

Josuo 22:22

पढाई करना


22 Dio de la dioj, la Eternulo, Dio de la dioj, la Eternulo, Li scias, kaj Izrael sciu; se ni agis pro ribelo aux por defali de la Eternulo, tiam Li ne helpu nin hodiaux.

स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Apocalypse Explained #429

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

/ 1232  

429. Verse 4. And I heard the number of those sealed, signifies the quality of those who are in good who are separated from the evil. This is evident from the signification of "number," as being the quality of the thing treated of (of which presently); also from the signification of "those sealed," as being those who are in good, distinguished and separated from others (of which just above, n. 427. "Number" and "measure" are mentioned in many passages in the Word, and it is believed that these mean simply number and measure; but "number" and "measure" in the spiritual sense mean the quality of the thing treated of. The quality itself is determined by the numbers expressed, as here by the "hundred and forty-four thousand," and afterwards the "twelve thousand" out of every tribe. What is signified by these numbers will be told in the following article. Number signifies the quality of the thing treated of for the reason that the Word is spiritual, and therefore each and every thing that it contains is spiritual, and spiritual things are not numbered or measured, but still they fall into numbers and measures when they come down out of the spiritual world or out of heaven where the angels are into the natural world or upon the earth where men are; and likewise in the Word, when they come down out of its spiritual sense in which the angels are into the natural sense in which men are; the natural sense of the Word is the sense of its letter. This is why there are numbers in that sense, and why the numbers there signify things spiritual, or such as pertain to heaven and the church. That the spiritual things of heaven, such as the angels think and speak about, also fall into numbers, has often been shown to me. When they spoke with each other, what they said was determined into pure numbers, which were seen upon paper; and they afterwards said that this was what they had said determined into numbers, and that these numbers in series contained everything they had said; I was also taught what they signified and how they were to be understood; this will be spoken of frequently in what follows. (But respecting writings in pure numbers out of heaven, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 263; that all numbers in the Word signify the things of heaven and the church, see above, n. 203, 336[1-10])

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

स्वीडनबॉर्ग के कार्यों से


Arcana Coelestia #10555

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

/ 10837  

10555. 'As a man (vir) speaks to [his] neighbour' means the joining together of truth and good. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking' as reciprocal perception and the consequent joining together, as immediately above in 10554; from the meaning of 'man' (vir) as truth, dealt with in 3134, 3459, 4823, 7716, 9007; and from the meaning of 'neighbour' as good to which truth is joined. Various places in the Word use the expression 'man and neighbour' or 'man and companion', and by it in a reciprocal way is meant, as also by 'man and brother'. And when in a reciprocal way is meant a reciprocal joining together should be understood, like that of truth and good. For truth joins itself in a reciprocal way with good, because truth derives its being from good, and good receives its specific quality in truth. No truth exists in heaven that is not joined to good, because without good truth is not anything; nor is good anything without truth. For truth without good is like the receiver of being without the giver of being, and good without truth is like the giver of it without the receiver. Or truth without good is like a body without life, and good without truth is like life without a body. Therefore unless the two are joined together they are not anything that can accomplish anything; that is, they are not anything to which anything of heaven and the Church can be attributed.

[2] The situation when one is without the other is similar to that when the human understanding exists without the will, or the will without the understanding. One may indeed become separated from the other, as when there is an understanding of what is true and good but no will to do it. In this case however the understanding has a will derived from a source other than that which is good. It derives it from willing well to self, or [to others] for the sake of self, with the understanding of what is true and good serving as means to this end. Those who reflect correctly on the matter may recognize that the human understanding derives its life from its will, without which it is not anything, and also that understanding and will turn to each other and are linked together. A similar situation exists with truth and good, consequently with faith and love. Unless truth is linked to good, or faith to love, there is no truth or good, nor any faith or love. These matters have been mentioned in order that people may know what to understand by a linking of each to the other, meant in the spiritual sense by 'man and companion' or 'man and neighbour', and also by 'man and brother'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.