




1 И призвал Исаак Иакова и благословил его, и заповедал ему и сказал: не бери себе жены из дочерей Ханаанских;

2 встань, пойди в Месопотамию, в дом Вафуила, отца матери твоей, и возьми себе жену оттуда, из дочерей Лавана, брата матери твоей;

3 Бог же Всемогущий да благословит тебя, да расплодит тебя и да размножит тебя, и да будет от тебя множество народов,

4 и да даст тебе благословение Авраама, тебе и потомству твоему с тобою, чтобы тебе наследовать землю странствования твоего, которую Бог дал Аврааму!

5 И отпустил Исаак Иакова, и он пошел в Месопотамию к Лавану, сыну Вафуила Арамеянина, к брату Ревекки, матери Иакова и Исава.

6 Исав увидел, что Исаак благословил Иакова и благословляя послал его в Месопотамию, взять себе жену оттуда, и заповедал ему, сказав: не бери жены из дочерей Ханаанских;

7 и что Иаков послушался отца своего и матери своей и пошел в Месопотамию.

8 И увидел Исав, что дочери Ханаанские не угодны Исааку, отцу его;

9 и пошел Исав к Измаилу и взял себе жену Махалафу, дочь Измаила, сына Авраамова, сестру Наваиофову, сверх других жен своих.

10 Иаков же вышел из Вирсавии и пошел в Харран,

11 и пришел на одно место, и остался там ночевать, потому что зашло солнце. И взял один из камней того места, и положил себе изголовьем, и лег на том месте.

12 И увидел во сне: вот, лестница стоит на земле, а верх ее касается неба; и вот, Ангелы Божии восходят и нисходят по ней.

13 И вот, Господь стоит на ней и говорит: Я Господь, Бог Авраама, отца твоего, и Бог Исаака. Землю, на которой ты лежишь, Я дам тебе и потомствутвоему;

14 и будет потомство твое, как песок земной; и распространишься к морю и к востоку, и ксеверу и к полудню; и благословятся в тебе и в семени твоем все племена земные;

15 и вот Я с тобою, и сохраню тебя везде, куда ты ни пойдешь; и возвращу тебя в сию землю, ибо Я не оставлю тебя, доколе не исполню того, что Я сказал тебе.

16 Иаков пробудился от сна своего и сказал: истинно Господь присутствует на месте сем; а я не знал!

17 И убоялся и сказал: как страшно сие место! это не иное что, как дом Божий, это врата небесные.

18 И встал Иаков рано утром, и взял камень, который он положил себе изголовьем, и поставил его памятником, и возлил елей на верх его.

19 И нарек имя месту тому: Вефиль, а прежнее имя того города было: Луз.

20 И положил Иаков обет, сказав: если Бог будет со мною и сохранит меня в пути сем, в который я иду, и даст мне хлеб есть и одежду одеться,

21 и я в мире возвращусь в дом отца моего, и будет Господь моим Богом, –

22 то этот камень, который я поставил памятником, будет домом Божиим; и из всего, что Ты, Боже , даруешь мне, я дам Тебе десятую часть.




Arcana Coelestia#3691



3691. 'And went to Haran' means closer to that degree of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'Haran' as external good and truth, for 'Haran' means that which is external, and 'Laban' who lived there means that which is good and true, so that 'Haran' here means external good and truth. That this is what 'Haran' means, see 1430, 3612. From this it is evident that 'Jacob went out from Beersheba and went to Haran' means in the internal sense that he took himself to a position more remote from matters of doctrine that were Divine and so closer to external good and truth.

[2] The reason why the phrase 'that degree of good and truth' is used is that goods and truths are quite distinct and separate from one another according to the degrees they belong to. Interior goods and truths exist in a higher degree, exterior goods and truths in a lower one. In a higher degree are the goods and truths which belong to the rational, in a lower one the goods and truths that belong to the natural, and in the lowest degree are the sensory goods and truths that belong to the body. Interior goods and truths, or those which exist in the higher degree, flow into exterior goods and truths, or those existing in the lower degree, and present an image of themselves there, almost as a person's interior affections present themselves in his face and in the changing expressions seen there. From this it is evident that interior goods and truths are entirely separate from exterior goods and truths, or what amounts to the same, those which exist in the higher degree are entirely separate from those in the lower one, so separate that those which are interior or existing in the higher degree are able to manifest themselves independently of those that are exterior or existing in the lower one. Anyone who does not have a clear-cut idea of degrees cannot have a clear-cut idea of interior and exterior goods and truths, or of how a person's soul or spirit and his body are related to each other, or of how in the next life the heavens are related to one another.

[3] It is well known that there are three heavens, that one heaven is interiorly within another, and that the third heaven is the inmost. These heavens are utterly distinct and separate, each a separate degree from the others. Members of the inmost or third are closer to the Lord; members of the less interior or second are more remote; and members of the exterior or first are more remote still. No communication between those heavens is possible other than a communication like that of the inmost parts of the human being with the exterior parts of him, for anyone who is governed by love to the Lord and by charity towards the neighbour is a miniature heaven, corresponding in image to the three heavens. In addition, he receives from those three heavens an influx, in three similar degrees, of good and truth from the Lord. What each of these is like compared with the other two becomes clear from the two examples introduced above in 3688, 3690.

[4] Those who are governed by true love to the Lord, so much so that they have a perception of that love, are in the higher degree of good and truth. They are in the inmost or third heaven, thus closer to the Lord, and are called celestial angels. Those however who are governed by charity towards the neighbour, so much so that they have a perception of that charity but not so much a perception of love to the Lord, are in a lower degree of good and truth. They are in the interior or second heaven, accordingly more remote from the Lord, and are referred to as spiritual angels. Those however who are governed by charity towards the neighbour that arises solely from an affection for truth, so much so that they do not have any perception of that charity towards the neighbour except from the truth for which they have an affection, are in a still lower degree of good and truth. They are in the exterior or first heaven, accordingly more remote still from the Lord, and are termed good spirits.

[5] This shows to some extent the relationship of these degrees to one another, that is to say, it shows that things existing in a higher degree present an image of themselves that is formed from the things belonging to the degree immediately below them. Love to the Lord contains the closest image of the Lord. That image is called a likeness and therefore people who are governed by true love to the Lord are called likenesses of Him. Charity too contains an image of the Lord, though in a more remote way - for within genuine charity the Lord is present - and therefore people who are governed by such charity are referred to as His images, see 50, 51, 1013. But those who are governed by the affection for truth and consequently by a certain kind of charity towards the neighbour are also images of the Lord, yet in a more remote way still. Into these separate degrees the three heavens are distinguished, and in accordance with those same degrees the Lord flows in with Divine Good and Truth, and so with wisdom and intelligence, together with heavenly joy and happiness.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.