




1 И отправился Израиль со всјмъ, что у него ни было, и пришелъ въ Беэр-Шаву, и принесъ жертву Богу отца своего Исаака.

2 Богъ говорилъ Израилю въ видјніи нощномъ, и сказалъ: Іаковъ! Іаковъ! Онъ отвјчалъ: вотъ я!

3 Богъ сказалъ: Я Богъ, Богъ отца твоего; не бойся идти въ Египетъ; ибо тамъ Я возращу тебя въ народъ великій.

4 Я пойду съ тобою въ Египетъ; Я и выведу тебя оттуда обратно. Іосифъ своею рукою закроетъ очи твои.

5 И поднялся Іаковъ изъ Беэр-Шавы, и повезли сыны Израилевы Іакова, отца своего, и дјтей своихъ, и женъ своихъ, на колесницахъ, которыя послалъ Фараонъ, чтобы привезти его.

6 Они взяли также скотъ свой, и имущество свое, которое пріобрјли въ землј Ханаанской, п пришли въ Египетъ, Іаковъ и весь родъ его съ нимъ.

7 Съ нимъ пришли въ Египетъ сыны его, и сыны сыновъ его, дочери его, и дочери сыновъ его, и весь родъ его.

8 Вотъ имена сыновъ Израилевыхъ, перешедшихъ въ Египетъ: Іаковъ и сыновья его. Первенецъ Іаковлевъ Рувимъ.

9 Сыны Рувима: Ханохъ, Фаллу, Хецронъ и Харми.

10 Сыны Симеона: Іемуэлъ, Іаминъ, Огадъ, Іахинъ, Цохаръ и Шаулъ, сынъ Хананеянки.

11 Сыны Левія: Гершонъ, Кегаѕъ и Мерари.

12 Сыны Іуды: Иръ, Онанъ, Шела, Фаресъ и Зара; но Иръ и Онанъ умерли въ землј Ханаанской. Сыны Фареса были: Хецронъ и Хамулъ.

13 Сыны Иссахара: Ѕола, Фува, Іовъ и Шимронъ.

14 Сыны Завулона: Середъ, Элонъ и Ахлеилъ.

15 Сіи суть сыны Ліи, которыхъ она родила Іакову въ Падан-Арамј, и Дину, дочь его. Всјхъ душъ сыновъ его и дочерей его тридцать три.

16 Сыны Гада: Цифіонъ, Хагги, Шуни, Эцбонъ, Эри, Ароди и Арели.

17 Сыны Асира: Имна, Ишва, Ишви, Веріа и Сера, сестра ихъ. Сыны Веріи: Хеверъ и Малхіилъ.

18 Сіи суть сыны Зелфы, которую Лаванъ далъ Ліи, дочери своей. Она родила Іакову сихъ шестнадцать душъ.

19 Сыны Рахили, жены Іаковлевой: Іосифъ и Веніаминъ.

20 У Іосиаа въ землј Египетской родились Манассія и Ефремъ, которыхъ родила ему Асенаѕа, дочь Поти-Фера, жреца Иліопольскаго.

21 Сыны Веніамина: Бела, Вехеръ, Ашбелъ, Гера и Нааманъ, Эхи и Рошъ, Мупимъ, Хупимъ и Ардъ.

22 Сіи суть сыны Рахили, которые родились Іакову, всјхъ четырнадцать душъ.

23 Сыны Дана: Хушимъ.

24 Сыны Нефѕалима: Іанцеилъ, Гуни, Іецеръ и Шиллемъ.

25 Сіи суть сыны Валлы, которую далъ Лаванъ дочери своей Рахили. Она родила Іакову всего семь душъ.

26 Всјхъ душъ, пришедшихъ съ Іаковомъ въ Египетъ, которыя произошли изъ чреслъ его, кромј женъ сыновъ Іаковлевыхъ, всего шестьдесятъ шесть душъ.

27 Сыновъ Іосифовыхъ, которые родились у него въ Египтј, двј души. Всјхъ душъ дома Іаковлева, перешедшихъ въ Египетъ, семьдесять.

28 Іуду послалъ овъ предъ собою къ Іосифу, чтобы показать ему дорогу въ землю Гесемъ. И пришли въ землю Гесемъ.

29 Іосифъ запрягъ колесницу свою, и выјхалъ на встрјчу Израилю, отцу своему, въ Гесемъ, и увидясь съ нимъ, палъ на выю его, и долго плакалъ на выј его.

30 И сказалъ Израиль Іосифу: пусть умру я теперь, увидјвъ лице твое, ибо ты еще живъ.

31 Потомъ Іосифъ сказалъ братьямъ своимъ, и дому отца своего: я пойду, извјщу Фараона, и скажу ему: братья мои и семейство отца моего, которые были въ землј Ханаанской, пришли ко мнј.

32 Они пастухи овецъ, потому что они занимаются скотоводствомъ. Посему они привели также малый и крупный скотъ свой, и все, что у нихъ есть.

33 Если Фараонъ призоветъ васъ, и спроситъ: какой вашъ промыселъ?

34 То вы скажите: мы рабы твои скотоводцы были отъ юности нашей до нынј, и мы, и отцы наши: чтобы васъ поселили въ землј Гесемъ. Ибо Египтяне гнушаются всјми пастухами овецъ.




Arcana Coelestia#5702



5702. 'Since that is an abomination to the Egyptians' means that they are in a contrary position. This is clear from the representation of 'the Egyptians' as those with whom order has been inverted, 5700; and from the representation of 'the Hebrews', to eat with whom was an abomination to the Egyptians, as those with whom genuine order exists, 5701. Thus the two are set in contrary positions, and this gives rise to strong dislike and at length to what is an abomination. Regarding this abomination, it should be recognized that people with whom an inverted state of order, that is, evil and consequent falsity, exists, thereby come at length to acquire a strong dislike for the goodness and truth of the Church the moment they hear it referred to. This is even more true when they hear reference made to the interior aspects of that goodness and truth; they find these so abominable that so to speak they feel nauseated and wish to vomit. This is what I have been told and shown to be so when I have wondered why the Christian world does not accept the interior teachings of the Word. Spirits from the Christian world have appeared on the scene and have been compelled to hear about the interior teachings of the Word; they were then so nauseated by these that they said they felt within themselves the great need to vomit. I have also been told that this is what the Christian world is like virtually everywhere at the present day. The reason it is like this is that it has no affection for truth for its own sake, still less any affection for good motivated by good. Anything they think or say that is based on the Word or their religious teachings is due to habit followed since early childhood and to religious custom, and so is something external devoid of anything internal.

[2] The fact that all aspects of the Hebrew Church, the one established at a later time among the descendants of Jacob, were an abomination to the Egyptians is evident not only from their refusal even to eat with them but also from the fact that sacrifices, in which the Hebrew Church made its main worship consist, were an abomination to them, as is evident in Moses,

Pharaoh said, Go away, sacrifice within the land. But Moses said, It is incorrect to do so, for we shall be sacrificing to Jehovah our God what is an abomination to the Egyptians; behold, if we sacrifice what is an abomination to the Egyptians in their eyes, will they not stone us? Exodus 8:25-26.

Also, feeding cattle and being a shepherd was an abomination to them, as is evident again in Moses,

Every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians. Genesis 46:34.

Thus every aspect of that Church was an abomination to the Egyptians. The reason was that initially even the Egyptians had been among those who constituted the representative Ancient Church, 1238, 2385. But after that they rejected the God of the Ancient Church, who was Jehovah or the Lord, and served idols, in particular calves. Also the actual representatives and meaningful signs of the celestial and spiritual realities of the Ancient Church, which they came to know while part of that Church, were turned by them into magical practices. This being so, order with them became inverted, as a consequence of which everything constituting the Church was an abomination.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.