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Apocalypse Revealed#793



793. "No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore." This symbolically means that those caught up in the Roman Catholic religion because of its doctrine and a life in accordance with it are without any understanding of spiritual truth, and so are without any thought of spiritual truth, to the extent that they are left to themselves.

In the spiritual sense of the Word, a craftsman symbolizes an intelligent person and a thinking one by virtue of his intellect - in a good sense, someone who uses his intellect to think thoughts that are true, which are heavenly, and in a bad sense, someone who uses his intellect to think thoughts that are false, which are infernal. Moreover, because all of these thoughts are of many kinds, and each kind consists of many varieties, and each variety again of many kinds and varieties, but which we call particulars and specifics, therefore the text says, "no craftsman of any craft."

By virtue of their arts and crafts, too, and the correspondence of these, craftsmen symbolize such things as have to do with wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. We say, by virtue of their correspondence, because a person's every work, likewise his every undertaking, corresponds to such things as have to do with the intelligence of angels, provided it is of some use. But the works of craftsmen in gold, silver and precious stones correspond to some matters or objects of angelic intelligence, the works of craftsmen in bronze, iron, wood and stone to others, and the works of craftsmen in other valuable endeavors, such as the making of cloth, linens, garments and clothing of various kinds, to still others. All of these arts and crafts have, as we said, a correspondence, because they are works.

It can be seen from this that no craftsman of any art being found in Babylon does not mean that there will be no craftsman there, but that there will be no understanding of spiritual truth and so no thought of spiritual truth. But this is the case only with those who are caught up in the Roman Catholic religion because of its doctrine and a life in accordance with it, and this to the extent that they are left to themselves.

[2] That a craftsman symbolizes people who have an understanding of truth and so think thoughts that are true can be seen from this, that Bezaleel and Aholiab were to make the Tabernacle, because they were filled with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge (Exodus 31:3; 36:1-2). Also from the following:

All the wise-hearted among those doing the work made (the dwelling place) with the work of a craftsman... (Exodus 36:8)

You shall make the dwelling place... of fine woven linen and blue, purple, and double-dyed scarlet...(and) cherubim; with the work of a craftsman you shall make them. (Exodus 26:1)

You shall make a veil (in the same manner) with the work of a craftsman. (Exodus 26:31; 36:35)

So, too, the ephod with the work of a craftsman, and also the breastpiece (Exodus 28:6; 39:8). The word for craftsman there is one that also means a thinker.

With the work of a craftsman in gems..., you shall engrave the two stones... which you shall put... on the shoulders of the ephod... (Exodus 28:11, 12)

[3] In an opposite sense, the work of a craftsman symbolizes the kind of work that is the product of one's own intelligence, from which comes only falsity. This is meant by the work of a craftsman in the following passages:

In their intelligence they will make... a molten image... of their silver..., all of it the work of craftsmen. (Hosea 13:2)

A craftsman pours the image, and the founder covers it with gold and forges chains of silver... He seeks... a wise craftsman... (Isaiah 40:19-20)

...one cuts wood from a forest, the work of the hands of the workman... Silver... is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of a craftsman...; blue and purple their clothing, all the work of wise men. (Jeremiah 10:3, 9)

See also Deuteronomy 27:15.

That idols symbolize falsities in worship and religion originating from people's own intelligence may be seen in no. 459, 460 above.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.






6 "They shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, the work of the skillful workman.