




1 Когда Авраму было девяносто девять лјтъ отъ рожденія, Іегова явился Авраму и сказалъ: Я Богъ всемогущій; ходи предъ лицемъ Моимъ, и будь непороченъ;

2 и Я поставлю завјтъ Мой между Мною и тобою, и весьма, весьма размножу тебя.

3 И палъ Аврамъ на лице свое; а Богъ говорилъ съ нимъ и сказалъ:

4 Я! се, завјтъ Мой съ тобою; и ты будёшь отецъ множества народовъ.

5 И отнынј ты не будешь называться Аврамомъ; но да будетъ тебј имя: Авраамъ; ибо Я дјлаю тебя отцемъ множества народовъ.

6 И весьма, весьма распложу тебя, и произведу отъ тебя народы, и цари произойдутъ отъ тебя.

7 И поставлю завјтъ Мой между Мною и тобою, и между потомками твоими въ роды ихъ, завјтъ вјчный, въ томъ, что Я буду Богомъ твоимъ, и потомства твоего послј тебя

8 И дамъ тебј и потомкамъ твоимъ послј тебя землю, по которой ты странствуешь, всю землю Ханаанскую, въ наслјдіе вјчное; и буду ихъ Богомъ.

9 И сказалъ Богъ Аврааму: ты же соблюди завјтъ Мой, ты и потомки твои послј тебя, въ роды ихъ.

10 Сей есть завјтъ Мой, который вы должны соблюдать между Мною и между вами, и между потомками твоими послј тебя: чтобъ у васъ весь мужескій полъ былъ обрјзанъ.

11 Обрјжьте край плоти вашей; и сіе будетъ знакомъ завјта между Мною и вами.

12 Осми дней оть рожденія да обрјжется у васъ въ роды ваши всякой младенецъ мужескаго пола, рожденный въ домј, и купленный за сребро у какого-нибудь иноплеменника, который не отъ вашего племени.

13 Непремјнно да обрјжется и рожденный въ домј твоемъ, и купленный за сребро; и завјтъ Мой на тјлј вашемъ будетъ завјтомъ вјчнымъ.

14 Не обрјзанный же мужескаго пола, который не обрјжетъ края плоти своея, истребится душа та изъ народа своего; ибо онъ нарушилъ завјтъ Мой.

15 Сказалъ Богъ также Аврааму: Сару жену твою не называй Сарою; но да будетъ имя ей: Сарра.

16 Я благословлю ее, и дамъ тебј отъ нея сына; благословлю ее, и произойдутъ отъ нея народы, и цари народовъ произойдутъ отъ нея.

17 Тогда Аврамъ палъ на лице свое, и разсмјялся, и сказалъ самъ въ себј: не ужели отъ столјтняго будутъ дјти? и Сарра, будучи девяносто лјтъ, не ужелн родитъ?

18 И сказалъ Авраамъ Богу: о! хотя бы Измаилъ былъ живъ предъ лицемъ Твоимъ.

19 Но Богъ. сказалъ: точно родитъ тебј сына Сарра жена твоя; и ты наречешь ему имя: Исаакъ; и Я поставлю завјтъ Мой съ нимъ, какъ завјтъ вјчный для потомства его послј него.

20 И о Измаилј Я услышалъ тебя; се, Я благословлю его, и возвращу его, и весьма, весьма размножу; двјнадцать князей родятся отъ него; и Я произведу отъ него великій народъ.

21 Но завјтъ Мой поставлю съ Исаакомъ, котораго родитъ тебј Сарра въ сіе самое время на другой годъ.

22 И окончилъБогъ разговоръ свой съ нимъ, и возшелъ отъ Авраама.

23 И взялъ Авраамъ Измаила сына своего, и всјхъ рожденныхъ въ дому своемъ, и всјхъ купленныхъ за сребро свое, весь мужескій полъ дома Авраамова; и обрјзалъ край плоти ихъ въ тотъ самый день, какъ сказалъ ему Богъ.

24 Аврааму было девяносто девять лјтъ отъ рожденія, когда онъ обрјзалъ край плоти своей.

25 Измаилу сыну его, было тринадцать лјтъ отъ рожденія, когда обрјзанъ край плоти его.

26 Въ тотъ же самый день обрјзаны были Авраамъ и Измаилъ, сынъ его;

27 и съ нимъ обрјзанъ былъ весь мужескій полъ дома его, рожденные въ домј, и купленные за сребро у иноплеменниковъ.




Arcana Coelestia#1416



1416. That 'I will make you into a great nation' means a kingdom in heaven and on earth becomes clear from the meaning of 'nation' in the internal sense as the celestial entity of love and the good which flows from this, thus all throughout the world in whom the celestial element of love and charity is present. Since the subject here in the internal sense is the Lord, everything of the celestial and of the good deriving from it, thus His kingdom, is meant - which exists with those in whom love and charity are present. In the highest sense the Lord Himself is 'the great nation' since He is the Celestial itself and Good itself. For all good that flows from love and charity originates in Him alone, which also explains why the Lord comprises His own kingdom, that is, He is the All in all of His kingdom, as also all angels in heaven acknowledge. From this it is now clear that 'I will make you into a great nation' means the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth.

[2] That 'nation' in the internal sense, where the Lord and celestial things of love are the subject, means Him and all celestial things may become clear also from what has been introduced in 1258, 1259, regarding the meaning of a nation and nations. This matter may be confirmed further still from the following places: In reference to Abraham further on,

No longer will your name be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations. Genesis 17:5.

The soft 'h' sound in Abraham was taken from Jehovah's name because he represented Jehovah, that is, the Lord. Similarly in reference to Sarai,

You will not call her name Sarai, but Sarah will be her name, and I will bless her, and I will also give you a son by her; thus will I bless her, and she will become nations; kings of peoples will be from her. Genesis 17:15-16.

'Nations' here stands for the celestial things of love, and 'kings of peoples' for the spiritual things of faith deriving from that love, which are the Lord's alone.

[3] In reference to Jacob likewise,

Your name will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel will be your name. And He called his name Israel, and God said, I am God Almighty, 1 increase and multiply; a nation and an assembly of nations will come into being from you, and kings will go out from your loins. Genesis 35:10-11.

Here 'Israel' stands for the Lord, who Himself, as is well known to some, is in the highest sense Israel. And when He is meant by 'Israel' it is evident that 'a nation and an assembly of nations' and 'kings from his loins' mean the celestial and spiritual things of love, and therefore all in whom the celestial and spiritual things of love are present. In reference to Ishmael, Abram's son by Hagar, it is said,

The son of the servant-girl I will make into a nation, because he is your seed. Genesis 21:13, 18.

What Ishmael represents will be seen in that place. 'The seed of Abram' means love itself, and because of this the word nation is used for those begotten from Ishmael.

[4] That 'nation' means the celestial things of love is clear in Moses,

If you will surely hearken to My voice, and keep My covenant and be a peculiar treasure to Me from among all peoples, you will be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Exodus 19:5-6.

Here 'a kingdom of priests', a phrase used to describe the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth, springing from the celestial things of love, is openly called 'a holy nation'. But the Lord's kingdom springing from His Royalty is described as such by virtue of the spiritual things of love and is called 'a holy people'. 'Kings from the loins' therefore, as above, 2 is spiritual things. In Jeremiah,

If these ordinances depart from before Me, said Jehovah, the seed of Israel also will cease from being a nation before Me for ever. 3 Jeremiah 31:36.

'Seed of Israel' stands for the celestial entity of charity, and when this ceases to exist there is no longer a nation before the Lord.

[5] In Isaiah,

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. You have multiplied the nation. Isaiah 9:2-3.

Specifically this refers to the Church of the nations, 4 , but in general to all who are without knowledge but lead charitable lives. These are 'the nation' because they are members of the Lord's kingdom. In David,

O that I may see the good of Your chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the joy of Your nation, that I may glory in Your heritage. Psalms 106:5.

Here 'nation' plainly stands for the Lord's kingdom. It was from an ability to perceive that 'a nation' meant the celestial entity of love and the good which flows from this that members of the Most Ancient Church came to be distinguished into separate houses, families, and nations. By this distinguishing they gained a perception of the Lord's kingdom; and because they had a perception of the Lord's kingdom they had a perception of the celestial itself. From that ability to perceive there arose that which held a spiritual meaning, and from this that which was representative.


1. literally, the Lightning-Hurler or the Thunderbolt-Hurler. Generally Swedenborg retains the Hebrew Shaddai, usually translated the Almighty, regarding which see 1992 below; but here Swedenborg employs the Latin word fulminator.

2. i.e.. in Genesis 35:10-11

3. literally, all the days

4. i.e. the Church established among gentiles


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.