

Ezekijel 22

पढाई करना


1 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:

2 "Sine čovječji, hoćeš li suditi, hoćeš li suditi gradu krvničkom? Pokaži mu sve gnusobe njegove!

3 Reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Grade što u sebi krv toliku prolijevaš i što svuda sebi kumire praviš da se okaljaš, kucnu čas tvoj:

4 krvlju što je proli ti sagriješi i kumirima koje napravi ti se okalja, skrativši tako dane svoje i ubrzavši svoje godine. I zato ću te sada učiniti sramotom među narodima, ruglom po svim zemljama.

5 I koji su ti blizu i koji su ti daleko, podrugivat će se tebi: 'O sramotno ime, grade pokvareni!'

6 Eto, knezovi izraelski - svaki na svoju ruku - u tebi krv prolijevaju.

7 I u tebi se više ne poštuje ni otac ni majka, došljake tlače, siročad i udovice u tebi zlostavljaju!

8 Svetinje moje prezireš, subote oskvrnjuješ.

9 U tebi su klevetnici zbog kojih se krv prolijeva; u tebi se po gorama blaguje, posred tebe čine sramote.

10 U tebi se raskriva sramota očeva, u tebi siluju žene dok su nečiste.

11 Jedan čini gadost sa ženom susjeda svoga, drugi djelom sramotnim oskvrnjuje snahu svoju, a treći u tebi siluje sestru, kćerku oca svoga.

12 Ima ih koji i mito primaju da krv proliju. Uzimaš ujam i pridatak, od bližnjega silom otimaš, a mene zaboravljaš - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.

13 Zato, evo, ja rukama plješćem nad plijenom što ga ti napljačka i nad krvlju što se lije u tebi.

14 Jer, hoće li srce tvoje izdržati i hoće li ruke tvoje odoljeti u dane kad ja na te ustanem? Ja, Jahve, rekoh i učinit ću!

15 Zato ću te raspršiti među narode, rasijat' te po zemljama, da uklonim iz tebe svu nečistoću!

16 I bit ćeš opet moja baština naočigled naroda. I znat ćeš da sam ja Jahve!'"

17 Dođe mi riječ Jahvina:

18 "Sine čovječji, dom Izraelov troska mi postade: bakar, srebro, kositar, željezo i olovo u peći - svi su oni troska!

19 Stoga ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Jer mi troska postadoste, skupit ću vas, evo, u Jeruzalemu.

20 Kao što se skuplja srebro, bakar, željezo, olovo i kositar u peći te se okolo oganj potpiri da se sve rastali, tako ću i ja vas skupiti u svojem gnjevu i u svojoj jarosti, složiti vas i rastaliti.

21 Jest, skupit ću vas i potpiriti oko vas oganj svoje jarosti da se usred grada rastalite.

22 Kao što se srebro u peći topi, tako ćete se i vi u njemu rastopiti. I znat ćete da ja, Jahve, gnjev svoj na vas izlijevam!'"

23 Dođe mi riječ Jahvina:

24 "Sine čovječji, reci još: 'Ti si zemlja još neočišćena, koju još ne opra kiša dana jarosnoga!

25 Knezovi njezini, poput lavova što riču i plijen razdiru, ljude proždiru, otimlju im blago i dragocjenosti, množeći udovice usred nje.

26 Svećenici njezini ne poštuju mog Zakona i oskvrnjuju moje svetinje, ne razlikujući sveto od nesvetoga, ne učeći se lučiti nečisto od čistoga. Zanemarili su subote moje, bez časti sam u njihovoj sredini.

27 Starješine njezine, poput vukova što plijen razdiru i krv prolijevaju, upropašćuju ljude, lakomi na dobitak.

28 A proroci njezini sve to premazuju bjelilom i prekrivaju ispraznim viđenjima i lažnim proricanjima zboreći: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod!' - a Jahve to ne reče.

29 Imućnici pak čine svakojaka nasilja i otimačine, siromaha i bijednika ugnjetavaju, a došljaka bespravno tlače.

30 Tražio sam među njima nekoga da podigne zidine i stane na proboje preda me u obranu zemlje, da je ne zatrem, i ne nađoh nikoga.

31 I zato izlih na njih gnjev svoj pa ih zatrijeh ognjem svoje jarosti; putove im njihove na glavu oborih' - riječ je Jahve Gospoda."






'Silver' signifies spiritual good or truth from a celestial origin. It also represents the truth of faith, or the truth acquired from self-hood, or proprium. 'Silver' means scientific truth. In Genesis 20:16, it signifies rational truth. 'A piece of silver' signifies a truth, or a knowledge of truth. In the internal sense of the Word, it signifies truth, but also falsity.

(सन्दर्भ: Arcana Coelestia 1551; Exodus 16, 20; Psalms 6, 12, 12:6)



Exodus 20

पढाई करना


1 God spoke all these words, saying,

2 "I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 "You shall have no other gods before me.

4 "You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

5 you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate me,

6 and showing loving kindness to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7 "You shall not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain, for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

8 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

9 You shall labor six days, and do all your work,

10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your God. You shall not do any work in it, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates;

11 for in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore Yahweh blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy.

12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which Yahweh your God gives you.

13 "You shall not murder.

14 "You shall not commit adultery.

15 "You shall not steal.

16 "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."

18 All the people perceived the thunderings, the lightnings, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking. When the people saw it, they trembled, and stayed at a distance.

19 They said to Moses, "Speak with us yourself, and we will listen; but don't let God Speak with us, lest we die."

20 Moses said to the people, "Don't be afraid, for God has come to test you, and that his fear may be before you, that you won't sin."

21 The people stayed at a distance, and Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.

22 Yahweh said to Moses, "This is what you shall tell the children of Israel: 'You yourselves have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.

23 You shall most certainly not make alongside of me gods of silver, or gods of gold for yourselves.

24 You shall make an altar of earth for me, and shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your cattle. In every place where I record my name I will come to you and I will bless you.

25 If you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of cut stones; for if you lift up your tool on it, you have polluted it.

26 Neither shall you go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness may not be exposed to it.'