

Genesis 26



2 Inafalal as du Əməli, iṇṇ'as: «Ad wər tərəsa Masar, əɣsər daɣ akal wa dak z əməla.

3 Qam daɣ akal wa da, fəl a daɣ-ak əṣṣəna aga fall-ak albaraka fəlas kay d əzzurriya nnak a z akfaɣ akal a, fəl ad ag̣əzaɣ arkawal wa əgəɣ y abba nnak Ibrahim.

4 Ad əsəffələyləyaɣ əzzurriya nnak šilat n eṭran ən jənnawan, akfaq qu iṃədlan a kul. Šimattiwen n əddənet kul ad əgrəwnat albaraka s əddəlil n əzzurriya nnak.

5 Fəlas Ibrahim iṣṣisam y awal in, iṭṭaf amar in əd tərɣəmt in d əlqanun in.»

6 Iqqim Isxaq daɣ Gərar.

7 As t əggazan meddan n akal šin əṣṣəstan əd təṇtut-net Raqqiyetu iṇṇ'asan: «Tamaḍrayt in a təṃos». Iksud as as iṇṇa taṇtut-net ad t anɣin meddan n akal fəl əddəlil-net, ənta təkna šihussay.

8 Dəffər as iga Isxaq tamert tagget daɣ Gərar, iṣwad du amənokal ən Kəl Filist, əs fənetr inay tu itaggu šeɣat əd taɣurəs Raqqiyetu.

9 Isassaɣr'ay du Abimelek iṇṇ'as: «Zaɣnin taṇtut nak a wa! Mas teṇṇəɣ tamaḍrayt nak a təṃos?» Ijjəwwab as Isxaq: «Təṇṇa a əgeɣ adi fəl təksəda n ad ətəwənɣa fəl əddəlil-net».

10 Iṇṇ'as Abimelek: «Ma dana təgeɣ da?» Azzama inamanṣa iyyan daɣ meddan nana əd təṇtut nak iməl ɣur-ək as nakkanay inasbakkadan».

11 Omar Abimelek tamattay kul iṇṇa: «Wa iḍasan aləs a əd təṇtut-net a das tətəwəxkəm taṃattant».

12 Igyak Isxaq daɣ akal wa təzzar olay du awatay wədi ṭemeday n əṇətfus n a wa igyak fəlas Əməli a fall-as igan albaraka.

13 Iqqal Isxaq aləs ilan təkarzay tagget har ikna təgərgist wəllen.

14 Ila eharay wa ənḍarran əd wa zəwwaran d eklan aggotnen.Təzzar əmmənzaɣan tu Kəl Filist.

15 Adi da fəl əṇbalan eṇwan kul win əɣazan eklan n Ibrahim, daɣ azzaman-net, əṭkaran tan aṃadal.

16 Təzzar iṇkar Abimelek iṇṇa y Isxaq: «Əbdəd ugag ana fəlas šigrat a dana təge».

17 Iggəlat Isxaq izzəbbat daɣ əɣlal wa n Gərar denda ad iɣsar.

18 Ibrahim daɣ azzaman-net iɣaz eṇwan. Dəffər iba-net əṇbalan tan Kəl Filist. Ilas Isxaq iɣaz eṇwan win, ig'asan iṣmawan win da a dasan iga abba nnet.

19 Əɣazan eklan n Isxaq aṇu daɣ əɣlal tolas, əgrawan daɣ-as ṣhat n aṃan təddarat.

20 Ad əgammayan maḍanan ən Gərar əkənnas daɣ win Isxaq, əṇnan asan: «Aṇu nnana a wa» Adi da fəl iga Isxaq y aṇu eṣəm Eseq(əkənnas) fəlas əkənnas a fall-as əgan.

21 Əɣazan eklan-net aṇu iyyan as ənta da iga fall-as əkənnas təzzar ig'as eṣəm Sitna (gezzar).

22 Iggəlat Isxaq əddi iɣaz aṇu iyyan wa fəl wər z' ag'əkənnas maran ig'as eṣəm Rəxobot (tənaflit) fəlas iṇṇa: «Əməli əmərədda isannaflay ana ikf'ana təkarzay daɣ akal a.»

23 Den da ad ikka Ber-Šeba.

24 Ahad wen da a das d'inafalal Əməli iṇṇ'as: «Nak Məššina n abba nnak Ibrahim. A kay wər təggəz ṭasa fəlas nak əṣṣana daɣ-ak. A fall-ak ag'albaraka, əsəffələyləya əzzurriya nnak fəlas əgəɣ arkawal y əkli nin Ibrahim».

25 Den da ad ikras Isxaq edag ən təkutay ad iɣabbad Əməli. Ikras daɣ akal wen ahaket-net. Əɣazan daɣ-as eklan-net aṇu.

26 Əzəl iyyan Abimelek ifal du Gərar iggədaz d Isxaq iddəw d Axuzzut, əməššewwər-net, əd Fikol əmuzar ən nammagaran-net.

27 Iṇṇ'asan Isxaq: «Ma sər-i du tədagam təgzaram i, təstaɣam i du ɣur-wan?»

28 Əjjəwwaban as: «Aššak a nəkkas as iṣṣan daɣ-ak Əməli. Adi da a fəl nənamaṇṇa; Təməlet tu tassaq gar-ena dər-ək, nənəməgget arkawal dər-ək.

29 Daɣ əddəlil n ad tətkəlaɣ əlwaši n as wər dana za təɣšəda arat əmmək as wər dak nəɣšed arat, nəg'ak iḍuf olaɣan nəssoɣal kay akal nak s alxer. Illikan as iga fall-ak Əməli əmərədda albaraka nnet.

30 Ig'asan Isxaq əsəmməguri olaɣan ətšan əšwan.

31 Əgan du taṇakra tənzayat ənamasaḍafan arkawal. Intak kan Isxaq əglan əfalan tu s alxer.

32 Əzəl wen da oṣan t'idu eklan-net Isxaq ewayan as du isalan n aṇu wa əɣzan əṇṇan as: «Nəgraw daɣ-as aṃan».

33 Ig'as Isxaq eṣəm Šiba (tassaq). Adi da a fəl itawagga y əɣrəm wa eṣəm Ber-Šeba(aṇu ən tassaq) har azala.

34 Esaw iga əkkozat təṃərwen n awatay as izlaf ṣanatat təḍoden daɣ Kəl Xiti əṃosnen Yudit elles ən Beri əd Basmat elles n Elon.

35 Šiḍoden šin əssiknanat Isxaq əd Raqqiyetu arkaṇay.


Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #9340

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

9340. 'And I will set your boundary from the Sea Suph even to the Sea of the Philistines' means the full range of truths from factual ones to interior truths of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'setting the boundary from one place to another', when it refers to spiritual truths, as the full range; from the meaning of 'the Sea Suph' as truths on the levels of the senses and of factual knowledge, which are the lowest levels of the human mind (the Sea Suph was the final boundary of the land of Egypt, and 'Egypt' means factual knowledge in both senses, that is, true factual knowledge and false, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 2588, 4749, 4964, 4966, 5700, 6004, 6015, 6125, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692, 6750, 7779 (end), 7926, 8146, 8148; in this instance true factual knowledge is meant since the subject is the full range of spiritual matters of faith among the children of Israel, who represented the spiritual Church, 4286, 4598, 6426, 6637, 6862, 6868, 7035, 7062, 7198, 7201, 7215, 7223, 8805); and from the meaning of 'the Sea of the Philistines' as interior truths of faith. The reason why these truths are meant by 'the Sea of the Philistines' is that the sea where Tyre and Sidon lay was the boundary of the land of Philistia, and 'Tyre and Sidon' means cognitions or knowledge of truth and good, 1201, while 'the land of Philistia' means the knowledge of interior matters of faith, 1197, 2504, 2726, 3463.

[2] Since 'the land of Canaan' represented the Lord's kingdom, which is heaven and the Church, all places in the land therefore meant such things as form part of the Lord's kingdom, or heaven and the Church, which things are called celestial and spiritual, and are connected with the good of love to the Lord and the truths of faith in Him. For this reason the seas and rivers which were boundaries meant the final limits there, and therefore 'from sea to sea' or 'from river to river' meant the full range of those things, as may be seen in 1585, 1866, 4116, 4240, 6516. From all this it becomes clear that 'the boundary from the Sea Suph even to the Sea of the Philistines' means the range of spiritual things, which are matters of truth, from external ones to internal, thus truths ranging from factual ones to interior truths of faith. But the range of celestial things, which are aspects of the good of love, is described next by the words 'from the wilderness even to the River'. The fact that places belonging to the land of Canaan, including seas and rivers, mean such things in the Word, has been shown in explanations everywhere.

[3] What the full range of truths from factual ones to interior truths of faith is must be stated briefly. Truths which exist in the external man are called factual ones, but truths which exist in the internal man are called interior truths of faith. Factual truths reside in a person's memory, and when they are brought out from there they pass into the person's immediate awareness. But interior truths of faith are truths of life itself which are inscribed on the internal man, but few of which show up in the memory. These however are matters which will in the Lord's Divine mercy be spoken of more fully elsewhere. Factual truths and interior truths of faith were meant in Genesis 1:6-7 by the waters under the expanse and the waters above the expanse, 24; for the first chapter of Genesis deals in the internal sense with the new creation or the regeneration of a member of the celestial Church.

[4] The reason why 'Philistia', which also bordered on the land of Canaan as far as Tyre and Sidon, meant the interior truths of faith was that there also the representative Ancient Church had existed, as is evident from the remnants of Divine worship among them which are alluded to in historical sections and prophetical parts of the Word in which the Philistines and the land of Philistia are the subject, such as - in the prophetical parts - Jeremiah 25:20; Jeremiah 47:1-end; Ezekiel 16:27, 57; 25:15-16; Amos 1:8; Zephaniah 2:5; Zechariah 9:6; Psalms 56:1; 1 60:8; 83:7; 108:9. The situation with the Philistines was the same as it was with all the nations in the land of Canaan, in that they represented the Church's forms of good and its truths, and also evils and falsities. When the representative Ancient Church existed among them they represented celestial things which were aspects of good and spiritual things which were matters of truth. But when they fell away from true representative worship they began to represent devilish things which were aspects of evil and hellish things which were matters of falsity. This is the reason why 'Philistia', like all the other nations belonging to the land of Canaan in the Word, means either forms of good and truths, or else evils and falsities.

[5] The fact that interior truths of faith are meant by 'the Philistines' is clear in David,

Glorious things are to be spoken in you, O city of God. I will mention Rahab and Babel among those who know Me; also Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia. The latter was born here. 2 Psalms 87:3-4.

'The city of God' means teachings presenting the truth of faith that are drawn from the Word, 402, 2268, 2449, 2712, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493, 5297; 'Tyre' means cognitions or knowledge of truth and good, 1201, and so does 'Ethiopia', 116, 117. From this it is evident that 'Philistia' means knowledge of the truths of faith.

[6] In Amos,

Are you not like the children of the Ethiopians to Me, O children of Israel? Did I not cause Israel to come up from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir? Amos 9:7.

This refers to the corruption and destruction of the Church after it had been established. 'The children of the Ethiopians' here are those in possession of cognitions of goodness and truth, which they use to substantiate evils and falsities, 1163, 1164. 'The children of Israel from the land of Egypt' are those who had been brought to spiritual truths and forms of good by means of factual truths, 'the children of Israel' being people in possession of spiritual truths and forms of good, thus in the abstract sense spiritual truths and forms of good, see 5414, 5801, 5803, 5806, 5812, 5817, 5819, 5826, 5833, 5879, 5951, 7957, 8234, and 'the land of Egypt' being factual truth, as shown above. The same is meant by 'the Philistines from Caphtor' and by 'the Syrians from Kir', to whom they are therefore likened. 'The Philistines from Caphtor' are people who had been brought to interior truths by means of exterior ones, but who perverted them and used them to substantiate falsities and evils, 1197, 1198, 3412, 3413, 3762, 8093, 8096, 8099, 8313, whereas 'the Syrians from Kir' are those who were in possession of cognitions of goodness and truth, which they likewise perverted, 1232, 1234, 3051, 3249, 3664, 3680, 4112.

[7] In Jeremiah,

... because of the day that is coming to lay waste all the Philistines, to cut off from Tyre and Sidon every helper that is left, for Jehovah is laying waste the Philistines, the remnants of the island of Caphtor. Jeremiah 47:4.

The subject in Jeremiah 47 is the laying waste of the Church's truths of faith, interior truths of faith being meant by 'the Philistines' and exterior truths by 'the remnants of the island of Caphtor'.

[8] In Joel,

What have you to do with Me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the borders of Philistia? Swiftly I will return your recompense upon your own head, inasmuch as you have taken My silver and My gold, and My good and desirable treasures you have carried into your temples. Joel 3:4-5.

'All the borders of Philistia' stands for all the interior and the exterior truths of faith; 'carrying silver and gold, and good and desirable treasures into their temples' stands for perverting truths and forms of good, and profaning them by putting them together with evils and falsities. For the meaning of 'silver and gold' as truths and forms of good, see 1551, 2954, 5658, 6112, 6914, 6917, 8932.

[9] In Obadiah,

At that time those in the south will be the heirs of the mountain of Esau, and of the plain of the Philistines, and they will become the heirs of the field of Ephraim; but Benjamin [will be the heir] of Gilead. Obad. verse 19.

This refers to the establishment of the Church; but spiritual things are implied by the names. 'Those in the south' are people who dwell in the light of truth, 1458, 3195, 3708, 5672, 5962; 'the mountain of Esau' is the good of love, 3300, 3322, 3494, 3504, 3576; 'the plain of the Philistines' is the truth of faith, 'the plain' being also that which constitutes matters of doctrine about faith, 2418; 'Ephraim' is the Church's power of understanding, 3969, 5354, 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267; 'Benjamin' is the Church's spiritual-celestial truth, 3969, 4592, 5686, 5689, 6440; and 'Gilead' is the corresponding exterior good, 4117, 4124, 4747.

[10] In Isaiah,

He will gather the outcasts of Israel, and will assemble the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. They will fly down onto the shoulder of the Philistines towards the sea, together they will plunder the sons of the east. Isaiah 11:12, 14.

Here 'Israel' and 'Judah' are not used to mean Israel and Judah; rather, 'Israel' means those who are governed by the good of faith, and 'Judah' those who are governed by the good of love. 'Flying down onto the shoulder of the Philistines' stands for receiving and taking into possession interior truths of faith; and 'plundering the sons of the east' stands for receiving and taking into possession interior forms of the good of faith, for 'the sons of the east' are people who are governed by forms of the good of faith and with whom cognitions or knowledge of good exists, 3249. 3762. For the meaning of 'plundering' as receiving and taking into possession, see what has been shown in 6914, 6917, regarding the plundering of the Egyptians by the children of Israel.

[11] Since 'the land of Philistia' meant knowledge of the interior truths of faith, and since Abraham and Isaac represented the Lord, and the sojourning of these two in places meant instruction received by the Lord in the truths and forms of the good of faith and love, which belong to God's wisdom, therefore - to provide a figurative representation of this - Abraham was commanded to sojourn in Philistia, Genesis 20:1-end, and so too was Isaac, Genesis 26:1-24. Therefore also Abimelech king of the Philistines made a covenant with Abraham, Genesis 21:22-end, and also with Isaac, Genesis 26:26-end. Regarding all this, see the explanations to those chapters.

Imibhalo yaphansi:

1. i.e. in the superscription or heading of this Psalm

2. i.e. in the city of God, see 1164:7.

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #1232

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

1232. That 'Aram' or Syria means cognitions of good follows from what has been said above as well as from the Word: in Ezekiel,

Aram was your merchant in the multitude of your handiworks; they exchanged for your wares chrysoprase, purple, and embroidered work, and fine linen, and ramoth, 1 and rubies. Ezekiel 27:16.

This refers to 'Tyre' or the possession of cognitions. Here 'handiworks, chrysoprase, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, ramoth, and rubies' means nothing else than cognitions of good. In Hosea,

Jacob fled into the field of Aram and served for a wife, and for a wife kept guard. And by a prophet Jehovah brought Israel up out of Egypt, and by a prophet he was preserved. Ephraim has provoked to anger most bitterly. Hosea 12:12-14.

Here 'Jacob' stands for the external Church, and 'Israel' for the internal spiritual Church. 'Aram' stands for cognitions of good, 'Egypt' for knowledge that debases, 'Ephraim' for debased intelligence. What these mean in this context cannot possibly be deduced from the literal sense, only from the internal sense where, as has been stated, names mean things of the Church. In Isaiah,

Behold, Damascus has been rejected so that it is not a city; it has become a heap of ruins. The fortress will disappear from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus; and the remnant of Aram will be like the glory of the children of Israel. Isaiah 17:1, 3.

Here 'the remnant of Aram' stands for cognitions of good which are called 'the glory of Israel'. 'Aram' or Syria also stands in the contrary sense for cognitions of good that have been debased, for it is usual in the Word for an expression to be used in both senses, see Isaiah 7:4-6; 9:12; Deuteronomy 26:5.

Imibhalo yaphansi:

1. A Hebrew word, the meaning of which is uncertain

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.