

3 Regum 12:5



5 Qui ait eis : Ite usque ad tertium diem, et revertimini ad me. Cumque abiisset populus,



The Ruling Love - Part 1 of 2

Од страна на Todd Beiswenger

За да продолжите со прелистувањето додека слушате, репродуцирајте го аудиото во нов прозорец.

Why is it that we can see the faults in others so much more clearly than the faults in ourselves? Because buried within our faults is a love that rules us, and this love twists our thinking and diverts self reflection in order to justify itself. This week we look at some examples where the ruling love wasn't a good one.

(Референци: 1 Kings 12:1-19; Divine Providence 113)