




1 No admitirás falso rumor. No te concertarás con el impío para ser testigo falso.

2 No seguirás a los muchos para mal hacer; ni responderás en pleito acostándote tras los muchos para hacer tuerto;

3 ni al pobre honrarás en su causa.

4 Si encontrares el buey de tu enemigo o su asno extraviado, vuelve a llevárselo.

5 Si vieres el asno del que te aborrece caído debajo de su carga, ¿le dejarás entonces desamparado? Sin falta ayudarás con él a levantarlo.

6 No pervertirás el derecho de tu mendigo en su pleito.

7 De palabra de mentira te alejarás, y no matarás al inocente y justo; porque yo no justificaré al impío.

8 No recibirás presente; porque el presente ciega a los que ven, y pervierte las palabras de los justos.

9 Y no angustiarás al extranjero; pues vosotros sabéis cómo se halla el alma del extranjero, ya que extranjeros fuisteis en la tierra de Egipto.

10 Seis años sembrarás tu tierra, y allegarás su renta;

11 mas el séptimo la dejarás libre y la soltarás, para que coman los pobres de tu pueblo; y de lo que quedare comerán las bestias del campo; así harás de tu viña y de tu olivar.

12 Seis días harás tus hechos, y al séptimo día reposarás, a fin que descanse tu buey y tu asno, y tome refrigerio el hijo de tu sierva, y el extranjero.

13 Y en todo lo que os he dicho seréis avisados. Y nombre de otros dioses no mentaréis, ni se oirá en vuestra boca.

14 Tres veces en el año me celebraréis fiesta.

15 La fiesta de los ázimos guardarás: Siete días comerás los panes sin levadura, como yo te mandé, en el tiempo del mes de Abib; porque en él saliste de Egipto; y ninguno comparecerá vacío delante de mí.

16 También la fiesta de la cosecha de los primeros frutos de tus labores que hubieres sembrado en el campo; y la fiesta de la cosecha a la salida del año, cuando habrás recogido tus labores del campo.

17 Tres veces en el año comparecerá todo varón tuyo delante del Señor DIOS.

18 No sacrificarás sobre pan leudado la sangre de mi sacrificio, ni el sebo de mi cordero quedará de la noche hasta la mañana.

19 Las primicias de los primeros frutos de tu tierra traerás a la Casa del SEÑOR tu Dios. No guisarás el cabrito con la leche de su madre.

20 He aquí yo envío el Angel delante de ti para que te guarde en el camino, y te introduzca en el lugar que yo he preparado.

21 Guárdate delante de él, y oye su voz; no le seas rebelde; porque él no perdonará vuestra rebelión; porque mi Nombre está en él.

22 Pero si en verdad oyeres su voz, e hicieres todo lo que yo te dijere, seré enemigo a tus enemigos, y afligiré a los que te afligieren.

23 Porque mi Angel irá delante de ti, y te introducirá a la tierra del amorreo, y del heteo, y del ferezeo, y del cananeo, y del heveo, y del jebuseo, a los cuales yo haré cortar.

24 No te inclinarás a sus dioses, ni los servirás, ni harás como ellos hacen; antes los destruirás del todo, y quebrantarás del todo sus imágenes.

25 Mas al SEÑOR vuestro Dios serviréis, y él bendecirá tu pan y tus aguas; y yo quitaré toda enfermedad de en medio de ti.

26 No habrá mujer que aborte, ni estéril en tu tierra; y yo cumpliré el número de tus días.

27 Yo enviaré mi terror delante de ti, y consternaré a todo pueblo donde tú entrares, y te daré la cerviz de todos tus enemigos.

28 Yo enviaré la avispa delante de ti, que eche fuera al heveo, y al cananeo, y al heteo, de delante de ti.

29 No los echaré de delante de ti en un año, para que no quede la tierra desierta, y se aumenten contra ti las bestias del campo.

30 Poco a poco los echaré de delante de ti, hasta que te multipliques y tomes la tierra por heredad.

31 Y yo pondré tu término desde el mar Bermejo hasta el mar de Palestina, y desde el desierto hasta el río; porque pondré en vuestras manos los moradores de la tierra, y los echarás de delante de ti.

32 No harás alianza con ellos, ni con sus dioses.

33 En tu tierra no habitarán, para que por ventura no te hagan pecar contra mí sirviendo a sus dioses; porque te será de tropiezo.




Arcana Coelestia#9349



9349. The subject in Chapters 20-23 has been the laws, judgements, and statutes that were declared from Mount Sinai. It has been shown what these hold within them in the internal sense, and so how they are understood in heaven, namely not according to their literal but according to their spiritual meaning, which though not evident in the letter is nevertheless present within them. But anyone who is unaware of how the matter stands may suppose that this makes the literal sense of the Word unimportant, for no attention is paid to it in heaven. But let it be known that it does not at all make the literal sense of the Word unimportant; rather, it adds strength to it. Indeed all its individual words carry weight and are holy by virtue of the spiritual sense within them; for the literal sense is the foundation and support on which the spiritual sense rests, and with which it is directly linked, so directly that not even a jot, nor a tittle, that is, small part of a letter in the literal sense of the Word fails to hold what is holy and Divine within it, according to the Lord's words in Matthew,

Truly I say to you, Even until heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one small part of a letter will not pass from the law till all things are done. Matthew 5:18.

And in Luke,

It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the Law to fall. Luke 16:17.

'The Law' is the Word, see 6752, 7463.

[2] Therefore also in the Lord's Divine Providence it has happened that every jot and tittle of the Word, especially in the Old Testament, has been preserved since it was written. I have been shown from heaven that in the Word not only each word but also each letter, indeed - incredibly so - each small part of a letter in the original language has an inner holiness, as angels of the inmost heaven are able to perceive. I can positively declare this to be so, but I realize that it surpasses belief. From this it is evident that outward religious observances of the Church, which represented the Lord and the inner realities of heaven and the Church which begin in the Lord, and about which one reads in the Old Testament Word, have indeed for the most part been abrogated. But it continues to be the Word with its Divine holiness, because all the details there, as has been stated, continue to hold within themselves holy and Divine things, which are perceived in heaven when that Word is read. For it has in all its details an inner, holy content, which is its internal sense , or heavenly and Divine sense. This sense is the soul of the Word; it is God's truth itself emanating from the Lord, and so it is the Lord Himself.

[3] All this makes clear what the situation is with the laws, judgements, and statutes which were declared by the Lord from Mount Sinai, and are contained in Chapters 20-23 which have now been dealt with. That is to say, it makes clear that every single regulation there is holy because its inward form is holy. Nevertheless some of them have been abrogated so far as practices by the Church at the present day, which is an internal Church, are concerned; some of them are such that the Church may practise them if it wishes to do so; and some of them must be altogether observed and carried out. Even so, those which have been abrogated so far as practices by the Church are concerned, those which it may practise if it so wishes, and those which must be altogether observed and carried out are all equally holy by virtue of their inner and holy content. For the whole of the Word internally is Divine. That inner and holy content is what the internal sense teaches, and it is identical with the inner virtues of the Christian Church, with which teachings about charity and faith are concerned.

[4] To make all this more intelligible let the laws, judgements, and statutes dealt with in the above-mentioned chapters serve as examples. Regulations which must be altogether observed and carried out are those contained in 20:3-5, 7-8, 12-17, 23; 21:12, 14-15, 20; 22:18-20, 28; 23:1-3, 6-8, 24-25, 32.

Regulations which [the Church] may practise if it so wishes are such as those contained in 20:10; 21:18-19, 22-25, 33-36; 22:1-14, 17, 21-23, 25-27, 31; 23:4-5, 9, 12-16, 33.

Regulations which have been abrogated so far as practices by the Church at the present day are concerned, in 20:24-26; 21:2-11, 16, 21, 26-29, 31-32; 22:15, 29-30; 23:10-11, 17-19.

But, as stated above, all these are equally holy, or equally the Divine Word.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.