

Kurze Darstellung der Lehre der Neuen Kirche#1



1. Kurze Darstellung des Lehrbegriffes der neuen Kirche, welche unter dem neuen Jerusalem in der Offenbarung verstanden wird

Nachdem in einer Reihe von Jahren mehrere größere und kleinere Werke über das neue Jerusalem, unter welchem die neue vom Herrn zu gründende Kirche verstanden wird, von mir veröffentlicht worden sind, und nachdem auch die Offenbarung enthüllt worden ist, entschloß ich mich, die Lehre dieser Kirche in ihrer Fülle, somit vollständig erscheinen zu lassen; weil aber dies ein Werk von einigen Jahren ist, so hielt ich für geraten, eine Skizze davon herauszugeben, damit man vorerst eine allgemeine Idee von dieser Kirche und ihrer Lehre fasse, da ja, wenn das Allgemeine vorausgeht, nachher alles und jedes, was in dessen Umfang liegt, in seinem Licht erscheint; denn dies dringt ins Allgemeine ein, wie die gleichartigen Dinge in ihre Aufnahmegefäße. Dieser kurze Abriß wird jedoch der Beurteilung der Kritik nicht unterworfen, sondern bloß zur [vorläufigen] Notiz mitgeteilt, weil sein Inhalt im Werk selbst vollständig erwiesen werden wird. Es müssen aber die heutigen Lehrbestimmungen betreffend die Rechtfertigung vorausgeschickt werden, wegen des Folgenden über die Abweichungen der Dogmen der heutigen Kirche von denjenigen der neuen Kirche.







5 Und der auf dem Stuhl saß, sprach: Siehe, ich mache alles neu! Und er spricht zu mir: Schreibe; denn diese Worte sind wahrhaftig und gewiß!



Apocalypse Revealed#886



886. 21:5 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." This symbolizes the Lord's speaking about the Last Judgment to people about to enter the world of spirits, or die, from the time He was in the world to the present, saying that the former heaven together with the former earth, and the former church, with every single thing in them, will perish; that He will create a new heaven with a new earth, and a new church, which will be called the New Jerusalem; and that they may know this of a surety and remember it, because the Lord Himself has declared it.

The words in this and the following verses to the end of verse 8 were addressed to people in the Christian world who were about to enter the world of spirits - an event which takes place immediately after death - in order to keep them from being led astray by adherents of Babylon and followers of the dragon. For, as we have said before, all people after death are brought together in the world of spirits, and they form associations with each other like those in the natural world, where they were together with adherents of Babylon and followers of the dragon, who continually burn with a desire to lead others astray. It was also granted the latter to establish for themselves seeming heavens by using fanciful and illusory arts, and these, too, enabled them to lead people astray.

It was to prevent this from happening that the Lord spoke the words in these verses, that the people might know of a surety that those heavens would perish along with their lands, and that the Lord would create a new heaven and a new earth, when people who had not allowed themselves to be led astray would be saved.

It should be known, however, that these words were addressed to people who lived from the time of the Lord's advent to the time of the Last Judgment, which took place in the year 1757, because they could be led astray. But that is not the case with people since, because the adherents of Babylon and followers of the dragon have been isolated and cast out.

[2] But now for the exposition: He who sat on the throne means the Lord (see no. 808 toward the end). The Lord here spoke on the throne, because He said, "Behold, I am making all things new," which symbolically means that He would execute a last judgment and then create a new heaven and new earth, including a new church, with every single thing in them. That the throne is a form representative of judgment may be seen in nos. 229, 845, 865, and that the former heaven and former church will perish at the time of the Last Judgment, in nos. 865, 877. His saying to John, "Write, for these words are true and faithful," symbolically means that people might know this of a surety and remember it, because the Lord Himself has declared it. The Lord's using the verb "said" a second time symbolically means that they might know it of a surety. The command to write symbolizes that it is to be remembered, or that people should remember it (no. 639). And saying that these words are true and faithful symbolically means that the declaration is to be believed, because the Lord Himself has declared it.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.