




1 И призвалъ Исаакъ Іакова, и благословилъ его, и заповјдалъ ему, говоря: не бери себј жены изъ дочерей Ханаанскихъ.

2 Встань, поди въ Месопотаиію, въ домъ Ваѕуила, отца матери твоей, и возьми себј жену оттуда, изъ дочерей Лавана, брата матери твоей.

3 Богъ же Всемогущій да благословитъ тебя, да расплодитъ тебя, и да размножитъ тебя, чтобы ты сдјлался сонмомъ народовъ.

4 И да дастъ тебј благословеніе Авраамово, тебј и потомству твоему, съ тобою, да наслјдуешь ты землю странствованія твоего, которую Богъ далъ Аврааму.

5 Такимъ образомъ Исаакъ отпустилъ Іакова, и онъ пошелъ въ Падан-Арамъ, къ Лавану, сыну Ваѕуила, Арамеянина, къ брату Ревекки, матери Іакова и Исава.

6 Исавъ увидјлъ, что Исаакъ благословилъ Іакова, и послалъ его въ Падан-Арамъ взятъ себј жену оттуда, заповјдавъ ему при благословеніи, и сказавъ: не бери жены изъ дочерей Ханаанскихъ;

7 и что Іаковъ послушался отца своего и матери своей, и пошелъ въ Падан-Арамъ;

8 и увидјлъ Исавъ, что дочери Ханаанскія неугодны Исааку, отцу его:

9 и пошелъ Исавъ къ Измаилу, и взялъ себј въ жену Махалаѕу, дочь Измаила, сына Авраамова, сестру Наваіоѕову, сверхъ другихъ женъ своихъ.

10 Іаковъ же, вышедши изъ Беэр-Шавы, чтобъ идти въ Харранъ,

11 пришелъ на одно мјсто, и остался тамъ ночевать, потому что зашло солнце. И взялъ одинъ изъ бышихъ на томъ мјстј камней, и положилъ себј въ головы, и легъ на томъ мјстј.

12 И видитъ во снј: вотъ, лјстница стоитъ на землј, а верхъ ея касается небесъ; и се, ангелы Божіи восходятъ и нисходятъ по ней.

13 И се, Іегова стоитъ на ней, и говорить: Я Іегова, Богъ Авраама, отца твоего, и Богъ Исаака. Землю, на которой ты лежишь, Я дамъ тебј и потомству твоему.

14 И будетъ потомство твое, какъ иесокъ земный; и распространится къ морю, и къ востоку, и къ сјверу, и къ полудню; и благословятся въ тебј и въ сјмени твоемъ всј племена земныя.

15 И се, Я съ тобою, и сохраню тебя вездј, куда ты ни пойдешь; и возвращу тебя въ сію землю; ибо Я не оставлю тебя, пока не исполню того, что Я сказалъ тебј.

16 И пробудился Іаковъ отъ сна своего, и сказалъ: точно Іегова на мјстј семъ; а я не зналъ.

17 И убоялся, и сказалъ: какъ страшно сіе мјсто! Это не иное что, какъ домъ Божій, это врата небесная.

18 Вставъ поутру, Іаковъ взялъ камень, который былъ у него въ головахъ, и поставилъ его памятникомъ; и возлилъ елей на верхъ его.

19 И нарекъ имя мјсту тому: Веѕиль, а прежнее имя того города было: Лузъ.

20 И положилъ Іаковъ објтъ говоря: если Богъ будетъ со мною, и сохранитъ меня въ пути семъ, въ который я иду, и дастъ мнј хлјбъ јсть, и одежду одјтъся;

21 и я въ мирј возвращусь въ домъ отца моего, и будетъ Іегова моимъ Богомъ:

22 то этотъ камень, который я поставилъ памятникомъ, да будетъ домомъ Божіимъ, и изъ всего, что Ты, Боже, даруешь мнј, я дамъ Тебј десятую часть.




Arcana Coelestia#3735



3735. 'And clothing to wear' means being joined to Divine Truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'clothing' as truth, dealt with in 1073, 2576, Divine Truth here since the Lord is the subject; and from the meaning of 'wearing' as making it one's own and being joined to it. As for the nature of the internal sense of the Word, that becomes clear from these and all other details; that is to say, when the sense of the letter refers to bread and to clothing, and also when it does so within historical narrative, as here in 'If God will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear', the angels present with a person at the time have no thought at all of bread but of the good of love, and in the highest sense, of the Lord's Divine Good. Nor do they have any thought at all of clothing but of truth, and in the highest sense, of the Lord's Divine Truth. To them such things as are referred to in the sense of the letter are simply objects for thought regarding heavenly and Divine matters, for such things are vessels existing in the ultimate degree of order.

[2] So when with holiness of mind a person thinks about bread - for example, when he thinks about the bread in the Holy Supper, or about the daily bread in the Lord's Prayer - that thought which he has about bread serves the angels present with him as an object for thought regarding the good of love which comes from the Lord. For the angels do not take hold of anything at all of the person's actual thought concerning bread, but instead their thought concerns good; for such is the correspondence between the two. It is similar when with holiness of mind a person thinks about clothing. The angels' thought in that case concerns truth. So it is with everything else in the Word. From this the nature of the joining together of heaven and earth by means of the Word becomes clear; that is to say, the joining together is such that when with holiness of mind anyone reads the Word he is joined by means of such correspondences more closely to heaven, and through heaven to the Lord, even though that person's thought is concerned solely with things in the Word which are stated in the sense of the letter. His holiness of mind at that time is the product of the influx of celestial and spiritual thoughts and affections such as exist with angels.

[3] So that such influx might exist and from that influx man might be joined to the Lord, the Lord has instituted the Holy Supper where it is explicitly stated that the Lord is the bread and wine. For the Lord's body means His Divine love, and the reciprocal love in man, love such as exists with celestial angels, while His blood in a similar way means His Divine love, and the reciprocal love in man, but love such as exists with spiritual angels. From this it is evident how much of the Divine there is within every individual part of the Word, though man does not know what that Divine content is or the nature of it. People however who, while in the world, have led a good life enter after death into cognitions and a perception of all those things, for at that time they cast off earthly and worldly things and take to themselves heavenly ones, and have, like angels, spiritual and celestial ideas.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.