The Bible


Бытие 24 : Isaac and Rebekah


1 Авраамъ былъ уже старъ и въ лјтахъ преклонныхъ. Іегова благословилъ Авраама всјмъ.

2 И сказалъ Авраамъ рабу своему, старшему въ домј его, управлявшему всјмъ, что у него было: положи руку твою подъ стегно мое,

3 и клянись мнј Іеговою, Богомъ небесь и Богомъ земли, что ты не возмешь сыну моему жены изъ дочерей Хананеевъ, среди которыхъ я живу;

4 но пойдешь въ землю мою, на родину мою, взять жену сыну моему Исааку.

5 Рабъ сказалъ ему: можетъ быть, не захочетъ женщина идти со мною въ эту землю; долженъ ли я возвратить сына твоего въ землю, изъ которой ты вышелъ?

6 Авраамъ сказалъ ему: берегись, не возвращай сына моего туда.

7 Іегова, Богъ небесъ, Который взялъ меня изъ дома отца моего, и изъ земли рожденія моего, Который објщался мнј, и Который клялся мнј, говоря: потомству твоему дамъ сію землю, Онъ пошлетъ Ангела Своего предъ лицемъ твоимъ, и ты возмешь жену сыну моему оттуда.

8 Если не захочетъ женщина идти съ тобою, ты будешь свободенъ отъ клятвы моей сей; только сына моего не возвращай туда.

9 Тогда рабъ положилъ руку свою подъ стегно Авраама, господина своего, и клялся ему въ семъ.

10 Потомъ рабъ взялъ изъ верблюдовъ господина своего десять верблюдовъ и пошелъ; въ рукахъ у него были также всякія сокровища господина его; онъ всталъ, и пошелъ въ Месопотамію, въ городъ Нахоровъ.

11 И остановилъ верблюдовъ внј города, у источника водъ, подъ вечеръ, въ такое время, когда выходятъ женщины черпать воду.

12 И сказалъ: Іегова, Боже господина моего Авраама! пошли ее сегодня на встрјчу мнј, и сотвори милость съ господиномъ моимъ Авраамомъ.

13 Вотъ, я стою у источника водъ, и дочери жителей города выходятъ черпать воду:

14 итакъ сдјлай, чтобы дјвица, которой я скажу: наклони ведро свое, я напьюсь, и которая скажетъ: пей, я напою и верблюдовъ твоихъ, была та, которую ты указуешь рабу Твоему Исааку; посему узнаю я, что ты творишь милость съ господиномъ моимъ.

15 Еще не окончилъ онъ словъ сихъ, какъ вышла Ревекка, которая родилась отъ Ваѕуила, сына Милки, жены Нахора, брата Авраамова. На плечј ея было ведро.

16 Она была дјвица прекраснаа видомъ, дјва, которой не позналъ мужъ. Она сошла къ источнику, наполнила ведро свое и пошла вверхъ.

17 Тогда рабъ побјжалъ на встрјчу ей, и сказалъ: дай мнј испить немного воды изъ ведра твоего.

18 Она сказала: пей, господинъ мой; и тотчасъ опустила ведро свое на руку свою и напоила его.

19 И когда напоила его, то сказала: я стану черпать и верблюдамъ твоимъ, нока напьются.

20 И тотчасъ вылила ведро свое въ пойло, и побјжала опять къ колодезю почерпнуть, и начерпала всјмъ верблюдамъ его.

21 Онъ смотрјлъ на нее съ изумленіемъ, въ молчаніи, желая уразумјть, благословилъ ли Іегова путь его или нјтъ.

22 Когда же верблюды перестали пить; тогда онъ взялъ золотое кольцо, вјсомъ въ полсикля, и два запястья на руки ей, вјсомъ въ десять сиклей золота;

23 и сказалъ: чья ты дочь? скажи мнј; есть ли въ домј отца твоего мјсто намъ ночевать?

24 Она отвјчала ему: я дочь Ваѕуила, сына Милки, котораго она родила Нахору.

25 Притомъ сказала ему: у насъ много и соломы, и корму; и естъ мјсто для ночлега.

26 Тогда онъ падши поклонился Іеговј,

27 и сказалъ: благословенъ Іегова, Богъ господина моего Авраама, Который не оставилъ господина моего милостію Своею и истиною Своею! Іегова прямымъ путемъ привелъ меня въ домъ родственниковъ господина моего.

28 Дјвица же побјжала, и разсказала о семъ приключеніи въ домј матери своей.

29 У Ревекки былъ братъ, именемъ Лаванъ. Лаванъ побјжалъ къ оному человјку за городъ къ источнику.

30 Какъ скоро онъ увидјлъ кольцо и запястья на рукахъ у сестры своей, и услышалъ слова Ревекки, сестры своей, которая говорила: вотъ что сказалъ мнј этотъ человјкъ; то пришелъ къ сему человјку, и нашелъ его стоящимъ съ верблюдами у источника,

31 и сказалъ: войди благословенный Іеговою; что тебј стоять на полј? Я приготовилъ домъ, и мјсто верблюдамъ.

32 Онъ вошелъ въ домъ, и Лаванъ разсјдлалъ верблюдовъ, и далъ соломы и корму верблюдамъ, и воды умыть ноги ему и людямъ, которые были съ нимъ.

33 Потомъ предложена ему пища; но онъ сказалъ: не стану јсть, пока не скажу, что я сказать долженъ. Лаванъ сказалъ: говори!

34 Онъ сказалъ: я рабъ Авраамовъ.

35 Іегова весьма благословилъ господина моего, такъ что онъ сдјлался великимъ; ибо Онъ далъ ему овецъ и воловъ, серебра и золота, рабовъ и рабынь, верблюдовъ и ословъ.

36 Сарра, жена господина моего, уже состарјвшись, родила господину моему сына, которому онъ и отдалъ все, что у него было.

37 И взялъ съ меня клятву господинъ мой, сказавъ: не бери жены сыну моему изъ дочерей Хананеевъ, въ землј которыхъ я живу;

38 а поди въ домъ отца моего, и къ племени моему, взять жену сыну моему.

39 Когда же я сказалъ господину моему: можетъ быть, не пойдетъ женщина со мною;

40 то онъ сказалъ мнј: Іегова, предъ лицемъ Котораго я хожу, пошлетъ съ тобою Ангела Своего, и благословитъ путь твой, и ты возмешь жену сыну моему изъ племени моего, и изъ дома отца моего.

41 Тогда будешь ты свободенъ отъ клятвы моей, когда сходишь къ родственникамъ моимъ; если они не дадутъ тебј, то будешь свободенъ оть клятвы моей.

42 Итакъ я нынј пришелъ къ источнику, и сказалъ: Іегова, Боже господина моего Авраама! если есть благословеніе Твое надъ путемъ моимъ, который я совершаю;

43 то, вотъ, я стою у источника водъ; сдјлай же, чтобы дјвица, которая выйдетъ почерпнуть воды и которой я скажу: дай мнј испить немного воды изъ ведра твоего,

44 и которая скажетъ мнј: и ты пей, и верблюдамъ твоимъ я начерпаю, была та жена, которую Іегова указуетъ сыну господина моего.

45 Еще не окончилъ я словъ сихъ въ сердцј моемъ. какъ вышла Ревекка, съ ведромъ на плечј, и сошла къ источнику и почерпнула; тогда я сказалъ ей: напой меня.

46 Она тотчасъ опустила съ себя ведро свое, и сказала: пей; я напою и верблюдовъ твоихъ. Итакъ я пилъ, и верблюдовъ она напоила.

47 И когда я спросилъ ее и сказалъ: чья ты дочь? она сказала: дочь Ваѕуила, сына Нахорова, котораго родила ему Милка. Тогда я вдјлъ кольцо въ ноздри ея, и запястья надјлъ на руки ея.

48 И падши поклонился Іеговј, и благословилъ Іегову, Бога господина моего Авраама, Который прямымъ путемъ привелъ меня, чтобы дочь брата господина моего взять за сына его.

49 Итакъ теперь, если вы намјрены сотворить милость и истину съ господиномъ моимъ, скажите мнј; и если нјтъ, скажите мнј, чтобы мнј обратиться или направо, или налјво.

50 Лаванъ и Ваѕуилъ сказали въ отвјтъ: отъ Іеговы происходятъ дјло сіе; мы не можемъ сказать тебј вопреки ни худаго, ни добраго.

51 Вотъ Ревекка предъ тобою; возми и поди; да будетъ она женою сыну господина твоего, какъ сказалъ Іегова.

52 Когда рабъ Авраамовъ услышалъ слова ихъ: то поклонился Іеговј до земли.

53 И вынулъ рабъ серебрянныя вещи, и золотыя вещи, и одежды, и далъ Ревеккј; также и брату ея, и матери ея далъ богатые дары.

54 По семъ онъ, и люди бывшіе съ нимъ, јли и пили, и ночевали. И когда встали по утру: то онъ сказалъ: отпустите меня къ господину моему.

55 Но братъ ея и ея мать сказали: пусть побудетъ съ нами дјвица дней хотя десять; потомъ пойдешь.

56 Онъ сказалъ имъ: не удерживайте меня, ибо Іегова благословилъ путь мой; отпустите меня, и я пойду къ господину моему.

57 Они сказали: призовемъ дјвицу, и спросимъ, что она скажетъ.

58 И призвали Ревекку, и сказали ей: пойдешь ли съ симъ человјкомъ? Она отвјчала: пойду.

59 Итакъ отпустили Ревекку сестру свою, и кормилицу ея, и раба Авраамова, и людей его.

60 И благословили Ревекку, и сказали ей: Сестра наша! да родятся отъ тебя тысячи тысячъ, И да владјетъ потомство твое жилищами враговъ своихъ!

61 И встала Ревекка, и рабыня ея, и сјли на верблюдовъ, я појхали за тјмъ человјкомъ. Такимъ образомъ рабъ взялъ Ревекку, и пошелъ.

62 Между тјмъ Исаакъ шелъ изъ Беэр-лахай-рои; ибо жилъ онъ въ землј полуденной.

63 При наступленіи вечера, Исаакъ вышелъ въ поле для размышленія; и возвелъ очи свои, и видитъ: вотъ, идутъ верблюды.

64 Ревекка возвела очи свои, и, увидя Исаака, соскочила съ верблюда,

65 и сказала рабу: кто зтотъ человјкъ, идущій по полю на встрјчу намъ? рабъ отвјчалъ: зто господинъ мой. Тогда она взяла покрывало, и покрылась.

66 Рабъ же разсказалъ Исааку все, что сдјлалъ.

67 И ввелъ ее Исаакъ въ шатеръ Сарры, матери своей; и взялъ Ревекку, и она сдјлалась ему женою, и онъ возлюбилъ ее; и утјшился Исаакъ въ печали по матери своей.



Rebekah at the Well

By William L. Worcester, New Christian Bible Study Staff

Commentary - Overview

It is a beautiful scene at the spring by the gate of Haran, the old servant and the camels arriving from their long journey, the camels kneeling down to rest, the maidens of the city coming with their jars for water. Rebekah came; he asked, and she was of the family of Nahor, Abraham's brother. See the reverent eagerness of the old man as he feels it coming true.

The Psalm that we are learning tells us of the Lord's care with those who trust and follow Him. This lovely story brings us the same lesson and tells us of the Lord's special care for young men and women when they have thoughts of marriage. Their thoughts should be full of trust and desire to do as the Lord alone shall guide.

Commentary - In-Depth

The beauty and the tenderness of this story of Rebekah will help to deepen our sense of the sacredness of marriage and our wish to be guided and protected by the Lord in all things relating to it.

The story also teaches that thoughts of marriage should be upon a high, spiritual plane. They must not admit anything unworthy. They must not lead away from the highest, the holiest aims of life, to merely external pleasures and ambitions. A true marriage must be a marriage of inmost natures, and must exalt the noblest and the best in both husband and wife. Every young man or woman whose thoughts are turning to marriage may find a lesson in Abraham's earnest charge that his son should not marry a daughter of the Canaanites, and that he should not return to live in the distant land from which Abraham had come, but that a wife of his own people should be found who would come to him in the Holy Land.

Come now to our thought that Isaac represents a faculty of spiritual rationality developed in us in our regeneration, and a faculty of rationality which in the Lord by glorification became Divine.

Each new development needs its truth and affection for truth which is adapted to realize its purpose. This is the wife in relation to the childlike purpose represented by Abraham, or the rational purpose represented by Isaac. Helpmeet is to be found not among evil and false things, represented by the daughters of Canaan. She must indeed come from the land from which Abraham came, for all truth must be learned from without. (Note that the wives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all were from that land.) But among such truths and affections for truth, only such can serve as are related to spiritual life, as for example truths of the letter of the Word which contain spiritual lessons, or truths of nature which bear witness to the goodness and wisdom of the Lord; in a word, only such truths as can be elevated to the plane of spiritual life, and in particular such as can satisfy fully the needs of the rational life represented by Isaac. (Arcana Coelestia 3024, 3025, 3030)

How beautifully this scene at the spring of Haran unfolds its lesson. The maidens coming with their jars for water are various affections for truth, among them one who meets the conditions and is to be the wife for Isaac. (Arcana Coelestia 3058)

Rebekah was known by her giving water to the servant and the camels, Isaac's representatives who had come for her.

Spiritually the affection for truth which is sought must be able and ready to satisfy fully the needs of the rational mind represented by Isaac and those who served him. (Arcana Coelestia 3057, 3074)

Commentary for Young Students

You may have a picture of the beautiful maiden Rebekah, giving water from her jar to an old man, a traveler. He had come on a long journey, with ten camels of Abraham, his master, and with all kinds of precious things of his master's in his hand. The well or spring from which the maiden has filled her jar is at Haran, outside the city gate. This was where Nahor, Abraham's brother, stayed when Abraham and Lot went on to the land of Canaan. Abraham had had word of Nahor's family. (Genesis 22:20-24)

And why had the servant of Abraham come? Because it was time for Isaac to have a wife. She must not be of the native people of Canaan, but she must be from the relatives of Abraham who still lived in Haran. It was an important errand on which the old servant came, having sworn to Abraham to do it faithfully. The Lord had led him safely to the gate of Haran, to the spring where the maidens of the city were coming at evening to draw water. He prayed that the Lord would show him among the maidens the one who should be the wife for Isaac. The Lord put into his heart the sign that the maiden should be the one who, if he asked her for water, would give him drink and give water to the camels also. The sign came true, and it was Rebekah. He gave her presents that he had brought. Her brother and her people welcomed him in their home. They spread the supper for him, but he would not eat till he had told his errand. They all felt that the Lord had led him, and that it was right for Rebekah to go. They asked her and she was ready. The old servant gave rich presents to Rebekah as a sign of her betrothal and to her people as a price paid for the bride. In a few days the camels were turned homeward, with Rebekah and her old nurse and her maids, and came into the south country, where Abraham was living and where Isaac lived.

I have told it as quickly as I could, for we want time to read the beautiful story. I have suggested how you can shorten it if you have not time to read it all. As you read, you will be thinking, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way."

Questions for discussion:

1. "Mesopotamia," verse 10. Where was this country? What is the meaning of the name?

2. "The city of Nahor." What city is meant? Why is it referred to in this way?

3. What charge did Abraham give to his servant in regard to a wife for Isaac?

4. By what sign did the servant know Rebekah?

5. Who was Rebekah's father? Who was her brother?

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3057

Study this Passage

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3057. 'At the time that women go out to draw water' means a state of instruction. This is clear from the meaning of 'time' as state, dealt with immediately above in 3056, and from the meaning of 'a woman who draws' or a drawer of water, as receiving instruction, dealt with below. What has been stated so far from 3054 onwards presents the meaning in the internal sense of the details related in this verse as a historical event. What those details embody in a single sentence however is not readily apparent to anyone who has not been taught anything about the natural man, or about the facts and matters of doctrine belonging there, or indeed about the way in which truths are raised up from the natural man into the rational and become rational. They are even less apparent to him if he does not know the nature of the rational when compared with the natural, that is, the nature of the concepts present in the rational when compared with the images in the natural.

[2] Those concepts in the rational do not come immediately into a person's view while he is living in the body. For it is the things in the natural which enter his awareness, rarely those in the rational except when a certain kind of light falls on those images in the natural, as when some mental power enters into and arranges into order the contents of a person's thought, or as when one gains an insight into the matter on which the mind is dwelling. Unless these and many other considerations are known, scarcely any intelligible explanation of what occurs in this verse is at all possible; such as that a holy ordering of general facts is meant, and also a removal from matters of doctrine so as to receive the truths of faith, and that this ordering and this removal occur during a state of obscurity, and that a state such as this is one of instruction.

[3] Nevertheless let a brief description be given, insofar as the matter can be understood, of what goes on in a person when he is being reformed by the Lord, for man's reformation is to some extent an image of what happened to the Lord when He was in the world, as stated above in 3043. While a person is being reformed the things that are general within his natural man are being ordered by the Lord so that they correspond to things that are in heaven. What correspondence is, and the fact that it is a relationship between spiritual things and natural, see 2987, 2989-2991, 3002. The things which are general are first of all ordered in such a way that those which are particular can be gradually introduced into them by the Lord, and then those that are specific into these. For unless the general are ordered, no order can come to the particular, because the latter enter into and confirm the former. Still less can order come to the specific, for these enter into the particular (which act as general things for them) and give light to the particular. This is what is meant by a holy ordering of general facts, and what is meant in the internal sense by making the camels kneel down. In this way they submit themselves to receive influx.

[4] While these things are being ordered in this manner matters of doctrine are removed since they are conclusions drawn from facts. For so to speak a dictate flows in by way of the rational, declaring that one thing is true, another not true - true because it agrees with general things when ordered, or not true because it disagrees. No other type of influx as to truths exists. Matters of doctrine are indeed present already, yet they are not really matters of doctrine until they are believed, but merely facts. When they are thought about therefore, any conclusion that is drawn is not from them but from other things concerning them. This is what is meant by being removed from matters of doctrine, and what is meant in the internal sense here by 'outside the city'. But this state is what is called an obscure state and is meant by 'evening time'; but once matters of doctrine have been confirmed so that they are believed morning, or a state of light arrives. All else in this verse is evident from what has now been stated.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.