

متى 9:18-26 : Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman


18 وفيما هو يكلمهم بهذا اذا رئيس قد جاء فسجد له قائلا ان ابنتي الآن ماتت. لكن تعال وضع يدك عليها فتحيا.

19 فقام يسوع وتبعه هو وتلاميذه.

20 واذا امرأة نازفة دم منذ اثنتي عشرة سنة قد جاءت من ورائه ومسّت هدب ثوبه.

21 لانها قالت في نفسها ان مسست ثوبه فقط شفيت.

22 فالتفت يسوع وابصرها فقال ثقي يا ابنة. ايمانك قد شفاك فشفيت المرأة من تلك الساعة.

23 ولما جاء يسوع الى بيت الرئيس ونظر المزمرين والجمع يضجون

24 قال لهم تنحوا. فان الصبية لم تمت لكنها نائمة. فضحكوا عليه.

25 فلما اخرج الجمع دخل وامسك بيدها. فقامت الصبية.

26 فخرج ذلك الخبر الى تلك الارض كلها



Raising Jairus's Daughter

By New Christian Bible Study Staff

Jesus raises Jairus's daughter.

The story of Jesus raising Jairus's daughter appears in three Gospels, Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-42, and in Luke 8:40-56.

The story opens, in each case, with people gathered to listen to Jesus. He's summoned to the bedside of a gravely ill girl, and on the way there, he heals a woman who had suffered a flow of blood for 12 years.

When the people are waiting for Jesus, it signifies a wish, a supplication, that the Church will gain an affection for truth that can lift it out of impure loves.

The Lord being amidst the crowd signifies that He receives this supplication, and flows in with spiritual love. This applies at a personal level, and at a church level.

In the story, the healing power comes when the struggling woman touches the hem of Jesus’s garment”. When we are struggling with our natural loves - some of which are evil - if we can reach out and touch the most exterior part of the Divine essence, we can receive spiritual influx, a love that can heal us.

The Lord senses when we make this connection; the Divine is omnipotent and omnipresent, but it’s not impersonal; on the contrary, the Lord knows us very well. When we admit our need, and confess it to the Lord, we can receive his love, and healing, and salvation, and peace.

The second vignette – the raising of Jairus’s daughter – is similar, and that's not a coincidence. This time, it’s not just a woman bleeding, but a girl who has already died. Sometimes, the church can seem to be so impure that it is spiritually dead. Or, at a personal level, we feel spiritually dead.

However, if there is belief in the Lord, then the Divine influence can work even when spiritual life appears to be dead.

Jesus puts everyone out of the house. This is an important step; it represents the removal of the spirit of unbelief – which blocks us from the Lord. Once unbelief has been gotten out of the house, then the Lord takes the girl's hand, speaks to her, and she arises. He directs that she be given food.

There’s power in the Lord’s hand, and truth in his voice. The girl’s spirit returns, and she arises, and then Jesus sees to it that she gets food – which corresponds to spiritual food, i.e. what feeds our state of love. It is the desire for good, the delight of being good, the understanding of what it is to be good and the knowledge of all that's true and leads to what is good.



Mark 5:34



34 He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be cured of your disease."