




1 Такимъ образомъ совершены небеса и земля и все воинство ихъ.

2 И совершилъ Богъ днемъ седьмымъ дјло Свое, которое Онъ дјлалъ и почилъ въ день седьмый отъ всего дјла Своего, которое Онъ дјлалъ.

3 И благословилъ Богъ день седьмый; и освятилъ его, ибо въ оный почилъ отъ всего дјла Своего, которое Богъ творилъ и дјлалъ.

4 Сіи суть порожденія небесъ и земли, при сотвореніи ихъ, въ то время, когда Іегова Богъ создалъ землю и небеса.

5 И всякой полевой кустарникъ, котораго до того не было на землј, и всякую полевую траву, которая до того не произростала; ибо Іегова Богъ не посылалъ дождя на землю, и не было человјка, для воздјланія поля.

6 Только паръ поднимался съ земли, и орошалъ все лице земли.

7 Іегова Богъ создалъ человјка изъ персти земной, и вдунулъ въ ноздри его дыханіе жизни, и человјкъ сталъ душею живою.

8 И насадилъ Іегова Богъ садъ въ Едемј къ востоку: и поставилъ тамъ человјка, котораго создалъ.

9 И произрастилъ Іегова Богъ изъ земли всякое дерево прекрасное видомъ, и хорошее для пищи и дерево жизни посреди сада, и дерево познанія добра и зла,

10 Изъ Едема выходила рјка для орошенія сада; и потомъ раздјлялась на четыре потока.

11 Имя перваго Фисонъ; онъ обтекаетъ всю землю Хавила, гдј есть золото.

12 И золото земли той наилучшее, тамъ также бдолахъ и камень ониксъ.

13 Имя второй рјкј Гихонъ: сія обтекаетъ всю землю Хушъ.

14 Имя третьей рјкј Хиддекель; сія протекаетъ противъ Ассиріи. Четвертая рјка есть Ефратъ.

15 И взялъ Іегова Богъ человјка, и поставилъ его въ саду Едемскомъ, чтобы онъ воздјлывалъ его и хранилъ его.

16 И заповјдалъ Іегова Богъ человјку, говоря: јшъ плоды со всякаго дерева въ семъ саду.

17 А плодовъ древа познанія добра и зла не јшь; ибо въ день, въ который ты вкусишь ихъ, смертію умрешь.

18 И сказалъ Іегова Богъ: не хорошо быть человјку одному; сдјлаю ему помощь приличную ему.

19 Ибо когда Іегова Богъ создалъ изъ земли всјхъ звјрей полевыхъ, и всјхъ птицъ небесныхъ, и привелъ къ человјку, чтобы онъ посмотрјлъ, какъ назвать ихъ, и чтобы, какъ наречетъ человјкъ всякую душу живую, такъ и было имя ей;

20 и когда нарекъ человікъ имена всему скоту и птицамъ небеснымъ и всјмъ звјрямъ полевымъ: тогда для человјка не нашлось помощи приличной ему.

21 И навелъ Іегова Богъ на человјка крјпкій сонъ; и когда онъ уснулъ, взялъ одно изъ ребръ его, и закрылъ то мјсто плотію.

22 И создалъ Іегова Богъ изъ ребра, взятаго у человјка, жену, и привелъ ее къ человјку.

23 Тогда человјкъ сказалъ: вотъ это кость изъ костей моихъ, и плоть отъ плоти моей; она будетъ называться женою: ибо она взята изъ мужа.

24 Посему оставитъ человјкъ отца своего и свою мать, и прилјпится къ женј своей, и будутъ одна плоть.

25 И были они оба наги, человјкъ и жена его, и не стыдились.




Apocalypse Revealed#447



447. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million. (9:16) This symbolizes their reasonings concerning faith alone, with which they had filled the interiors of their minds, springing from nothing but an abundance of falsities accompanying evil.

Armies symbolize goods and truths, and in an opposite sense, evils and falsities - here falsities accompanying evil, as we will see presently. Horsemen symbolize reasonings concerning faith alone, because a horse symbolizes an understanding of the Word (no. 298) and also a destroyed understanding of the Word (nos. 305, 312, 320). Horsemen consequently symbolize reasonings based on a destroyed understanding of the Word - here reasonings concerning faith alone, because the subject is people caught up in that faith. Two hundred million does not mean two hundred million, but an abundance. The number two is used because two is said in application to goodness, and in an opposite sense, to evil (no. 322); and a hundred million, or ten thousand times ten thousand, is said in application to truths, and in an opposite sense, to falsities (no. 287).

It can be seen from this that the number of the army of horsemen being two hundred million symbolizes reasonings concerning faith alone, with which these people had filled the interiors of their minds, springing from nothing but an abundance of falsities accompanying evil.

[2] That armies in the Word symbolize the goods and truths of heaven and the church, and in an opposite sense, evils and falsities, can be seen from passages where the sun, moon and stars are called armies or hosts, and where the sun symbolizes the goodness of love, the moon the truth of faith, and stars concepts of goodness and truth, and the antithesis in an opposite sense (nos. 51, 53, 332, 413). All of these are called armies or hosts in the following passages:

Praise (Jehovah), all His hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you stars...! (Psalms 148:2-3)

My hands stretched out the heavens, and all their host I have commanded. (Isaiah 45:12)

By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. (Psalms 33:6)

Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. (Genesis 2:1)

(The male goat's horn) grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground... He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host... And the host was sent under the yoke for its transgression, (because) it cast truth to the ground... Then... a holy one said..., "How long will... the sanctuary and the host be trampled under foot?" (Daniel 8:10-14)

Jehovah has given forth His voice before His army. (Joel 2:11)

...(on the roofs of the houses) they have burned incense to all the host of heaven... (Jeremiah 19:13)

(Lest you bow down to and serve) the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the host of heaven... (Deuteronomy 4:19; cf. 17:3, Jeremiah 8:2)

So, too, Isaiah 13:4; 34:4; 40:26, Jeremiah 33:22, Zechariah 9:8, Revelation 19:14.

[3] Since the hosts of heaven symbolize the goods and truths of heaven and the church, therefore the Lord is called Jehovah Zebaoth, or Jehovah of Hosts. And therefore the ministry of the Levites was called military service (Numbers 4:3, 23, 30, 39).

Moreover, we read in the book of Psalms,

Bless Jehovah, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His will. (Psalms 103:21)

Evils and falsities in the church are symbolically meant by the armies of the nations in Isaiah 34:2; and by the army of the king of the north with which he came against the king of the south, in Daniel 11:13, 15, 20. The king of the north is the falsity accompanying evil in the church, and the king of the south is the truth accompanying goodness in it.

The Lord says,

When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its devastation is near. (Luke 21:20)

Jerusalem there symbolizes the church, and the armies symbolize the evils and falsities that will devastate it. The subject is the end of the age, which is the final period of the church.

Evils and falsities are symbolically meant by armies in Joel,

I will restore to you the years that the locust, the beetle grub, the locust's larva, and the caterpillar has eaten, My great army which I sent among you. (Joel 2:25)

To be shown that the locust and the rest symbolize falsity of the lowest sort, see no. 424 above.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.