

出埃及记 25

पढाई करना


1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 你告诉以色列人当为我送礼物来;凡甘乐意的,你们就可以收下归我。

3 所要收的礼物:就是、铜,

4 蓝色紫色、朱红色线,细麻,山羊毛,

5 染红的公羊皮,海狗,皂荚

6 点灯的并做膏香料

7 红玛瑙与别样的宝,可以镶嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。

8 又当为我造圣所,使我可以住在他们中间

9 制造帐幕和其中的一切器具都要照我所指示你的样式。

10 要用皂荚做一柜,长二肘半,宽一肘半,一肘半。

11 要里外包上精,四围镶上牙边。

12 也要铸,安在柜的脚上;这边两,那边两

13 要用皂荚做两根杠,用包裹。

14 要把杠穿在柜旁的内,以便抬柜。

15 这杠要常在柜的内,不可抽出来。

16 必将我所要赐你的法版放在柜里。

17 要用精做施恩座(施恩:或作蔽罪;下同),长二肘半,宽一肘半。

18 要用子锤出两个基路伯来,安在施恩座的两头。

19 这头做基路伯,那头做基路伯基路伯要接连块,在施恩座的两头。

20 基路伯翅膀,遮掩施恩座。基路伯要脸对脸,朝着施恩座。

21 要将施恩座安在柜的上边,又将我所要赐你的法版放在柜里。

22 我要在那里与你相会,又要从法柜施恩座上基路伯中间,和你说我所要吩咐你传给以色列人的一切事。

23 要用皂荚做一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,一肘半。

24 要包上精,四围镶上牙边。

25 桌子的四围各做一掌宽的横梁,横梁上镶着牙边。

26 要做,安在桌子的角上,就是桌子上的角。

27 子的地方要挨近横梁,可以穿杠抬桌子

28 要用皂荚做两根杠,用包裹,以便抬桌子

29 要做桌子上的盘子、调羹,并奠酒的爵和瓶;这都要用精制作。

30 又要在桌子上,在我面前,常摆陈设饼。

31 要用精做一个灯台灯台的座和杆与杯、球、,都要接连一块锤出来。

32 台两旁要杈出个枝子:这旁个,那旁个。

33 这旁每枝上有个杯,形状像杏,有球,有;那旁每枝上也有个杯,形状像杏,有球,有。从台杈出来的个枝子都是如此。

34 台上有个杯,形状像杏,有球,有

35 台每两个枝子以有球与枝子接连一块。伸出的个枝子是如此。

36 球和枝子要接连块,都是块精锤出来的。

37 要做台的盏。祭司要点这,使灯光对照。

38 灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘也是要精的。

39 做灯台和这一切的器具要用精一他连得。

40 要谨慎做这些物件,都要照着在上指示你的样式。






Stones in the Bible in general represent truths, or things we know concerning the Lord and what He wants from us and for us in life. This is why the people of Israel built altars of stone, and is also why stoning was a principal form of capital punishment (using truth to destroy falsity, or in the negative sense using falsity to destroy truth). It is also why precious stones are described in such detail on Aaron's breastplate and ephod, and also in the New Jerusalem in Revelation; precious stones represent true ideas directly from the Lord with the various colors showing various forms of love. Stones are not alone in representing truth, of course -- it sometimes seems that almost everything in the Bible represents either true ideas or desires for good. But that makes sense, since our thoughts and our desires together are everything we are in life, and the interplay between them is what life is all about. The many ways they are represented in the Bible reflect the incredible variety in our feelings and thoughts, though we can only distantly understand how those representations work. In the case of stones, in their weight, strength and permanence they tend to represent true ideas that come from a desire for good, the understanding we can have if we are truly good and loving -- and in the highest sense the exalted ideas that come from the Lord's love. Those ideas are ones that are not easily moved or changed, and make wonderful foundations for the things we want to build in our spiritual lives.



路加福音 22:20

पढाई करना


20 饭後也照样拿起杯来,:这杯是用我血所立的新约,是为你们流出来的。