

Luke 2:8



8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.



Shepherds in the Fields

Написано Junchol Lee

The Annunciation to the Shepherds, By Henry Ossawa Tanner - http://www.artnet.de/artist/16406/henry-ossawa-tanner.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4864375

Чтобы продолжить поиск во время прослушивания, воспроизведите аудио в новом окне.

One of the most significant events, if not THE most significant event, in human history is the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior of humanity. Christ's birth had been prophesied by many, but it was Isaiah who gave us the fullest and most detailed description of the Messiah's coming. It is notable that besides Mary and Joseph, shepherds were the only individuals allowed to visit Jesus on the night of his birth. Why only shepherds? What is the spiritual significance of the shepherds? We will explore this question.

(Ссылки: Isaiah 46:3)



Luke 2:1



1 Now it happened in those days, that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.