




1 Y APARECIOLE Jehová en el valle de Mamre, estando él sentado á la puerta de su tienda en el calor del día.

2 Y alzó sus ojos y miró, y he aquí tres varones que estaban junto á él: y cuando los vió, salió corriendo de la puerta de su tienda á recibirlos, é inclinóse hacia la tierra,

3 Y dijo: Señor, si ahora he hallado gracia en tus ojos, ruégote que no pases de tu siervo.

4 Que se traiga ahora un poco de agua, y lavad vuestros pies; y recostaos debajo de un árbol,

5 Y traeré un bocado de pan, y sustentad vuestro corazón; después pasaréis: porque por eso habéis pasado cerca de vuestro siervo. Y ellos dijeron: Haz así como has dicho.

6 Entonces Abraham fué de priesa á la tienda á Sara, y le dijo: Toma presto tres medidas de flor de harina, amasa y haz panes cocidos debajo del rescoldo.

7 Y corrió Abraham á las vacas, y tomó un becerro tierno y bueno, y diólo al mozo, y dióse éste priesa á aderezarlo.

8 Tomó también manteca y leche, y el becerro que había aderezado, y púsolo delante de ellos; y él estaba junto á ellos debajo del árbol; y comieron.

9 Y le dijeron: ¿Dónde está Sara tu mujer? Y él respondió: Aquí en la tienda.

10 Entonces dijo: De cierto volveré á ti según el tiempo de la vida, y he aquí, tendrá un hijo Sara tu mujer. Y Sara escuchaba á la puerta de la tienda, que estaba detrás de él.

11 Y Abraham y Sara eran viejos, entrados en días: á Sara había cesado ya la costumbre de las mujeres.

12 Rióse, pues, Sara entre sí, diciendo: ¿Después que he envejecido tendré deleite, siendo también mi señor ya viejo?

13 Entonces Jehová dijo á Abraham: ¿Por qué se ha reído Sara diciendo: Será cierto que he de parir siendo ya vieja?

14 ¿Hay para Dios alguna cosa difícil? Al tiempo señalado volveré á ti, según el tiempo de la vida, y Sara tendrá un hijo.

15 Entonces Sara negó diciendo: No me reí; porque tuve miedo. Y él dijo: No es así, sino que te has reído.

16 Y los varones se levantaron de allí, y miraron hacia Sodoma: y Abraham iba con ellos acompañándolos.

17 Y Jehová dijo: ¿Encubriré yo á Abraham lo que voy á hacer,

18 Habiendo de ser Abraham en una nación grande y fuerte, y habiendo de ser benditas en él todas las gentes de la tierra?

19 Porque yo lo he conocido, sé que mandará á sus hijos y á su casa después de sí, que guarden el camino de Jehová, haciendo justicia y juicio, para que haga venir Jehová sobre Abraham lo que ha hablado acerca de él.

20 Entonces Jehová le dijo: Por cuanto el clamor de Sodoma y Gomorra se aumenta más y más, y el pecado de ellos se ha agravado en extremo,

21 Descenderé ahora, y veré si han consumado su obra según el clamor que ha venido hasta mí; y si no, saberlo he.

22 Y apartáronse de allí los varones, y fueron hacia Sodoma: mas Abraham estaba aún delante de Jehová.

23 Y acercóse Abraham y dijo: ¿Destruirás también al justo con el impío?

24 Quizá hay cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad: ¿destruirás también y no perdonarás al lugar por cincuenta justos que estén dentro de él?

25 Lejos de ti el hacer tal, que hagas morir al justo con el impío y que sea el justo tratado como el impío; nunca tal hagas. El juez de toda la tierra, ¿no ha de hacer lo que es justo?

26 Entonces respondió Jehová: Si hallare en Sodoma cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad, perdonaré á todo este lugar por amor de ellos.

27 Y Abraham replicó y dijo: He aquí ahora que he comenzado á hablar á mi Señor, aunque soy polvo y ceniza:

28 Quizá faltarán de cincuenta justos cinco: ¿destruirás por aquellos cinco toda la ciudad? Y dijo: No la destruiré, si hallare allí cuarenta y cinco.

29 Y volvió á hablarle, y dijo: Quizá se hallarán allí cuarenta. Y respondió: No lo haré por amor de los cuarenta.

30 Y dijo: No se enoje ahora mi Señor, si hablare: quizá se hallarán allí treinta. Y respondió: No lo haré si hallare allí treinta.

31 Y dijo: He aquí ahora que he emprendido el hablar á mi Señor: quizá se hallarán allí veinte. No la destruiré, respondió, por amor de los veinte.

32 Y volvió á decir: No se enoje ahora mi Señor, si hablare solamente una vez: quizá se hallarán allí diez. No la destruiré, respondió, por amor de los diez.

33 Y fuése Jehová, luego que acabó de hablar á Abraham: y Abraham se volvió á su lugar.




Arcana Coelestia#2243



2243. 'Whether they have brought it to a close according to the cry of it which has come to Me; and if not, I will know' means whether evil has reached its peak. This is clear from the meaning of 'cry' as falsity, dealt with just above in 2240. There are two kinds of falsity, as was mentioned at the end of that paragraph, namely falsity which comes from evil, and falsity which produces evil. Falsity coming from evil consists in everything a person thinks while he is subject to evil, that is to say, everything which supports evil. For example, when a person is subject to adultery he thinks that adultery is permissible, that it is right and proper, that it is the delight of life, that the birth of offspring is promoted by it, and many other ideas such as these. These are all falsities coming from evil.

[2] Falsity which produces evil however comes about when a person holds to some tenet of the religion he belongs to and as a consequence believes that it is good or holy, when in fact in itself it is evil. For example, a person who believes from his religion that some human being is able to save, and who therefore worships and venerates that human being, creates evil out of that falsity. The same applies to any other religious persuasion which in itself is false. Since falsity therefore both derives from evil and produces evil the word 'cry' occurs here and means, as a kind of general term, that which is implied by it, namely evil. This is also evident from the fact that the words 'whether they have brought it to a close according to the cry of it which has come to Me' include both 'the cry of it' in the singular, and 'they have brought it to a close' in the plural.

[3] What a close is has been shown in Volume One, in 1857. What more is implied by a close may be ascertained from the history of the Churches. The Most Ancient Church, which was called Man, was the most celestial of all, yet that Church in course of time so declined from the good that flows from love that at length nothing celestial was left. At this point it came to its close which is described by the state of those people prior to the Flood.

[4] The Ancient Church, which came after the Flood, and was called Noah, and was less celestial, also in course of time so fell away from the good flowing from charity that no charity at all was left; for it was changed partly into magic, partly into idolatry, and partly into a system of doctrine separate from charity. At that point it reached its close.

[5] Another Church then followed which was called the Hebrew Church and was less celestial and spiritual still, making a certain kind of holy worship consist in external religious observances. This Church as well was in course of time perverted in varying ways, and that sort of external worship was turned into idolatrous worship. At that point it reached its close.

[6] A fourth Church was established after that among the descendants of Jacob, which did not possess anything celestial or spiritual, only that which was the representative of such. Consequently that Church was a Church representative of celestial and spiritual things, for what their religious observances actually represented and meant they did not know. But that Church was established in order that some link might nevertheless exist between man and heaven, like that which exists between the representatives of good and truth, and good and truth themselves. This Church so went off in the end into falsities and evils that every religious observance became idolatrous, at which point it reached its close.

[7] Therefore once those consecutive Churches, each declining as indicated, had come and gone - and in the last of them the link between the human race and heaven had become severed so completely that the human race would have perished because no Church existed to provide such a link and a bond, see 468, 637, 931, 2054 - the Lord came into the world; and through the Divine Essence united to the Human Essence within Himself, He joined heaven and earth together. At the same time He established a new Church, called the Christian Church, in which, to begin with, good that is the fruit of faith was present, and people lived together in charity as brethren. But with the passage of time it departed in different directions, and today has become such that people do not even know that faith is grounded in love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour. And although they assert from doctrine that the Lord is the Saviour of the human race, that they will rise again after death, and that there is a heaven and a hell, few nevertheless believe these things. Since this Church has become such, its close is not far away.

[8] These considerations show what the close is, namely that it is the time when evil has reached its peak. The situation is similar in particular, that is, with each individual; but how the close or climax comes about in the case of the individual will in the Lord's Divine mercy be discussed later on. Various places in the Word refer to the close and describe the state which comes before it as vastation and desolation, which is followed by visitation.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.