




1 Потомъ Іегова сказалъ Моисею: вытеши себј двј скрижали каменныя, подобныя прежнимъ; и напиши на сихъ скрижаляхъ слова, какія были на прежнихъ скрижаляхъ, которыя ты разбилъ.

2 Итакъ будь готовъ завтра; и взойди завтра на гору Синай и предстань Мнј тамъ на вершинј горы.

3 Но никто другой не долженъ восходить съ тобою; и даже никто не долженъ показываться на всей горј; даже скотъ, мелкій и крупный, не долженъ пастись близъ горы сей.

4 Моисей вытесалъ двј скрижали каменныя, подобныя прежнимъ, и, вставъ рано поутру, взошелъ на гору Синай, какъ повелјлъ ему Іегова; и взялъ въ руки свои двј скрижали каменныя.

5 И сошелъ Іегова въ облакј, и остановился тамъ близъ его, и провозгласилъ имя Іеговы.

6 И прошелъ Іегова предъ лицемъ его, и провозгласилъ: Іегова, Іегова! Богъ человјколюбивый и милосердый, медленный на гнјвъ, великій въ милости и истинј,

7 сохраняющій милостъ въ тысячи родовъ, прощающій беззаконіе и преступленіе и грјхъ, но не оставляющій безъ наказанія, наказывающій беззаконіе отцевъ въ сынахъ и въ сынахъ сыновъ, до третьяго и до четвертаго рода.

8 Моисей тотчасъ палъ на землю и поклонился,

9 и сказалъ: если я обрјлъ благоволеніе въ очахъ Твоихъ, Іегова, то да пойдетъ Іегова посреди насъ: ибо народъ сей жестоковыенъ; прости беззаконія наши и грјхи наши, и сдјлай насъ наслјдіемъ Твоимъ.

10 И былъ отвјтъ: се, Я заключаю завјтъ: предъ всјмъ народомъ твоимъ содјлаю чудеса, каковыхъ не было по всей землј, и ни у какихъ народовъ; и увидитъ весь народъ, среди коего ты находишься, дјло Іеговы; ибо страшно будетъ то, что Я сдјлаю для тебя.

11 Сохрани то, что повелјваю тебј нынј: вотъ Я изгоняю отъ лица твоего Аморреевъ, и Хананеевъ, и Хеттеевъ, и Ферезеевъ, и Хиввеевъ, и Іевусеевъ;

12 смотри, не вступай въ союзъ съ жителями той земли, въ которую ты войдешь; чтобъ они не сдјлались сјтію среди васъ.

13 Но жертвенники ихъ разрушьте, и столпы ихъ сокрушите, и священшля рощи ихъ вырубите.

14 Ибо не долженъ ты поклоняться богу иному, кромј Іеговы; имя Его ревнитель; Онъ Богъ ревнитель.

15 Не вступай въ союзъ съ жителями той земли, чтобы, когда они будутъ блудно ходить вслјдъ боговъ своихъ и будутъ приносить жертвы богамъ своимъ, не пригласили тебя, и ты не вкусилъ бы жертвы ихъ.

16 И не бери изъ дочерей ихъ женъ сынамъ своимъ; дабы дочери ихъ, блудно ходя во слјдъ боговъ своихъ, не ввели и сыновъ твоихъ въ блуженіе въ слјдъ боговъ своихъ.

17 Не дјлай себј боговъ литыхъ.

18 Праздникъ опрјсноковъ соблюдай, семь дней јшь прјсный хлјбъ, какъ Я повелјлъ тебј, въ назначенное время мјсяца Авива: поелику въ мјсяцј Авивј вышелъ ты изъ Египта.

19 Все разверзающее ложесна - Мнј: и изъ всего скота твоего, изъ воловъ и овецъ, первородное мужескаго пола.

20 Первородное изъ ословъ выкупи овцею, если же не выкупишь, то убей его. Всјхъ первенцевъ изъ сыновъ твоихъ выкупай. Пусть не являются предъ лице Мое съ пустыми руками.

21 Шесть дней работай, а въ седьмый день покойся; покойся и въ самое время посјва и жатвы.

22 И праздникъ седьмицъ совершай при началј жатвы пшеницы, и праздникъ собиранія плодовъ въ концј года.

23 Три раза въ году долженъ являться весь мужескій полъ предъ лице Господа Іеговы, Бога Израилева.

24 Ибо Я прогоню народы отъ лица твоего, и распространю предјлы твои, и никто не пожелаетъ земли твоей, когда будешь являться предъ лице Іеговы, Бога твоего, три раза въ году.

25 Не изливай крови жертвы Моей на квасное, и жертва праздника Пасхи не должна переночевать до утра.

26 Самые первые плоды земли твоей приноси въ домъ Іеговы, Бога твоего. Не вари козленка въ молокј матери его.

27 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: напиши себј слова сіи, поелику въ сихъ словахъ Я заключаю завјтъ съ тобою и съ Израилемъ.

28 И пробылъ тамъ Моисей съ Іеговою сорокъ дней и сорокъ ночей, хлјба не јлъ и воды не пилъ; и написалъ на скрижаляхъ слова завјта, десять словъ.

29 Когда сходилъ Моисей съ горы Синая, и двј скрижали откровенія были въ рукј у Моисея, при сошествіи его съ горы: тогда Моисей не зналъ, что лице его издавало лучи отъ того, что Богъ говорилъ съ нимъ.

30 И воззрјли Ааронъ и всј сыны Израилевы на Моисея; и се, лучи издаетъ лице его; и боялись подойти къ нему.

31 И призвалъ ихъ Моисей, и пришли къ нему Ааронъ и всј начальники общества, и разговаривалъ Моисей съ ними.

32 Послј сего приближилисъ всј сыны Израилевы, и онъ заповјдалъ имъ все, что говорилъ ему Іегова на горј Синај.

33 По окончаніи же разговора съ ними, Моисей положилъ на лице свое покрывало.

34 Когда же приходилъ Моисей предъ лице Іеговы, чтобы говорить съ Нимъ, тогда снималъ покрывало, доколј не отходилъ отъ Него. Отходя же пересказывалъ сынамъ Израилевымъ все, что заповјдано было.

35 Поелику же сыны Израилевы видјли, что лице Моисея издаетъ лучи, то Моисей опять полагалъ покрывало на лице свое, пока не нужно было идти говорить съ Нимъ.




Arcana Coelestia#666



666. 'A covenant' means nothing other than regeneration and the things that constitute regeneration. This becomes clear from many places in the Word where the Lord Himself is called 'the Covenant', for it is He alone who regenerates, to whom a regenerated person looks, and who is the All in all of love and faith. That the Lord is the Covenant itself is clear in Isaiah,

I Jehovah have called You in righteousness, taking You by the hand and keeping You, and I will give You for a Covenant of the people, a light of the nations. Isaiah 42:6.

Here 'a Covenant' stands for the Lord, and 'the light of the nations' is faith. Similarly in Isaiah 49:6, 8. In Malachi,

Behold, I am sending My angel, and suddenly there will come to His temple the Lord whom you are seeking, and the Angel of the Covenant in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming. Who will endure the day of His coming? Malachi 3:1-2.

Here the Lord is called 'the Angel of the Covenant'. In Exodus 31:16 the Sabbath is called an eternal covenant because it means the Lord Himself. It also means the celestial man who has been regenerated by Him.

[2] The Lord being the Covenant itself, it is clear that what constitutes the covenant is everything that joins a person to the Lord, that is to say, love and faith and the things that belong to love and faith. In fact these are the Lord's and the Lord is within them, and so the Covenant itself exists within these, where they are received. These things do not exist except with someone who has been regenerated, with whom anything at all that is the Regenerator's, or the Lord's, constitutes the covenant, or is the covenant. As in Isaiah,

My mercy will not depart from you, and the covenant of My peace will not be removed. Isaiah 54:10.

Here 'mercy and covenant of peace' means the Lord and things that are the Lord's. In the same prophet,

Incline your ear and come to Me; hear, that your soul may live, and I will make with you an eternal covenant, even the sure mercies of David. Lo, I have given Him as a witness to the peoples, a leader and lawgiver to the peoples. Isaiah 55:3-4.

Here 'David' stands for the Lord. 'The eternal covenant' exists in and acts through those qualities that are the Lord's, which are meant by 'coming to Him' and 'hearing so that your soul may live'.

[3] In Jeremiah,

I will give them one heart and one way, to fear Me all their days, for their own good and that of their sons after them. I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them, and I will put My fear into their heart. Jeremiah 31:39, 40.

This stands for those who are to be regenerated, and also for those things with someone regenerate which are 'one heart and one way', namely charity and faith, which belong to the Lord and so to the covenant. In the same prophet,

Behold, the days are coming, said Jehovah, when I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers, for they rendered My covenant invalid. But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days: I will put My law in the midst of them, and will write it on their heart, and I will be their God, and they will be My people. Jeremiah 31:31-33.

This is an explicit statement of what constitutes the covenant - love and faith in the Lord, which will be present with him who is to be regenerated.

[4] In the same prophet love is called the covenant far the day, and faith the covenant for the night, Jeremiah 33:20. In Ezekiel,

I Jehovah will be their God, and my servant David will be prince in the midst of them; and I will make with them a covenant of peace, and I will banish the evil wild animal from the land, and they will dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods. Ezekiel 34:24-25.

This clearly refers to regeneration. 'David' stands for the Lord. In the same prophet,

David will be their prince for ever. I will make with them a covenant of peace, it will be an eternal covenant with them. I will set My sanctuary in their midst for evermore. Ezekiel 37:25-26.

This similarly refers to regeneration. 'David' and 'the sanctuary' stand for the Lord. In the same prophet,

I entered into a covenant with you, and you were Mine. And I washed you with water and washed away your blood from upon you, and anointed you with oil. Ezekiel 16:8-9, 11.

This clearly stands for regeneration. In Hosea,

I will make for them a covenant on that day, with the wild animals of the field, and with the birds of the air, 1 and with the creeping things of the earth. Hosea 2:18.

This stands for regeneration. 'Wild animals of the field' stands for things of the will, 'birds of the air' 1 for those of the understanding. In David,

He sent redemption to His people, He commanded His covenant for ever. Psalms 111:9.

This stands for regeneration. This is called 'a covenant' because it is something given and received.

[5] People however who have not been regenerated - or what amounts to the same, who focus worship on things that are external and who set up and worship as gods both themselves and everything they desire and think - are referred to, because they separate themselves from the Lord, as 'rendering the covenant invalid', as in Jeremiah,

They forsook the covenant of Jehovah their God, and bowed down to other gods and served them. Jeremiah 22:9.

In Moses,

He who transgressed the covenant by serving other gods, the sun, the moon, and the host of heaven, was to be stoned. Deuteronomy 17:2 and following verses.

'The sun' stands for self-love, 'the moon' for false assumptions, 'the host of heaven' for falsities themselves. From this it is now clear what 'the Ark of the covenant' is, containing the testimony or covenant, namely the Lord Himself; what 'the Book of the covenant' is, namely the Lord Himself, Exodus 24:4-7, 34:27; Deuteronomy 4:13, 23; what 'the Blood of the covenant' is, namely the Lord Himself, Exodus 24:6, 8; who alone is the Regenerator. Hence 'a covenant' is regeneration itself.


1. literally, bird of the heavens (or the skies)


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.