Finding Jesus in the Life of Abraham, Part 1 of 3: Beginnings

Detta är originaltexten av: Finding Jesus in the Life of Abraham, Part 1: Beginnings av Joel Glenn


Jehovah tells Abraham to leave his home, and to journey "to a place I will show you".

This story - which takes place right at the beginning of the historical part of the Bible - contains truths at several levels. Abraham lived thousands of years before Jesus, yet the events of his life represent the inner life that Jesus would experience. When we can see this connection we will be better able to understand the Lord, and how to model our lives on His.

Skapad eller översatt av: Joel Glenn

Datum skapat: 2017

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Licens: Used with permission - se termer

Föreslagen citation:

Finding Jesus in the Life of Abraham, Part 1 of 3: Beginnings. Retrieved from:
