




1 И собралъ Моисей все общество сыновъ Израилевыхъ и сказалъ имъ: сіи суть слова, которыя Іегова заповјдалъ исполнять:

2 Шесть дней дјлайте дјла, а въ седьмой день да будетъ у васъ суббота покоя, посвященная Іеговј; всякъ, кто будетъ дјлать въ нее дјло, преданъ будетъ смерти.

3 Не зажигайте огня во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ въ день субботы.

4 И сказалъ Моисей всему обществу сыновъ Израилевыхъ, и говорилъ: сіе есть слово, которое Іегова повелјлъ сказать:

5 приносите отъ себя приношенія Іеговј, каждый, сколько угодно сердцу его, пусть принесетъ приношеніе Іеговј, золото и серебро и мјдь,

6 я прлжу яхонтоваго, и пурпуроваго, и червленаго цвјта, и виссонъ, и козью шерсть,

7 и кожи бараньи красныя, и кожи синія; и дерево акацію,

8 и елей для свјтильника, и благововія для елея помазанія, и ароматы для куренія,

9 и камень ониксъ, и камни вставные для ефода и наперсника.

10 И всј мудрые сердцемъ у васъ пусть прядутъ и дјлаютъ все, что повелјлъ Іегова:

11 скинію, и ея нижніе и верхніе покровы, крючки и брусья ея, шесты ея, столпы ея и подножія ея,

12 ковчегъ и шесты его, очистилище и завјсу для преграды,

13 столъ и шесты его, и всј сосуды его, и хлјбы предложенія,

14 и свјтильникъ для освјщенія съ принадлежностями его, и лампады его, и елей для свјтильника,

15 и жертвенникъ куренія и шесты его, и елей помазанія, и благовонное куреніе, и завјсу входную къ дверямъ скиніи,

16 жертвенникъ всесожженія, и рјшетку мјдную для него, и шесты его и всј принадлежности его, умывальницу и основаніе ея,

17 завјсы двора, столпы его и подножія его, и завјсу при входј во дворъ,

18 колья скиніи, и колья двора, и веревки ихъ,

19 одежды служебныя для служенія во святилищј, и священныя одежды Аарону священнику, и одежды сынамъ его для священнодјйствія.

20 И пошло все общество сыновъ Израилевыхъ отъ Моисея.

21 И приходили всј, которыхъ влекло къ тому сердце и расположенъ былъ духъ, и приносили приношенія Іеговј для устроенія скиніи собранія и всјхъ потребностей ея, и для священныхъ одеждъ.

22 И приходили мужья съ женами, и всј по расположенію сердца приносили кольца, и серьги, и перстни, и привјски, всякія золотыя вещи, каждый, кто только хотјлъ приносить золото Іеговј.

23 И каждый, у кого была пряжа яхонтоваго, и пурпуроваго, и червленаго цвјта, и виссонъ, и козья шерсть, и кожи бараньи красныя, и кожи синія, - приносилъ сіе.

24 Всякъ, кто хотјлъ приносить серебро или мјдь, приносилъ сіе въ даръ Іеговј; и каждый, у кого находилось дерево акація, приносилъ сіе на всякое дјло служенія.

25 Также всј женщины мудрыя сердцемъ пряли своими руками и приносили пряжу яхонтоваго, и пурпуроваго, и червленаго цвјта, и виссонъ.

26 И всј женщины, по влеченію своего сердца, пряли козью шерсть съ мудростію.

27 Начальники же приносили камень ониксъ, и камни вставные дла ефода и наперсника,

28 также благовонія и елей для свјтильника и для составленія елея помазанія, и для благовоннаго куренія.

29 Каждый мужчина и женщина изъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ, сколько угодно было ихъ сердцу принести на всякое дјло, которое Іегова чрезъ Моисея повелјлъ сдјлать, приносили добровольное приношеніе Іеговј.

30 И сказалъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ: смотрите, Іегова назначилъ именно Веселіила, сына Уріева, сына Хурова, изъ колјна Іудина,

31 и исполнилъ его Духомъ Божіимъ, мудростію, разумјніемъ, и всякимъ искусствомъ,

32 и умјньемъ изобрјтать, работать изъ золота, и серебра, и мјди,

33 и рјзать камни для вставливанія, и рјзать дерево для всякой художественной работы.

34 И способность учить другихъ вложилъ въ сердце его, и Аголіава, сына Ахисамахова, изъ колјна Данова.

35 Онъ исполнилъ сердце ихъ мудростію, чтобы умјли дјлать всякую работу, какую работаютъ кузнецы, и рјщики, и художники, испещряющіе яхонтовую, и пурпуровую, и червленую и виссонную ткань, также ткачи, словомъ, люди умјющіе дјлать всякую работу, и искусные въ вымыслахъ.




Arcana Coelestia#10725



10725. Exodus 35

1. And Moses gathered together all the assembly of the children of Israel, and said to them, These are the words which Jehovah has commanded, to do them.

2. Six days shall work be done, and the seventh day shall be a holy day for you, a sabbath of rest to Jehovah 1 ; everyone doing work on it shall die.

3. You shall not kindle a fire in any of your dwelling-places on the sabbath day.

4. And Moses spoke to all the assembly of the children of Israel, saying, This is the word which Jehovah commanded, saying,

5. Take from among you an offering to Jehovah. Everyone who is willing in heart shall bring Jehovah's offering: gold and silver and bronze,

6. And violet, and purple, and twice-dyed scarlet, and fine linen, and [wool of] she-goats,

7. And skins of red rams 2 , and skins of badgers, and pieces of shittim wood 3 ,

8. And oil for the light, and spices for the anointing oil, and for the incense of spices,

9. And shoham 4 stones, and stones of fillings 5 for the ephod and for the breastplate.

10. And let everyone wise in heart among you come and make all the things which Jehovah has commanded:

11. The dwelling-place, its tent, and its covering, its clasps, and its boards, its bars, its pillars, and its bases,

12. The ark and its poles, the mercy-seat, and the veil of the screen 6 ,

13. The table and its poles, and all its vessels, and the bread of the Presence 7 ,

14. And the lampstand for the light and its vessels, and its lamps, and the oil for the light,

15. And the altar of incense and its poles, and the anointing oil, and the incense of spices, and the screen of the door at the door of the dwelling-place,

16. The altar of burnt offering and the grating of bronze made for it, its poles, and all its vessels, the laver and its pedestal,

17. The hangings of the court, its pillars, and its bases, and the screen of the gate of the court,

18. The pins of the dwelling-place, and the pins of the court, and their ropes,

19. The garments of service for serving in the holy place, the holy garments 8 for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons for serving in the priestly office.

20. And all the assembly of the children of Israel went out from before Moses.

21. And they came, every man whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit was willing 9 ; they brought Jehovah's offering for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments 8 .

22. And they came, the men with the women, everyone willing in heart; they brought brooches, and earrings, and rings, and girdles, and all jewellery made of gold 10 ; and every man who waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah.

23. And every man with whom was found violet and purple and twice-dyed scarlet and fine linen and [wool of] she-goats and skins of red rams 2 and skins of badgers brought them.

24. And everyone bearing an offering of silver and bronze brought Jehovah's offering; and everyone with whom was found pieces of shittim wood 3 for any work of the service brought them.

25. And every woman wise at heart spun with her hands; and they brought the yarn, violet and purple, twice-dyed scarlet and fine linen.

26. And all the women whose hearts stirred them in wisdom spun [the yarn of] she-goats.

27. And the leaders brought shoham 4 stones and stones of fillings 5 for the ephod and for the breastplate,

28. And spices, and oil for the light and for the anointing oil and for the incense of spices.

29. Every man and woman whose hearts were willing to bring something for all the work which Jehovah had commanded through Moses to be done 11 [came]; the children of Israel brought a freewill offering to Jehovah.

30. And Moses said to the children of Israel, See, Jehovah has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, belonging to the tribe of Judah.

31. And He has filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in intelligence, and in knowledge, and in all [manner of] work 12 ,

32. To compose designs 13 , to work 14 in gold, and in silver, and in bronze,

33. And in the cutting of stones for filling 15 , and in the carving of wood to work 1 in all [manner of] work of the designer 16 .

34. And He has put [wisdom] into his heart in order that he - he and Aholiab the son of Ahisamach belonging to the tribe of Dan - may teach [others].

35. He has filled them with wisdom of heart to do every work of a craftsman, and of a designer, and of an embroiderer in violet and in purple and in twice-dyed scarlet and in fine linen, and of a weaver - of those doing every work, of those who compose designs 17 .


The internal sense of this chapter makes brief reference to every kind of goodness and truth which exists in the Church and in heaven, and from which worship of the Lord springs. These are the things that are meant by the materials which the children of Israel brought willingly to make the tabernacle and everything in it, also the altar of burnt offering, and the garments of Aaron and his sons as well.


1. literally, and on the seventh day there shall be holiness for you, a sabbath of sabbath for Jehovah

2. The Hebrew is usually taken to mean ram skins which have been dyed red.

3. i.e. wood from the shittah tree, generally thought to be a species of acacia. But see 9472.

4. A Hebrew word for a precious stone, probably an onyx

5. i.e. stones to be set in the ephod and the breastplate

6. i.e. the veil or curtain serving as a screen at the opening from the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies

7. literally, the bread of the faces

8. literally, garments of holiness

9. literally, whom his spirit moved of its own accord

10. literally, every vessel of gold

11. literally, whose heart moved them of its own accord to bring [something] for every work which Jehovah had commanded to do by the hand of Moses

12. i.e. in every kind of workmanship or craft

13. literally, to design designs

14. literally, make or do

15. i.e. stones which, having been cut, were to be set in the ephod and the breastplate

16. i.e. in every kind of workmanship or craft of a designer

17. literally, of those designing designs


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.