




1 Y habló Dios todas estas palabras, diciendo:

2 Yo soy el SEÑOR tu Dios, que te saqué de la tierra de Egipto, de casa de siervos.

3 No tendrás dioses ajenos delante de mí.

4 No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza de cosa que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo en la tierra, ni en las aguas debajo de la tierra.

5 No te inclinarás a ellas, ni las honrarás; porque yo soy el SEÑOR tu Dios, fuerte, celoso, que visito la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos, hasta la tercera y cuarta generación, de los que me aborrecen,

6 y que hago misericordia en millares de generaciones a los que me aman, y guardan mis mandamientos.

7 No tomarás el Nombre del SEÑOR tu Dios en vano; porque no dará por inocente el SEÑOR al que tomare su Nombre en vano.

8 Te acordarás del día del reposo, para santificarlo:

9 Seis días obrarás, y harás toda tu obra;

10 mas el séptimo día será sábado al SEÑOR tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas;

11 porque en seis días hizo el SEÑOR los cielos y la tierra, el mar y todas las cosas que en ellos hay , y reposó en el séptimo día; por tanto el SEÑOR bendijo el día del sábado y lo santificó.

12 Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, para que tus días sean alargados sobre la tierra que el SEÑOR tu Dios te da.

13 No matarás.

14 No cometerás adulterio.

15 No hurtarás.

16 No hablarás contra tu prójimo falso testimonio.

17 No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.

18 Todo el pueblo consideraba las voces, y las llamas, y el sonido de la trompeta, y el monte que humeaba; y viéndolo el pueblo, temblaron, y se pusieron de lejos.

19 Y dijeron a Moisés: Habla tú con nosotros, que nosotros oiremos; y no hable Dios con nosotros, para que no muramos.

20 Entonces Moisés respondió al pueblo: No temáis; que por probaros vino Dios, y para que su temor esté en vuestra presencia para que no pequéis.

21 Entonces el pueblo se puso de lejos, y Moisés se llegó a la oscuridad en la cual estaba Dios.

22 Y el SEÑOR dijo a Moisés: Así dirás a los hijos de Israel: Vosotros habéis visto que he hablado desde el cielo con vosotros.

23 No hagáis conmigo dioses de plata, ni dioses de oro os haréis.

24 Altar de tierra harás para mí, y sacrificarás sobre él tus holocaustos y tus ofrendas de paz, tus ovejas y tus vacas; en cualquier lugar donde yo hiciere que esté la memoria de mi Nombre, vendré a ti, y te bendeciré.

25 Y si me hicieres altar de piedras, no las labres de cantería; porque si alzares tu pico sobre él, tú lo ensuciarás.

26 Y no subirás por gradas a mi altar, para que tu desnudez no sea descubierta junto a él.




Arcana Coelestia#8920



8920. 'Speak yourself to us, [and we will hear]' means the reception of truth in an adjusted form, which - in that form - they will obey. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking' as influx and communication, dealt with in 2951, 3060, 4131, 5481, 5797, 6225, 7270, 8128, and therefore also as reception since what flows in and is communicated is received; and from the representation of Moses, the one who should speak, as the truth from God below heaven joined to God's truth in heaven, thus the intermediary between the Lord and the people, dealt with in 8760, 8787, 8805. So it is that here 'Moses' is truth in an adjusted form.

[2] As regards truth in an adjusted form, it should be recognized that when God's truth comes down by way of the heavens to people in the world, as the Word came down, it undergoes adjustment for all on its way down, both for those in heaven and for those on earth. But the form in which God's truth exists in the heavens is completely different from that in which it exists in the world. In the heavens that truth is as it exists in the internal sense of the Word, in the world it is as it appears in the literal sense. Indeed in the heavens themselves it exists in diverse forms - in one form in the inmost or third heaven, in another in the middle or second heaven, and in yet another in the first or lowest heaven. The form that God's truth takes - that is, the perception, thought, and utterance of it - in the inmost or third heaven is so superior to the form it takes in the middle or second heaven that it is not comprehensible there; it is so Divine and matchless. It contains countless things which cannot find utterance in the second heaven; it consists of nothing other than the changes of state which the affections inherent in love undergo. Yet the form God's truth takes in the middle or second heaven is in like manner superior to the one it takes in the first or lowest heaven, and is even more superior to the form God's truth takes in the world. So it is that the things which find utterance in those heavens are of a kind that no human mind has ever perceived or any ear has heard, as those who have been raised to heaven know from experience.

[3] People who have no knowledge of this suppose that those in the heavens think in the same way and speak in the same way as on earth. But they suppose this because they do not know that the interior aspects of a person belong to a higher level of existence than exterior ones do, or that the thought and speech of those in the heavens is celestial and spiritual, whereas on earth it is natural, the difference between the two being so great that words cannot describe it. But regarding those types of speech, see 1634-1650, 1757-1759, 1876, 2157, 2472, 2476, 3342-3345, 4104, 4609, 5225, 5287, 6040, 6982, 7002, 7089, 7131, 7191, 7381, 8343, 8733, 8734.

[4] From all this also it is evident that unless God's truth or the Word appeared in an adjusted form it would be unintelligible. For if it were above people's level of perception it would not pass into understanding or accordingly into faith. This is why God's truth has been given to mankind in the form taken by the Word in the letter; for if it were to appear in the form in which it exists in heaven, it would be unintelligible to anyone in the world. As soon as anyone glanced at it and saw what was in it, it would be cast aside, since it would not consist in images such as belong to natural light. Furthermore it would be full of arcana which could not possibly find a place in a person's way of thinking because they would be entirely at odds with the appearances and illusions derived from the world through the outward senses - not to mention the copious chain of deeper arcana which lie hidden within those arcana and cannot be expressed except by variations and changes in the state of heavenly light and flame, by means of which angelic speech and thought are carried on.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.