

Psalms第23章 : The 23rd Psalm


1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.




原作者: Brian David (机器翻译成: 中文)

诗篇23篇可称得上是世界范围内最知名和最受喜爱的文学作品了吧, 也很可能就是从古至今所有问世的诗歌里最精彩的一篇。它也是比喻文学的典范。从这样一幅画面:我们自己是羊,在个好心的牧人带领下来到青草地上,可安歇的水边,我们去体会其深层的涵义。这诗篇里饱含了力量,让我们感受到“行过死荫的幽谷而无所畏惧”的信心,感受到“主为我们摆设筵席,使我们的福杯满溢”的慈爱与恩惠。


旅程的第一步是我们接受主做我们的牧人--接受他的教诲,他的领导。青草地和平静的水边代表了他在这旅途中要教我们的,慰籍我们内心的饥与渴。 主开始让我们的内心发生转变,引领我们过有序的信仰生活,在我们心中产生出从善的意愿,关爱他人。这是“他使我的灵魂苏醒,引导我走义路”的含义。



诗中描绘的那么美好,其中有一点是,事实上是主做了所有的工作。 在整篇诗歌里, 羊唯一主动做的一件事, 就是走过那死荫的幽谷。剩下的它们只需要跟随主,信靠主,接受主的恩赐。真的就是这样! 当我们的思维仅停留在属世的层面上(在低谷里),感觉好像是我们自己在做一切。然而,从内层的属灵的层面上,我们该把自己交给主,让他赐福给我们。

这里的基本含义是主创造了人类,以便他能爱我们,并因爱而希望我们快乐。他知道我们最大的幸福将是回到天国与他联结, 而他最大的愿望就是与我们因爱而联结。所以,他为我们每个人做的每件事,每一天每一刻,为这个地球上所有的人,都围绕着引领这个人去天国为目标。他热切希望接每一个人所有的人去天国的爱,超出我们想象所能及。我们要做的就是配合他。阿门。

(参考: 详解启示录375 [34], 727 [2]; 先知书、诗篇和圣言历史部分的内义概览273)




A Chilean gaucho herding sheep.

Shepherds represent people who lead and teach others, using knowledge and true ideas to help people reach the goodness of life. This makes sense if you think about what a shepherd does. He makes sure the flock has good grass to eat; plants in the Bible represent facts and knowledge. The shepherd makes sure the flock has good water to drink; water represents true thinking about the spiritual aspect of day-to-day life. He carries weapons (a true understanding of spiritual things) to ward off predators (desires for evil) and keeps the flock safe. And the ultimate goal of the shepherd is for the flock to be useful, to do good, to provide good things, representing the good of life. There are, of course, a few cases in which shepherds are the bad guys (for instance, a group of them in Midian would chase Jethro's daughters away so they could water their sheep first; Moses found favor by helping the daughters and ended up marrying one of them). In these cases shepherds represent people who lead and teach without the good of life as the goal. When goodness is not the goal, ideas and knowledge are twisted into falsity and the teaching and leading trend toward evil. See also Sheep.