




1 И ты, сын человеческий, изреки пророчество на горыИзраилевы и скажи: горы Израилевы! слушайте слово Господне.

2 Так говорит Господь Бог: так как враг говорит о вас: „а! а! и вечные высоты достались нам в удел",

3 то изреки пророчество и скажи: так говорит Господь Бог: за то, именно за то, что опустошают вас и поглощают вас со всех сторон, чтобы вы сделались достоянием прочих народов и подверглись злоречию и пересудам людей, –

4 за это, горы Израилевы, выслушайте слово Господа Бога: так говорит Господь Бог горам и холмам, лощинам и долинам, и опустелым развалинам, и оставленным городам, которые сделались добычею и посмеянием прочим окрестным народам;

5 за это так говорит Господь Бог: в огне ревности Моей Я изрек слово на прочие народы и на всю Идумею, которые назначили землю Мою во владение себе, с сердечною радостью и с презрением в душе обрекая ее в добычу себе.

6 Посему изреки пророчество о земле Израилевой и скажи горам и холмам, лощинам и долинам: так говорит Господь Бог: вот, Я изрек сие в ревности Моей и в ярости Моей, потому что вы несете на себе посмеяние от народов.

7 Посему так говорит Господь Бог: Я поднял руку Мою с клятвою, что народы, которые вокруг вас, сами понесут срам свой.

8 А вы, горы Израилевы, распустите ветви ваши и будете приносить плоды ваши народу Моему Израилю; ибо они скоро придут.

9 Ибо вот, Я к вам обращусь, и вы будете возделываемы и засеваемы.

10 И поселю на вас множество людей, весь дом Израилев,весь, и заселены будут города и застроены развалины.

11 И умножу на вас людей и скот, и они будут плодиться и размножаться, и заселю вас, как было в прежние времена ваши, и буду благотворить вам больше, нежели в прежние времена ваши, и узнаете, что Я Господь.

12 И приведу на вас людей, народ Мой, Израиля, и они будут владеть тобою, земля ! и ты будешь наследием их и не будешь более делать их бездетными.

13 Так говорит Господь Бог: за то, что говорят о вас: „ты – земля , поедающая людей и делающая народ твой бездетным":

14 за то уже не будешь поедать людей и народа твоего не будешь вперед делать бездетным, говорит Господь Бог.

15 И не будешь более слышать посмеяния от народов, и поругания от племен не понесешь уже на себе, и народа твоего вперед не будешь делать бездетным, говорит Господь Бог.

16 И было ко мне слово Господне:

17 сын человеческий! когда дом Израилев жил на земле своей, он осквернял ее поведением своим и делами своими; путь их пред лицем Моим был как нечистота женщины во время очищения ее.

18 И Я излил на них гнев Мой за кровь, которую они проливали на этой земле, и за то, чтоони оскверняли ее идолами своими.

19 И Я рассеял их по народам, и они развеяны по землям; Я судил их попутям их и по делам их.

20 И пришли они к народам, куда пошли, и обесславили святое имя Мое, потому что о них говорят: „они – народ Господа, и вышли из земли Его".

21 И пожалел Я святое имя Мое, которое обесславил дом Израилев ународов, куда пришел.

22 Посему скажи дому Израилеву: так говорит Господь Бог: не для вас Ясделаю это, дом Израилев, а ради святаго имени Моего, которое вы обесславили у народов, куда пришли.

23 И освящу великое имя Мое, бесславимое у народов, среди которых выобесславили его, и узнают народы, что Я Господь, говорит Господь Бог, когда явлю на вас святость Мою перед глазами их.

24 И возьму вас из народов, и соберу вас из всех стран, и приведу вас в землю вашу.

25 И окроплю вас чистою водою, и вы очиститесь от всех скверн ваших, и от всех идолов ваших очищу вас.

26 И дам вам сердце новое, и дух новый дам вам; и возьму из плоти вашей сердце каменное, и дам вам сердце плотяное.

27 Вложу внутрь вас дух Мой и сделаю то, что вы будете ходить в заповедях Моих и уставы Мои будете соблюдать и выполнять.

28 И будете жить на земле, которую Я дал отцам вашим, и будете Моим народом, и Я буду вашим Богом.

29 И освобожу вас от всех нечистот ваших, и призову хлеб, и умножуего, и не дам вам терпеть голода.

30 И умножу плоды на деревах и произведения полей, чтобы вперед не терпеть вам поношения от народов из-за голода.

31 Тогда вспомните о злых путях ваших и недобрых делах ваших и почувствуете отвращение к самим себе за беззакония ваши и за мерзости ваши.

32 Не ради вас Я сделаю это, говорит Господь Бог, да будет вам известно. Краснейте и стыдитесь путей ваших, дом Израилев.

33 Так говорит Господь Бог: в тот день, когда очищу вас от всех беззаконий ваших и населю города, и обстроены будут развалины,

34 и опустошенная земля будет возделываема, быв пустынею в глазах всякого мимоходящего,

35 тогда скажут: „эта опустелая земля сделалась, как сад Едемский; иэти развалившиеся и опустелые и разоренные города укреплены и населены".

36 И узнают народы, которые останутся вокруг вас, что Я, Господь, вновь созидаю разрушенное, засаждаю опустелое. Я, Господь, сказал – и сделал.

37 Так говорит Господь Бог: вот, еще и в том явлю милость Мою дому Израилеву, умножу их людьми как стадо.

38 Как много бывает жертвенных овец в Иерусалиме во время праздников его, так полны будут людьми опустелые города, и узнают, что Я Господь.




Apocalypse Explained#331



331. And people and nation. That this signifies those who belong to the Lord's spiritual church, and to His celestial church, is clear from the signification of people and nation in the Word. That by people are signified those who are in spiritual good, and by nation those who are in celestial good; thus those who belong to the Lord's spiritual church, and to His celestial church. That there are two kingdoms into which the heavens are divided, namely, the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom, and that in the celestial kingdom are those who are in the good of love to the Lord, and in the spiritual kingdom those who are in the good of charity towards the neighbour, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 20-28). But those two kingdoms are not only in the heavens, they are also on the earth, and they are called there the celestial church and the spiritual church. Few know what is specifically signified in the Word by a people or peoples, and what specifically by a nation or nations; therefore I wish to adduce some passages from the Word where they are named together, from which it will be clear that "people" and "nations " have a distinct signification, for unless this were the case they would not be named together, as in the following passages:

[2] In Isaiah:

"The strong people shall honour thee, the city of the powerful nations shall fear thee. Jehovah will swallow up in this mountain the faces of the covering, the covering upon all peoples, and the veil spread over all nations" (25:3, 7, 8).

Here a distinction is made between peoples and nations, because peoples signify those who belong to the Lord's spiritual kingdom, and nations those who belong to His celestial kingdom; thus, those who are in spiritual good, and those who are in celestial good. Spiritual good is the good of charity towards the neighbour, and hence the good of faith, and celestial good is the good of love to the Lord, and hence the good of mutual love. The truth of this good is what is meant by the city of powerful nations, for a city signifies the doctrine of truth, or truths of doctrine. By swallowing up the covering cast over all peoples, and the veil spread over all nations, is signified that the shade which covers the understanding shall be dispersed lest the truths be seen and the goods perceived that pertain to heaven and the church.

[3] In the same:

"Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye peoples; let the earth hear, and the fulness thereof" (34:1).

Because nations signify those who are in the good of love, and peoples those who are in the good of charity and thence in the truths of faith, it is therefore said of the nations, that they should come near, and of the peoples, that they should hearken; to come near signifies to be conjoined by love, and to hearken signifies to obey, and to be instructed; therefore it is also said, let the earth hear, and the fulness thereof. By the earth is signified the church as to good, and by the fulness thereof are signified truths.

[4] In the same:

"I Jehovah have called thee, in justice, and will hold thine hand, and will give thee for a covenant to the people, for a light of the nations" (42:6).

In the same:

"Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people assemble" (43:8, 9).

In the same:

"I have given him for a witness to the peoples, a prince and law-giver to the nations" (55:4).

In the same:

"Thus said the Lord Jehovih, Behold, I will lift up mine hand towards the nations, and lift up my standard towards the peoples" (49:22).

In the same:

"The peoples that walked in darkness have seen a great light. Thou hast multiplied the nation, thou hast restored to it great joy" (9:2, 3).

And in the same:

"In that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for a standard of the peoples, to it shall the nations seek. And he shall lift up a standard for the nations, and shall gather together the outcasts of Israel" (11:10, 12).

The statements contained in these passages are spoken concerning the Lord; and by peoples and nations are meant all who belong to His church; for all who belong to the Lord's church are either of His celestial kingdom or of His spiritual kingdom; besides those who are in those two kingdoms, there are no others who belong to the church. There are also two things which constitute the church, good and truth, both from the Lord; by nations those who are in good are meant, and by peoples those who are in truth; and, apart from persons, by nations are signified the goods of the church, and by peoples the truths thereof. Peoples signify the truths of the church, because spiritual good, or the good of charity towards the neighbour, in which those are who are meant by people, in its essence is truth. (As may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 8042, 10296; the reason of its being so, n. 863, 875, 895, 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, 9596. The nature, consequently, of the distinction between those who belong to the celestial kingdom, and those who belong to the spiritual kingdom, n. 2088, 2669, 2709 1 , 2715, 3235, 3240, 4788, 7068, 8521, 9277, 10295.)

[5] In the same:

"At that time a gift shall be brought unto Jehovah Zebaoth; a people divided and pillaged; a nation meted out and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name of Jehovah, to mount Zion" (18:2, 7).

The subject here treated of is the invitation of all to the church, therefore also people and nation are named. Mount Zion signifies the church, to which they are invited; by a people divided and pillaged, are signified those with whom truths are taken away, altered, or perverted by those who are in falsities of doctrine; by a nation meted out and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, are signified those among whom goods are treated in like manner, rivers denoting falsities and reasonings therefrom.

[6] In Zechariah:

"As yet the peoples shall come, and the inhabitants of great cities to entreat the faces of Jehovah, and so shall come many peoples and numerous nations to seek Jehovah Zebaoth in Jerusalem" (8:20-22).

By peoples and nations are also here signified all those who belong to the Lord's church; by peoples, those who belong to His spiritual church, and by nations, those who belong to His celestial church. Jerusalem, to which they shall come, denotes the church.

[7] In David:

"Thou wilt set me for the head of the nations, a people I had not known shall serve me" (Psalms 18:43).

In the same:

Jehovah "shall subdue the peoples under us, and the nations under our feet. God reigneth over the nations. The willing of the people are gathered together" (47:3, 8, 9).

In the same:

"That thy salvation may be known on the earth, among all nations. The peoples shall confess thee, O God; the nations shall be glad and shout for joy; for thou shalt judge the peoples in uprightness, and shalt lead the nations upon earth" (Psalms 67:2-5).

In the same:

"Remember me, O Jehovah, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people; that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nations" (106:4, 5).

In the same:

"I will confess thee, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing praises unto thee among the peoples" (Psalms [57]:7-9 2 ; 108:1-3).

In these passages also peoples and nations are mentioned, by whom are meant all those who are in truths and goods; the very expressions also that are used of peoples are expressions that are predicated of truths, and the expressions that are used of nations those that are predicated of goods. That no others are meant by nations, is clear also from this, that those things were said by David, who was the enemy of the Canaanitish nations.

[8] In Luke:

"Mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples; a light in revelation of the nations" (2:30-32).

In Zephaniah:

"The remnant of my people shall spoil them, and the residue of my nation shall inherit them" (2:9).

In Moses:

When the two sons struggled together in the womb; Rebecca went to enquire of Jehovah, unto whom Jehovah said, Two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples shall be separated from thy bowels (Genesis 25:22, 23).

And in the same:

"Remember the days of the age, when the Most High gave to the nations the inheritance; when he separated the sons of man, he set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel" (Deuteronomy 32:7, 8).

By the sons of man are signified the same as by peoples, namely, those who are in spiritual truths and goods; therefore it is said concerning them, "When he separated the sons of man, he set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel"; the sons of Israel signifying the spiritual church, and the number of them, or of the twelve tribes named from them, signifying all the truths and goods therein (see just above, n. 330); they therefore are called peoples. To separate them and to set their bounds, signifies to remove from falsities and to gift with truths; and to give the inheritance to the nations, signifies heaven and conjunction with those who are in the good of love.

[9] In Daniel:

"All peoples, nations, and tongues shall worship him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed" (7:14).

This is spoken of the Lord; and by peoples and nations are meant all those who are in truths and goods; and by all tongues are meant, of whatever doctrine or religion; for the Lord's church is universal, as it exists with all those who are in the good of life, and who from their doctrine look to heaven, and thereby conjoin themselves with the Lord (as to whom see the work concerning Heaven and Hell 318-328). Because nations signify those who are in the good of love, and peoples those who are in the good of charity and the truths of faith thence, therefore it is said, "His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom shall not pass away"; dominion in the Word being predicated of good, and kingdom of truth; therefore the Lord is called Lord from Divine good, and King from Divine truth. Besides these passages, there are also others which might be adduced to confirm [the statement], that people signify those who belong to the spiritual church, and nations those who belong to the celestial church; but here those only have been adduced in which people and nations are mentioned together. To these some shall be added in which nations are mentioned alone.

[10] In Isaiah:

"Open the gates, that the just nation which keepeth faithfulness may enter in. Thou hast added to the nation, O Jehovah, thou hast added to the nation; thou art glorified; thou hast removed all the ends of the earth" (26:2, 15).

In David:

"All the ends of the earth shall be turned towards Jehovah; and all the families of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is Jehovah's; and he is the ruler among the nations" (Psalms 22:27, 28).

In Isaiah:

"The nations shall walk to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Thy heart shall enlarge itself, that the multitude of the sea may be turned towards thee; the hosts of the nations shall come unto thee" (60:3, 4).

In the same:

"All nations shall see thy justice, and all kings thy glory" (62:2).

In these passages nations and peoples are not mentioned together, but still in the two last nations and kings [are], because by kings are signified the same as by people, namely, those who are in truths (see above, n. 31). And because by nations are signified those who are in good, and by kings those who are in truths, therefore it is said concerning nations, that they shall see Thy justice, and concerning kings that they shall see Thy glory, justice in the Word being predicated of good, and glory of truth. (That justice in the Word is predicated of Divine good, may be seen, n. 2235, 9857; and glory of Divine truth, n. 4809, 5922, 8267, 8427, 9429.)

[11] From the opposite sense it is further evident that peoples signify those who are in truths, and nations those who are in good; for, in that sense, peoples signify those who are in falsities, and nations those who are in evils; as in the following passages.

In Isaiah:

"Asshur, the rod of mine anger. I will send him against a hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge" (10:5, 6).

In the same:

"The voice of a multitude in the mountains; a voice of the tumult of the kingdoms of the nations gathered together. They come from a land of remoteness, from the end of the heavens. Jehovah, with the vessels of his indignation, to destroy the whole land" (13:4, 5).

In the same:

"Jehovah smiting the peoples with a plague not curable, ruling the nations with anger" (14:6).

In the same:

"By the noise of the tumult the peoples shall wander to and fro; before thy loftiness the nations shall be dispersed (33:3).

In Jeremiah:

"Behold, a people cometh from the land of the north, and a great nation shall be stirred up from the sides of the earth. They lay hold on bow and spear; it is cruel, and it has no mercy" (6:22, 23).

In Ezekiel:

"Neither will I cause thee to hear the calumny of the nations any more, and thou shalt not bear the reproach of the peoples any more" (36:15).

In David:

"Thou makest us a by-word among the nations, a shaking of the head among the peoples" (Psalms 44:14).

And in the same:

"Jehovah hath made void the counsel of the nations; he hath overthrown the thoughts of the peoples" (Psalms 33:10).

In these passages peoples signify those who are opposed to the truths of the spiritual church, thus those who are in falsities; and nations those who are opposed to the goods of the celestial church, thus those who are in evils. These things are also signified by the peoples and nations who were driven out of the land of Canaan. To these observations may be added what was said above, n. 175.


1. NCBS editor's note: the Whitehead translation has here n. 2708 instead, which appears to be a more relevant passage.

2. NCBS editor's note: originally had Psalms 7:7-9, but the reference is actually found in Psalms 57:9.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.