




1 Och HERRENS ord kom till mig; han sade:

2 Du människobarn, stäm upp en klagosång över Tyrus;

3 säg till Tyrus: Du som bor vid havets portar och driver köpenskap med folken, hän till många havsländer, så säger Herren, HERREN: O Tyrus, du säger själv: »Jag är skönhetens fullhet.»

4 Ja, dig som har ditt rike ute i havet, dig gjorde dina byggningsmän fullkomlig i skönhet.

5 Av cypress från Senir timrade de allt plankverk på dig; de hämtade en ceder från Libanon för att göra din mast.

6 Av ekar från Basan tillverkade de dina åror. Ditt däck prydde de med elfenben i ädelt trä från kittéernas öländer.

7 Ditt segel var av fint linne, med brokig vävnad från Egypten, och det stod såsom ditt baner. Mörkblått och purpurrött tyg från Elisas öländer hade du till soltält.

8 Sidons och Arvads invånare voro roddare åt dig; de förfarna män du själv hade, o Tyrus, dem tog du till skeppare.

9 Gebals äldste och dess förfarnaste män tjänade dig med att bota dina läckor. Alla havets skepp med sina sjömän tjänade dig vid ditt varubyte.

10 Perser, ludéer och putéer funnos i din här och voro ditt krigsfolk. Sköldar och hjälmar hängde de upp i dig; dessa gåvo dig glans.

11 Arvads söner stodo med din här runt om på dina murar, gamadéer hade sin plats i dina torn. Sina stora sköldar hängde de upp runt om på dina murar; de gjorde din skönhet fullkomlig.

12 Tarsis var din handelsvän, ty du var rik på allt slags gods silver, järn, tenn och bly gavs dig såsom betalning.

13 Javan, Tubal och Mesek, de drevo köpenskap med dig; trälar och kopparkärl gåvo de dig i utbyte.

14 Vagnshästar, ridhästar och mulåsnor gåvos åt dig såsom betalning från Togarmas land.

15 Dedans söner drevo köpenskap med dig ja, många havsländer drevo handel i din tjänst; elfenben och ebenholts tillförde de dig såsom hyllningsgåvor.

16 Aram var din handelsvän, ty du var rik på konstarbeten; karbunkelstenar, purpurrött tyg, brokiga vävnader och fint linne. koraller och rubiner gåvo de dig såsom betalning.

17 Juda och Israels land drevo köpenskap med dig; vete från Minnit, bakverk och honung, olja och balsam gåvo de dig i utbyte.

18 Damaskus var din handelsvän, ty du var rik på konstarbeten, ja, på allt slags gods; de kommo med vin från Helbon och med ull från Sahar.

19 Vedan och Javan gåvo dig spånad såsom betalning; konstsmitt järn och kassia och kalmus fick du i utbyte.

20 Dedan drev köpenskap hos dig med sadeltäcken att rida på.

21 Araberna och Kedars alla furstar, de drevo handel i din tjänst; med lamm och vädurar och bockar drevo de handel hos dig.

22 Sabas och Raemas köpmän drevo köpenskap med dig; kryddor av allra yppersta slag och alla slags ädla stenar och guld gåvo de dig såsom betalning.

23 Haran, Kanne och Eden, Sabas köpmän, Assur och Kilmad drevo köpenskap med dig.

24 De drevo köpenskap hos dig med sköna kläder, med mörkblå, brokigt vävda mantlar, med mångfärgade täcken, med välspunna, starka tåg, på din marknad.

25 Tarsis-skepp foro åstad med dina bytesvaror. Så fylldes du med gods och blev tungt lastad, där du låg i havet.

26 Och dina roddare förde dig åstad, ut på de vida vattnen. Då kom östanvinden och krossade dig. där du låg i havet.

27 Ditt gods, dina handels- och bytesvaror, dina sjömän och skeppare, dina läckors botare och dina bytesmäklare, allt krigsfolk på dig, allt manskap som fanns ombord på dig, de sjunka nu ned i havet, på ditt falls dag.

28 Vid dina skeppares klagorop bäva markerna,

29 och alla som ro med åror övergiva sina skepp; sjömän och alla skeppare på havet begiva sig i land.

30 De ropa högt över ditt öde och klaga bittert; de strö stoft på sina huvuden och vältra sig i aska.

31 De raka sig skalliga för din skull och hölja sig i sorgdräkt; de gråta över dig i bitter sorg, under bitter klagan.

32 Med jämmer stämma de upp en klagosång om dig, en klagosång över ditt öde: »Vem var såsom Tyrus, hon som nu ligger i det tysta ute i havet

33 Där dina handelsvaror sattes i land från havet mättade du många folk; med ditt myckna gods och dina många bytesvaror riktade du jordens konungar.

34 Men nu, då du har förlist och försvunnit ifrån havet, ned i vattnens djup, nu hava dina bytesvaror och allt ditt manskap sjunkit med dig.

35 Havsländernas alla inbyggare häpna över ditt öde, deras konungar stå rysande, med förfäran i sina ansikten.

36 Köpmännen ute bland folken vissla åt dig; du har tagit en ände med förskräckelse till evig tid.




Apocalypse Revealed#503



503. We will now say what Egypt symbolizes in the Word: Egypt symbolizes the natural self joined to the spiritual self, and its affection for truth then and consequent knowledge and intelligence. And in an opposite sense it symbolizes the natural self divorced from the spiritual self, and its conceit in its own intelligence then and consequent irrationality in spiritual matters.

Egypt symbolizes the natural self joined to the spiritual self, and its affection for truth then and consequent knowledge and intelligence, in the following passages:

In that day there will be five cities in the land of Egypt... swearing an oath to Jehovah of Hosts... In that day there will be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt... Then Jehovah will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day... (Isaiah 19:18-21)

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, so that the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria - a blessing in the midst of the land, whom Jehovah of Hosts shall bless, saying, "Blessed is My people Egypt, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance." (Isaiah 19:23-25)

Egypt there is the natural component, Assyria the rational one, and Israel the spiritual one. These three form a person of the church.

That is why the king of Egypt is called "the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings," and Egypt is called "the cornerstone of (the) tribes." (Isaiah 19:11, 13) And regarding Solomon we are told that his wisdom excelled the wisdom of the Egyptians (1 Kings 4:30). We are also told that he "took Pharaoh's daughter as a wife, and brought her into the city of David" (1 Kings 3:1), and that he "built a house for Pharaoh's daughter next to the porch" (1 Kings 7:8).

[2] For this reason Joseph was carried down into Egypt and there became the ruler of the whole land (Genesis 41).

Since Egypt symbolized the natural self in respect to its affection for truth and consequent knowledge and intelligence, therefore Joseph, the husband of Mary, having been warned by an angel, went with the infant Lord into Egypt (Matthew 2:14-15), in fulfillment of the prophecy,

When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son. (Hosea 11:1)

You caused a vine to come out of Egypt; You... planted it... and caused it to send forth its roots... (Psalms 80:8-9)

For a person is born natural, becomes rational, and later spiritual. Thus is a vine from Egypt planted and caused to take root.

For the sake of this representation, moreover, Abraham sojourned in Egypt (Genesis 12:10ff.). And Jacob was commanded to go with his sons into Egypt, and they also abode there (Genesis 46ff.).

So, too, the land of Canaan, which symbolizes the church, is described to extend "even to the river of Egypt" (Genesis 15:18, 1 Kings 4:21, Micah 7:12). And Egypt is compared to the Garden of Eden, the garden of God (Ezekiel 31:2, 8, Genesis 13:10).

The knowledge of the natural self is also called "the precious things of Egypt" (Daniel 11:43), and "fine embroidered linen from Egypt" (Ezekiel 27:7).

And so on elsewhere where Egypt is spoken of affirmatively, as in Isaiah 27:12-13.

[3] On the other hand, in an opposite sense Egypt symbolizes the natural self divorced from the spiritual self, and its conceit in its own intelligence then and consequent irrationality in spiritual matters, in the following places:

Because...(Pharaoh's) heart was lifted up in its height, and it set its top among the thick boughs..., aliens... will cut him off and cast him down... In the day when he went down to hell..., I covered the deep over him...(and) you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised... (Ezekiel 31:10-18)

...the foundations (of Egypt) shall be overthrown... ...the pride of her power shall come down... ...and shall be laid waste... her cities... in the midst of the desolate cities... I will set fire to Egypt..., and I will disperse Egypt among the nations, and scatter them throughout the lands. (Ezekiel 30:1ff.)

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help..., and do not look to the Holy One of Israel... For the Egyptians are men, and not God, and their horses are flesh, and not spirit. (Isaiah 31:1, 3)

Egypt rises up like a flood... He says, "I will go up, I will cover the earth, (and) I will destroy... Come up, O horses, and rage, O chariots! ...The sword shall devour (you), and be... made drunk with blood...; there is no healing for you. (Jeremiah 46:2, 8-11)

How do you say to Pharaoh, "I am the son of the wise, and the son of ancient kings?" Where are your wise men now? ...let them know... The princes of Zoan have become fools...; they have led Egypt astray..., the cornerstone of (the) tribes... Neither will there be any work for Egypt, which may form the head or the tail... (Isaiah 19:1-17)

...prophesy against... Egypt..., O great whale who lie in the midst of your rivers. Because he said, "My river, and I have made myself," (therefore) I will put hooks in your jaws, and cause the fish of your rivers to stick to your scales... And I will leave you in the wilderness... Therefore... the land of Egypt shall become desolate and waste. (Ezekiel 29:1-12)

And so on elsewhere, as in Isaiah 30:1, 2, 7; 2 Kings 18:21.

[4] Since the Egyptians became of such a character, therefore they were rendered desolate as regards all the goods and truths of the church. Their desolations are described by the miracles done there, which were plagues, and these symbolized the many lusts of the natural self divorced from the spiritual self, a natural self which acts only in accordance with its own intelligence and its conceit. The plagues symbolic of its lusts were these:

That the water in the river turned to blood so that the fish died and the river stank. (Exodus 7)

That the streams and ponds brought forth frogs upon the land of Egypt. That the dust of the ground turned into lice. That a swarm of noxious flying insects was sent. (Exodus 8)

[That a pestilence occurred so that the livestock of Egypt died.] That sores were caused to break out with pustules on man and beast. That a downpour of hail mixed with fire rained down. (Exodus 9)

That locusts were sent. That darkness occurred through all the land of Egypt. (Exodus 10).

That all the firstborn in the land of Egypt died. (Exodus 11,12)

And finally, that the Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea (Exodus 14), which symbolizes hell.

To find what all these things symbolize specifically, see Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), published in London, where they are explained.

It is apparent from this what is symbolically meant by the plagues and diseases of Egypt in Deuteronomy 7:15; 28:60; what is symbolically meant by drowning in the river of Egypt in Amos 8:8; 9:5; and why it is that Egypt is called a land of bondage in Micah 6:4, the land of Ham in Psalms 106:22, and an iron furnace in Deuteronomy 4:20, 1 Kings 8:51.

[5] The reason Egypt symbolizes both intelligence and irrationality in spiritual matters was that the Ancient Church, which extended through many kingdoms in Asia, existed also in Egypt, and at that time the Egyptians, more than any others, cultivated a study of the correspondences between spiritual and natural things, as is apparent from the hieroglyphs there. But when that study among them was turned into magic and became idolatrous, then their intelligence in spiritual matters became irrational. Egypt symbolizes this, therefore, in an opposite sense.

It can be seen from this what the great city means, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.