




1 Между тјмъ, два Ангела пришли въ Содомъ вечеромъ, когда Лоть сидјлъ у воротъ Содомскихъ. Лотъ увидјлъ и всталъ на встрјчу имъ, и поклонился лицомъ до земли.

2 И сказалъ: государи мои! пожалуйте, зайдите теперь въ домъ раба вашего, и ночуйте, и умойте ноги ваши, и вставъ по утру, пойдете въ путь свой. Но они сказали: нјтъ, мы ночуемъ на улицј,

3 Онъ же сильно упрашивалъ ихъ: и они зашли къ нему, и пришли въ домъ его. Онъ сдјлалъ имъ угощеніе, и испекъ прјсные хлјбы; и они јли.

4 Еще не легли они спать, какъ городскіе жители, Содомляне, отъ молодаго до стараго, весь народъ со всјхъ концевъ города, окружили домъ.

5 И кричали Лоту; и говорили ему: гдј люди, пришедшіе къ тебј въ эту ночь? выведи ихъ къ намъ, мы познаемъ ихъ,

6 Лотъ вышелъ къ нимъ за дверъ, и заперъ за собою дверь.

7 И сказалъ: пожалуйте, братія, не дјлайте зла!

8 Вотъ, у меня двј дочери, которыя не знаютъ мужа; выведу лучше я ихъ къ вамъ, дјлайте съ ними, что вамъ угодно; только не дјлайте сего съ людями сими, ибо они для того и пришли подъ кровъ дома моего!

9 Но они сказали: подойди сюда! И сказали: не ужели одинъ пришлецъ, пришедшій сюда, можеть судить насъ? за это мы хуже сдјлаемъ съ тобою, нежели съ ними. И сильно наступали на сего человјка, на Лота, и подошли, чтобы выломать дверь.

10 Тогда гости простерли руки свои, и взяли Лота къ себј въ домъ, и дверь заперли;

11 а людей, бывшихъ за дверьми дома, отъ малаго до большаго, поразили слјпотою, такъ, что они измучились, искавъ двери.

12 Наконецъ гости сказали Лоту: кто у тебя есть еще здјсь? Зять ли, сыновья ли твои, дочери ли твои, и кто бы ни былъ у тебя въ семъ городј, всјхъ выведи изъ сего мјста.

13 Ибо мы истребимъ сіе мјсто; потому что великъ отсюда вопль къ Іеговј, и Іегова послалъ насъ истребить его.

14 Итакъ, Лотъ пошедъ, и говорилъ съ зятьями своими, которые брали за себя дочерей его, и сказалъ: встаньте, выдьте изъ сего мјста; ибо Іегова истребитъ сей городъ; но зятьямъ его показалось, что онъ шутитъ.

15 Когда взошла заря, Ангелы начали торопить Лота, говоря: встань, возми жену свою, и двухъ дочерей своихъ, находящихся здјсь, чтобы не погибнуть и тебј за беззаконія сего города.

16 Но какъ онъ медлилъ, то они, по милости къ нему Іеговы, взяли за руки его, и жену его и двухъ дочерей его, и, выведши, поставили его внј города.

17 Когда же вывели ихъ вонъ изъ города, то одинъ изъ нихъ сказалъ: спасай жизнь твою; не оглядывайся назадъ, и нигдј не останавливайся на равнинј сей; спасайся на гору, чтобы тебј не погибнуть.

18 Но Лотъ сказалъ имъ: нјтъ, Господи!

19 Вотъ рабъ Твой обрјлъ благодать предъ очами Твоими, и велика милость Твоя, которую Ты сдјлалъ со мною, что спасъ жизнь мою; но я не могу спастись на гору, чтобъ не застигла меня бјда сія, и чтобы мнј не умереть.

20 Вотъ ближе бјжать въ сей городъ, онъ же и малъ; позвольте мнј спасаться въ него; не правда ли, что онъ малъ? и сохранится жизнь моя.

21 И сказалъ ему; вотъ, Я въ угодность тебј и сіе сдјлаю, не истреблю города, о которомъ ты говоришь,

22 Поспјшай, спасайся въ него; ибо Я не могу сдјлать Своего дјла, пока ты не придешь туда. Потому и дано имя городу сему: Цоаръ.

23 Солнце взошло надъ землею, и Лотъ пришелъ въ Цоаръ.

24 Тогда Іегова на Содомъ и Гоморръ дождемъ пролилъ сјру и огнь отъ Іеговы съ небесъ.

25 И истребилъ города сіи, и всю равнину сію, и всјхъ жителей городовъ сихъ, и произрастенія земли.

26 Жена же Лотова оглянулась назадъ, и обратилась въ соляной столпъ.

27 Между тјмъ, Авраамъ утромъ, пошелъ на то мјсто, гдј стоялъ предъ лицемъ Іеговы;

28 и посмотрјлъ онъ къ Содому и Гоморру, и на все пространство равнины: и увидјлъ, и се, восходитъ дымъ съ земли, какъ дымъ изъ печи.

29 Такимъ образомъ Богъ, истребляя города равнины сей, вспомнилъ о Авраамј, и вывелъ Лота изъ среды истребленія, когда истреблялъ города, въ которыхъ жилъ Лотъ.

30 Потомъ Лотъ вышелъ изъ Цоара, и сталъ жить въ горј, и съ нимъ двј дочери его: ибо онъ боялся жить въ Цоарј. Итакъ, онъ жилъ въ пещерј, и съ нимъ двј дочери его.

31 И сказала старшая младшей: отецъ нашъ старъ; и нјтъ человјка на землј, который бы вошелъ къ намъ по обычаю всей земли.

32 Итакъ напоимъ отца нашего виномъ, и переспимъ съ нимъ, и возставимъ отъ отца нашего племя.

33 И въ ту ночь напоили отца своего виномъ; и пошла старшая, и спала съ отцемъ своимъ: а онъ не зналъ, какъ она легла и какъ встала.

34 На другой день старшая сказала младшей: вотъ, я спала вчера съ отцемъ моимъ; напоимъ его виномъ и въ сію ночь; и ты поди, спи съ нимъ, и возставимъ отъ отца нашего племя.

35 И напоили отца своего виномъ и въ сію ночь; и встала младшая, и переспала съ нимъ; и онъ не зналъ, какъ она легла, и какъ встала.

36 И сдјлались обј дочери Лотовы беременны отъ отца своего.

37 Старшая родила сына, и нарекла ему имя: Моавъ; сей есть отецъ Моавитянъ, такъ-называемыхъ до сего дня.

38 Младшая также родила сына, и нарекла ему имя: Бен-Амми; сей отецъ Аммонитянъ, такъ-называемыхъ до сего дня.




Apocalypse Explained#539



539. And there arose smoke out of the well, as the smoke of a great furnace.- That this signifies dense falsities thence from the evils of earthly and corporeal loves, is evident from the signification of smoke, which denotes the falsity of evil, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the well of the abyss, which denotes the hell where those are who have falsified the Word (see above, n. 537); and from the signification of a great furnace, which denotes the evils of earthly and corporeal loves, from which such falsities break forth, of which we shall speak in the following article. Smoke signifies the falsity of evil, because it proceeds from fire, and fire signifies the loves of self and of the world, and all evils thence; therefore also the hells which are in falsities from the evils of those loves, and more so where those are who have falsified the Word by applying it to favour those loves, appear in a fire as of a great furnace, from which ascends a dense smoke mixed with fire. I have also seen them, and it was evident that the loves of those who were there caused the appearance of such fire, and that the falsities issuing therefrom presented the appearance of a fiery smoke. But such things do not appear to those who are there; for they are in those loves and in the falsities thence; in them is their life; they are tormented by these in various ways, and not by material fire and smoke, such as are in our natural world as may be better seen from the article in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 566-575), where what is meant by infernal fire and by gnashing of teeth is explained.

[2] That smoke signifies the dense falsity which goes forth from evil, is evident from the following passages.

Thus in Moses:

Abraham "looked toward the faces of Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the faces of the land of the plain, and he saw, and lo, the smoke of the land went up as the smoke of a furnace" (Genesis 19:28).

Sodom and Gomorrah, in the spiritual sense, mean those who are altogether in the loves of self, therefore the smoke seen by Abraham to rise out of the earth after the burning [of those cities], signifies the dense falsity pertaining to those who are entirely in that love. For those who love themselves above all things, are in the utmost darkness as to things spiritual and celestial, being merely natural and sensual, and altogether separated from heaven; and then they not only deny Divine things, but also contrive falsities, by which they destroy them. These falsities are signified by the smoke seen to arise from Sodom and Gomorrah.

[3] In the same:

"And the sun went down, and there was thick darkness, and behold a smoking furnace, and a torch of fire that passed between those pieces" (Genesis 15:17).

These things are said concerning the posterity of Abraham from Jacob, as is evident from the preceding parts of that chapter. The sun going down signifies the last time, when there is a consummation; and thick darkness arising signifies evil in the place of good, and falsity in the place of truth. "Behold a smoking furnace," signifies very dense falsity from evils; the torch of fire signifies the heat of disorderly desires, and that these separated them from the Lord is signified by its passing between the pieces. These things are more fully explained in the Arcana Coelestia 1858-1862).

[4] Again, in Moses:

"Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether parts of the mount. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly" (Exodus 19:17, 18).

And afterwards it is said:

"And all the people saw the voices and the torches and the voice of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and the people saw it, and they were moved and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die" (Exodus 20:18, 19).

These things represented the nature and quality of that people, for Jehovah, that is the Lord, appears to every one according to his quality. To those who are in truths from good, He appears as a serene light, but to those who are in falsities from evil, as smoke from fire; and because that people was in earthly and corporeal loves, and thence in the falsities of evil, therefore the Lord from mount Sinai appeared to them as a devouring fire, and as the smoke of a furnace. That the sons of Jacob were of such a character is shown in many places in the Arcana Coelestia, from which a number of passages are quoted in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248); and that the Lord appears to every one according to his quality, as a vivifying and recreating fire to those who are in good, and as a consuming fire to those who are in evil, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 934, 1861, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551). The signification of the remaining details in the passages above adduced, is also given in the Arcana Coelestia, where the book of Exodus is explained.

[5] The signification of smoke and fire in the following passages in David is similar:

"Because he was wroth, there went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and a fire out of his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by him. He bowed the heaven also, and came down; and thick darkness was under his feet" (Psalm 18:7-9; 2 Sam. 22:8, 9).

This does not mean that smoke and devouring fire ascended from Him, for there is no wrath in Him; but it is so said, because the Lord thus appears to those who are in falsities and evils, for they view Him from their own falsities and evils.

[6] Similar things are signified by the following in the same:

"He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth; he toucheth the mountains, and they smoke" (Psalm 104:32).

And again:

"Bow thy heavens, O Jehovah, and come down; touch the mountains, and they shall smoke" (Psalm 144:5).

And in Isaiah:

"Howl, O gate, cry, O city; thou whole Philistia, art dissolved; for there cometh a smoke from the north" (14:31).

By the gate is signified truth which introduces into the church; by city is signified doctrine. By Philistia is signified faith; hence by howl, O gate, cry, O city, thou whole Philistia, art dissolved, is signified the vastation of the church as to the truth of doctrine, and thence as to faith. The north signifies the hell where and whence are the falsities of doctrine and the falsities of faith, and the smoke those falsities themselves. Therefore by smoke coming from the north is signified falsity vastating from the hells.

[7] So in Nahum:

"Behold, I will burn her chariot in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions" (2:13).

The subject here treated of is the vastation of the church. By burning the chariot in the smoke is signified the perversion of all the truths of doctrine into falsities, smoke signifying falsity, and chariot denoting doctrine. By the sword shall devour the young lions, is signified that falsities will destroy the principal truths of the church, young lions denoting the principal and defensive truths of the church, and sword denoting falsity destroying truth.

[8] So in Joel:

"I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke" (2:30).

These things are said concerning the Last Judgment, and by blood, fire, and pillars of smoke, are signified the truth of the Word falsified, the good thereof adulterated, and absolute falsities therefrom. Blood denotes the truth of the Word falsified, fire, its good adulterated, and pillars of smoke denote the absolute and dense falsities thence.

[9] Again, in David:

"The wicked shall perish, and the enemies of Jehovah as the glory of lambs shall be consumed; in smoke shall they be consumed" (Psalm 37:20).

By the wicked perishing, and the enemies of Jehovah being consumed in smoke, is signified that they shall perish by means of the falsities of evil. Those who are in falsities are called wicked, and enemies those who are in evils, while smoke denotes the falsity of evil.

[10] Again:

"As smoke is driven away, so shalt thou drive them away; as wax melteth before the fire, so the wicked shall perish before God" (Psalm 68:2).

The destruction of the wicked is here compared to smoke driven away by the wind, and to wax which melts before the fire, because smoke signifies falsities, and fire, evils.

[11] So in Isaiah:

"The heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment" (51:6).

Here also smoke signifies falsity, in which they should perish who were in the former heaven; and by the garment waxing old is signified truth destroyed by the falsities of evil. Comparison is made with smoke vanishing away, and with a garment waxing old, because comparisons in the Word are also correspondences, and are equally significative.

[12] So in Hosea:

"They sin more and more, and make them a molten image of their silver, and idols in their intelligence, all of it the work of the craftsmen; therefore they shall be as the morning cloud, and as the early falling dew that passeth away, as the [chaff] that is driven with the whirlwind out of the floor, and as the smoke out of the chimney" (13:2, 3).

By these words are described doctrinals which are from [man's] own intelligence in which are evils of falsity, and falsities of evil. Such doctrinals are signified by the molten images of silver, and by idols. Their silver signifies that which is from [man's] own intelligence, and the work of the craftsmen signifies that intelligence; therefore it is also said, that they have made them idols in their own intelligence, all of it the work of the craftsmen. That those doctrinals because they are falsities, would pass away, is signified by their passing away as smoke out of the chimney. The reason why they are said to be as the morning cloud, and as the early falling dew that passeth away, and as [the chaff] out of the floor, is, because the church in its beginning is as the morning cloud, as the early falling dew, and as corn on the threshing floor, by which are signified truths of good, and goods of truth, which yet successively pass away, and are changed into falsities of evil, and into evils of falsity.

[13] By smoke is also signified falsity in other passages in the Apocalypse; as in the following:

"Out of the horses' mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone" (9:17, 18).


"The smoke of their torment ascendeth up unto ages of ages" (14:11).

And again:

"The smoke of Babylon rose up unto ages of ages" (19:3).

[14] Because fire signifies love in both senses, both heavenly love and infernal love, and smoke signifies that which flows from love, both the falsity from infernal love, and the truth from heavenly love, therefore smoke also, in a good sense, signifies holy truth; this is what smoke from the fire of the incense offerings signifies, as may be seen above (n. 494), and also in the following passages:

"Jehovah shall create over every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud by day and smoke, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory a covering" (Isaiah 4:5).

This passage may be seen explained above (n. 294:10, 504:11).

Again, in the same prophet:

"The posts of the thresholds were moved at the voice of the seraphim that cried, and the house was filled with smoke" (6:4).

And in the Apocalypse it is written:

"The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power" (15:8).

And again:

"The smoke of the offerings of incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand" (8:4).


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.