who are in truth from that good.

In the Apocalypse:

"The angel who had the eternal gospel said, Fear God, and give glory; adore him" (14:7).

To fear God and give glory to Him signifies to worship the Lord from holy truths; and to adore Him signifies from the good of love.

In David:

"Let all the earth fear before Jehovah; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. Behold the eye of Jehovah is upon them that fear him, that wait for his mercy" (Psalm 33:8, 18).

In the same:

"The good pleasure of Jehovah is in them that fear him, in them that wait for his mercy" (Psalm 147:11).

Because the fear of Jehovah signifies the reception of Divine Truth, and mercy the reception of Divine Good, it is therefore said that the eye and the good pleasure of Jehovah are upon them that fear Him, upon them that wait for His mercy.

[20] In Isaiah:

"The mighty people shall honour thee, the city of the strong nations shall fear thee" (25:3).

Here also to honour signifies worship from good, for honour is said of the good of love; and worship from truths is signified by fearing the Lord, as said above. By mighty people are signified the men of the church who are in truths from good, for all power is therefrom; the city of the strong nations signifies those who are in truths of doctrine, and by means of these in the good of love; and as all spiritual power is from that source, therefore they are called strong nations. From these words also it is clear that there is a marriage of good and truth in every particular of the Word; for to honour is said of good, and to fear of truth, both of them in worship. The term people is used of those who are in truths, and by means of these in good, but nations of those who are in good, and from that in truths. And because all power in the spiritual world is from the conjunction of good and truth, therefore the people are called mighty, and the nations strong.

[21] The fear of Jehovah also in the following passages signifies worship in which there is holiness by means of truths.

In Isaiah:

"The heart" of the people "hath departed far from me, and their fear toward me hath become a commandment taught of men" (29:13).

In the same:

"Who among you feareth Jehovah, hearing the voice of his servant? He that walketh in darkness, and hath no brightness; that trusteth in the name of Jehovah, and leaneth upon his God" (50:10).

In Jeremiah:

"They shall bear all the good which I do unto them, that they may fear and be moved for all the good, and for all the peace which I will do unto it" (33:9).

In David:

"The angel of Jehovah encampeth round about them that fear him, to deliver them. Fear Jehovah, ye his saints, for there is no want to them that fear him" (Psalm 34:7, 9).

In the same:

"Who have no changes, neither fear they God" (Psalm 55:19).

In the same:

"The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom, a good understanding have all they that do them" (Psalm 111:10).

Because fear has reference to Divine Truth from which are holiness in worship, wisdom and intelligence, therefore it is said, the fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom, a good understanding, that is, intelligence, have all they that do them.

In the same:

"They that fear Jehovah shall praise him; all the seed of Jacob shall honour him, and all the seed of Israel shall fear him" (Psalm 22:23).

[22] In Luke:

"The mercy" of God "is unto generation of generations to them that fear him" (1:50).

That to fear Jehovah God means and therefore signifies to have a sense of holiness and reverence, consequently to worship him in a holy and reverent manner is also evident from these passages.

In Moses:

"Ye shall keep my Sabbaths, and my sanctuary shall ye fear" (Leviticus 19:30);

"Ye shall reverence" (26:2).

In the same:

"The work of Jehovah, how is that to be feared (reverenced), which I will do" (Exodus 34:10).

In the same:

"And Jacob was afraid, and said, How [greatly] to be feared (reverenced) is this place; this is none other but the house of God, and the gate of heaven" (Genesis 28:17).

That to fear, when said of the Divine, and of the holiness of heaven and of the church, signifies to revere and to hold in reverence, is evident from the above passages, also from this fact, that the same word which in Hebrew signifies to fear, also signifies to revere and to venerate.

This is also evident from these words in Luke:

"There was a judge in a certain city who feared not God, neither reverenced man, who said within himself, Although I fear not God, nor reverence man" (18:2, 4).

It is said to fear God, and to reverence man, because to fear signifies to reverence in a higher degree.

[23] In Matthew:

Jesus said, "Fear not them who are able to kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna" (10:28; Luke 12:4, 5, 7).

Here however to fear signifies to stand in fear of dying spiritually, consequently natural fear, which is fearfulness and dread; but spiritual fear is a holy fear, that abides interiorly in all spiritual love variously according to the quality and extent of the love. In this fear is the spiritual man; he knows also that the Lord does not do evil to any one, much less does He destroy any one, as to body and soul in Gehenna, but that He does good to all, and desires to raise up every one, as to body and soul, into heaven to Himself. This is why the fear of the spiritual man is a holy fear, lest through evil of life and falsity of doctrine man should turn away from and thus injure that Divine love in himself. But natural fear is a fearfulness, dread, and terror of dangers, and punishment, and thus of hell; this fear abides in all corporeal love, and also variously according to the quality and extent of that love. The natural man who is in such fear knows no otherwise than that the Lord inflicts evil upon the evil, condemns them, casts them into hell, and punishes them, and on this account such persons are in fear and dread of the Lord. Most of the Jewish and Israelitish nation were in this fear, because they were natural men; for this reason the expression "to be afraid and to tremble before Jehovah" is so frequently used, and also "they were in fear and trembling;" for the same reason it is said of the sons of Israel that "they were sore afraid" when the Divine Law or Divine Truth was promulgated from Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:18-20; Deuteronomy 5:23-25).

[24] It is this fear that is meant in part by "The dread of Isaac" by whom Jacob sware to Laban (Genesis 31:42, 53); for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the Word, mean the Lord; Abraham means the Lord as to the celestial Divine, Isaac, as to the spiritual Divine, and Jacob, as to the natural Divine. The spiritual Divine signified by Isaac is the Divine Truth, which terrifies natural men, and because Laban was a natural man, it is therefore said, Jacob sware to him, by the dread or terror of Isaac. An almost similar fear is meant in Isaiah:

"Ye shall sanctify Jehovah Zebaoth, for he is your fear and your dread" (8:13).

Here fear has reference to the spiritual man, and dread to the natural man. As the spiritual man should not be in such fear as the natural man is in, it is therefore said, "Fear not."

In Isaiah:

Jacob and Israel "Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, calling thee by thy name, thou art mine" (43:1).

In Luke:

"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (12:32);

and in Jeremiah:

"Fear not, Jacob my servant, and be not afraid, O Israel, for I will keep thee from afar; Jacob shall be tranquil and at rest, none making him afraid" (30:9, 10)

and in many other passages. Moreover, that fear, terror, consternation, and similar expressions signify various disturbances of the feelings (animi), and changes of the state of the mind, may be seen above (n. 667, 677).

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Arcana Coelestia #9050

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

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9050. The fact that 'soul' means spiritual life is clear from the meaning of 'soul' as a person's life - the life of his faith, which is spiritual life. Various places in the Word use the expression 'heart and soul', and in those places 'heart' means the life of love and 'soul' the life of faith. A person has two mental powers for receiving life from the Lord, one being called the will, the other the understanding. Love belongs to the power called the will, for forms of the good of love compose its life; but faith belongs to the power called the understanding, for the truths of faith compose its life. Yet these two powers of life with a person nevertheless make one; and when they make one matters of faith are also aspects of love because they are loved, and aspects of love in turn are also matters of faith because they are believed. This is the kind of life that all in heaven possess.

[2] The reason why in the Word the life of love, or what amounts to the same thing, the will, is called 'the heart', and why the life of faith, or what amounts to the same thing, the understanding, is called 'the soul', is this: Those in the Grand Man or heaven who are governed by love to the Lord and are called celestial angels constitute the province of the heart, and those governed by faith in the Lord and from this by charity towards the neighbour constitute the province of the lungs, see 3635, 3883-3896. So it is that 'the heart' in the Word means love, which is the life of the will, while 'the soul' means faith, which is the life of the understanding, 2930, 7542, 8910. For 'soul' in the original language is derived from a word that means breathing, which is the function of the lungs.

[3] The reason why faith belongs to the understanding is that this mental power is enlightened by the Lord when the person receives faith, so that he has light, or discernment of truth, in such things as are matters of faith when he reads the Word. And the reason why love belongs to the will is that this mental power is kindled by the Lord when the person receives love, so that he has the fire of life and keen perception of good.

[4] All this shows what the proper meaning of 'the heart' is in the Word and what the proper meaning of 'the soul' is, as in the following places: In Moses, You shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5-6.

In the same author,

You shall love Jehovah your God, and serve Him, with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 10:12; 11:13.

In the same author,

You shall keep the statutes and judgements, and observe them, with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 26:16.

In the Gospels,

Jesus said, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and your thought. Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30, 32; Luke 10:27.

'Heart' stands for the life of love, and 'soul' for the life of faith. 'Strength' stands for those things that emanate from the life of love, and so from the heart or will, and 'thought' stands for those that emanate from the life of faith, and so from the soul or an enlightened understanding.

[5] Similarly in Isaiah,

A deceived heart causes him to go astray, so that he does not rescue his soul and say, Is there not a lie in my right hand? Isaiah 44:20.

In Jeremiah,

I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in the land in truth, with all My heart and with all My soul. Jeremiah 32:41.

This refers to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord. 'Heart' is attributed to Him because of His Divine Goodness, which is the good of love or mercy with a person, and 'soul' because of His Divine Truth, which is the truth of faith with him.

[6] Few within the Church at the present day know that these things are meant by 'the heart' and 'the soul' in the Word. They do not know them because they have not considered that a person has two powers of mind that are distinct from each other, that is to say, the will and the understanding, and that these two powers must constitute a single mind if the person is to be truly human. Nor have they considered that all things in the whole of creation, both in heaven and in the world, have connection with goodness and truth, and that these must be joined together if they are to be anything or be productive. The outcome of their ignorance of these things has been that they have separated faith from love; for one who is ignorant of those universal laws cannot know that faith has connection with truth and love with good, or that unless faith and love have been joined together they are not anything. Faith without love is not faith, and love without faith is not love. Love receives its specific quality from faith, and faith its life from love, so that faith without love is dead, whereas faith together with love is living. The truth of this becomes clear from every detail in the Word, for where faith is dealt with, so too is love, in order that the marriage of good and truth, that is, heaven, and in the highest sense the Lord, may be present in every single detail there. Regarding the existence of that marriage, see 683, 793, 801, 2516, 2712, 4138 (end), 5138, 5502, 6343, 7945, 8339. From all this it is now evident why it is that a member of the Church has not up to now known what is meant in the Word by 'the heart' and what by 'the soul'.

[7] The meaning of 'the soul' in the Word as the life of faith becomes perfectly clear from places where 'the soul' is mentioned, as in the following: In Moses,

No one shall take 1 as a pledge the mill or the milling stone, for he is taking the [person's] soul as a pledge. Deuteronomy 24:6.

It says that he takes the soul as a pledge if he takes the mill because in the internal sense 'the mill' means matters of faith, 7780. In Isaiah,

It will be as when a hungry man dreams - as if he were eating - but when he wakes up his soul is fasting; or as when a thirsty man dreams - as if he were drinking - but when he wakes up, behold, he is faint, and his soul is craving. Isaiah 29:8.

'A fasting soul' and 'a craving soul' stand for the desire to learn the forms of good and the truths of faith. In the same prophet,

If you bring out for the hungry your soul 2 and satisfy the afflicted soul ... Isaiah 58:10.

'Bringing out for the hungry your soul' stands for teaching the truths of faith to one who desires them, and 'satisfying the afflicted soul' stands for teaching the good of faith.

[8] In Jeremiah,

If you clothe yourself in twice-dyed and deck yourself with ornaments of gold, if you widen your eyes with stibium, 3 in vain will you make yourself beautiful; your lovers will abhor you, they will seek your soul. Jeremiah 4:30.

Here 'soul' stands for the life of faith, and therefore for the faith itself present with a person since it composes his spiritual life. The fact that faith is what 'soul' is used to mean is evident from the details of the verse. In the same prophet,

They will come and sing on the height of Zion, and converge towards the goodness of Jehovah, towards wheat, and towards new wine, and towards oil, and towards the young 4 of the flock and of the herd; and their soul will become like a watered garden. I will water the weary soul, and every soul that sorrows [I will replenish]. Jeremiah 31:12, 25.

'Soul' stands for the life of faith present with a member of the Church, who is said to become like a garden because 'a garden' means intelligence, which consists of the truths of faith, 100, 108, 2702; and the soul is said to be watered because 'being watered' means receiving instruction.

[9] In the same prophet,

In peril of our souls we acquire our bread, because of the sword of the wilderness. Lamentations 5:9.

'Peril of souls' is the risk of loss of belief and therefore of spiritual life; for 'the sword of the wilderness' is falsity engaged in conflict against the truths of faith, 2799, 4499, 6353, 7102, 8294. In Ezekiel,

Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they were your merchants; untie the souls of men (homo) and vessels of bronze, they traded for you. 5 Ezekiel 27:13.

'The souls of men' stands for the more internal truths of faith derived from good, 'vessels of bronze' for the more external truths of faith derived from good. 'Vessels' are the more external truths or factual knowledge containing truths, 3068, 3079, and 'bronze' is the good of the natural, 425, 1551. Without the knowledge that 'the souls of men' means faith no one could understand what is meant by trading 'with the souls of men and with vessels of bronze'.

[10] In the same prophet,

Every living soul that creeps, wherever the [two] rivers come to, will live; as a result the fish become very many, for these waters go there, and become fresh. Ezekiel 47:9.

This refers to the new temple, that is, to the new spiritual Church from the Lord. 'Living soul that creeps' stands for factual knowledge embodying the truths of faith; 'the fish' which as a result are many are known facts, 40, 991; and 'the rivers' stands for matters of intelligence, which consists of the truths of faith, 2702, 3051. Again no one could know without the internal sense what might be meant by the fish which become many as a result of the rivers going there. In David,

Make me safe, O God, for the waters have come even to my soul. Psalms 69:1.

And in Jonah,

The waters surrounded me, even to my soul. Jonah 2:5.

'Waters' here stands for falsities, and also for temptations caused by falsities that have been introduced, 705, 739, 756, 790, 8137, 8138, 8368.

[11] In Jeremiah,

Jehovah has said, Will not My soul be avenged on a nation which is like this? Jeremiah 5:9, 29.

In the same prophet, Take warning, 6 O Jerusalem, lest My soul turn from you, and I reduce you to a waste.

Since 'soul' is attributed to the Lord it stands for Divine Truth. In John,

The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of one dead, from which every living soul died in the sea. Revelation 16:3.

'The sea' stands for known facts in their entirety, 28; 'blood' stands for the truths of faith derived from good, and in the contrary sense for truths of faith that have been falsified and rendered profane, 4735, 6978, 7317, 7326. Therefore 'living soul' stands for life from faith.

[12] In Matthew,

Do not be anxious for your soul, what you are going to eat or what you are going to drink. Matthew 6:25.

'Soul' stands for the truths of faith, 'eating and drinking' for receiving instruction in the goodness and truth of faith; for the internal sense at this point refers to spiritual life and the nourishment of that life. In the same gospel,

Whoever wishes to find his soul will lose it, and whoever loses his soul for My sake will find it. Matthew 10:39.

'Soul' stands for the life of faith, such as believers possess, and in the contrary sense for the life that is not that of faith, such as unbelievers possess. In Luke,

In your patience possess your souls. Luke 21:19.

'Possessing their souls' stands for the things of faith and consequently of spiritual life. 'Soul' has a similar meaning in very many other places.


1. literally, He shall not take, reading Non ... accipiet for Non ... accipies (You shall not take)

2. i.e. If you bring food out of store for the hungry

3. literally, break open the eyes with stibium. Stibium was a cosmetic used for blackening the eyelids and eyebrows, thereby making the eyes look brighter or more open.

4. literally, the sons

5. literally, they gave your trading

6. literally, Admit castigation

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.